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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Join The Flumeride

12 replies

I finally got my copy! But I was a bit disappointed to see that there weren’t any subtitles during the Swedish songs... are there translations out there?

Do you want a copy for yourself but havent gotten hold of any? Check this thread out:

There are only 500 copies made and when i spoke
with Tobias (the director) mid last week there where already more than 300 sold....

//Micael of pop25

The white screen menu bug on this DVD happens in all the DVD players I have tried it in. Including my PS/2 and a couple of Sony and Philips DVD players I have around the house. It is a very buggy DVD unfortunately.

The DVD is amazing, one of the few things I could really watch endlessly and always laughing my head off...The bug, yeah, annoying, but well shit happens...

my question is: has anyone managed to play ANY songs from the music menu? I don’t mean those extras but the actual songs used during the film like Köp en polo, Russian girl Billigt etc. Before the white screeen appears you can see the list of the songs but unfortunately I cannot browse through them :(

I tried many key combinations and played all possible tracks and chapters but to no avail. So I really wonder ARE the songs included on the DVD itself or is it yet another bugged menu screen?If so, then it is a tremendous shame as the songs are art :)

lol the roxette ballad and po[p hits didnt have a white screen bug! lol and u guys slammed that dvd lol

Yes the songs are there, but that meny is only a shortcut to where the songs are in the actual movie.

can someone tell me which songs were on the DVD? I have the DVD but I have not a clue what Swedish songs they’re trying to parody :(. Please tell me thank you!

Hey, the DVD is great! you must see it (!!)... it tells you a story about GT-Per-Marie-Roxette in a funny way.
I met the director outside the Halmstad’s concert...
You can find the dvd in many places in Halmstad, and also in Stockolm.

The pop25 exhibition is great, you can find almost everything about Per, GT and Marie. Great job!
You can also buy some really cheap rare recordings there. Some of us bought there the “Join The Flumeride” dvd.

Leif torero! ole! :P

Unfortunately, I don’t have DVD “JOIN THE FLUMERIDE”...

I have a friend who is in Halmstad now she has got it for me... ;)

the new part about “margarin” tour was very interesting for me either .BIG THANKS!!

How funny is this DVD, I split my sides laughing.... love Per’s part, he looks so hard! ;)

In the “Margarin” spin off I was sat there thinking is that “MP”, god he looks like “MP”... only of course it was the real “MP”!

And the Marie, that gap in the teeth... lol ;)

Or the German fan club members. They were wonderful and everything, and I thought it was so funny and everything...


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