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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Album released in Norway

43 replies

The new GT album where released in Norway yesterday. It looks like we beat the Swedes by 2 days :-)

Shut up or we’ll annect you guys again! :D

LOL... now now guys ;)

Well Thomas, if that what it takes to get a GT concert in Oslo, I’m up for it :-)

@ketil: hihi, don’t say this too loud at home... =D

Two thumbs up!

It seem Hong Kong despatched it on Monday also... CDWOW to be exact..

Mine is, of course, NOT shipped... As always.

Neither’s Manda’s... mine is showing as green, and a friend in Germany who ordered from there on Saturday is showing as Green also....

I don’t see how, when the e-mail I got from them, they don’t have it at all yet!?
Hmm, maybe they had two copies, and you got lucky!

i gotta wait til thursday *refuses to download*


CDWOW mailed me... they’ll send it the 14th... grrrrrr!!!

Mine too. :( But CDON came thru at least.

Ah well, i’m not gonna spit my dummy out! Was only £7.99 after all. *Gaffaws*

Ketil, can you have a nose in the booklet, see if it says who the woman is. Please and thank you! :D

@tevensso, I’m just curious, don’t you live in Sweden? why did you order the cd from cdwow?

We all like a bargain. ;) And CDwow is that.
Although we’ve all gotta wait until 14th. Bleh. :(

That’s right, but I don’t know if I would be that patient if I had the cd in a shop round the corner :)

The ride from the musicstore back to home, having a new GT/ROX/PG/MF CD in my hand is one of the best feelings there is :P

Is it any cheaper in Norway? I remember once buying Swedish CD at a CD store in Trondheim because they were so cheap... :p

So why the hell is mind showing as despatched... bollocks I am emailing them see what they say about this...

Helga’s is showing as the same...

emailed them.... also just ordered from CDON... bit of luck it will arrive sooner!!!

“The ride from the musicstore back to home, having a new GT/ROX/PG/MF CD in my hand is one of the best feelings there is :P” Absolutely! And one of the most dangerous advantures as well:-) I’m always a bit worried about the other peoples lives as well as my bank account and my driver’s lisence in case the police is around :0)

Like DSR says, record stores in Sweden are IMMENSLY expensive... I’d say that the difference between a regular store here and CD-Wow is more than €9...

I got a reply.. now I am mighty pissed off...

CDWOW email response:

Thank you for contacting our customer services department regarding the despatching of your item.

My sincere apologies but we have incurred an error on our system and on some orders placed it is showing as being despatched when there has been a delay with the shipment of this particular CD from our suppliers.

We have been informed by them that the item should be shipped out on the 14th June.

Once again, I am sorry for the inconvenience caused to you and thank you very much for your patience. I have amended your account to show there is now a delay.

I take note that you are a regular shopper with our online store and because of the upset this has caused I will refund the £8.99 paid back to your credit card with immediate effect as compensation for our error. The item ordered will be despatched to you as soon as we receive it from our suppliers as normal. Keep checking your online account for confirmation of this.

Your patience is really appreciated over this matter. If you require any further assistance at this time then please do not hesitate to get back in touch with me.

Kind regards


But I get my £8.99 back for there balls up! and also a free CD!!! YEAH!!!

The price for a new CD in Norway are around NOK 160 (EUR 20).

@denstendiga..:see my answer in the “FFF-doubt” tread

@annorlunda: you are right - I shouldn’t say this loud :-)

Ally.. pissed off why???? You’re getting a free CD!

Wish mine said despatched, cause I shouldn’t have bought it really... would’ve blagged free CD myself. *Tuts*

Cheers Ketil. :)

Agreed... you’re a lucky duck, ally!

Was pissed off as got the impression some people did not quite belive it was showing as despatched!!!

Got another email also saying refunded my account, and was sending a discount voucher out with the CD!!

So guess I win in the end! not bad!! ;)

Got Helga to email them now, see if she can wangle the same out of them!!

I believed it... I just didn’t believe that they would have sent it. I knew they had pooped up somewhere.

Yup, I would think they would.

She’s emailed them anyway...

Great to know “Finn en fel” is being sold at CD WoW too!! I usually buy from Skivhugget (and they´re excellent) but the shipping to where I live is too much expensive!! Thanks for the tip ;)))

Great... order has been delayed at CD WOW again. Perfect.

Anyone would think the enigmatic Gods of Music actually want me to download the album...

i got mine from CDON on Friday (Thursday was bankholiday here).. *nanana*

@zargo: my cdwow-cd has been posted the day before yesterday... ?!

Anyone know if it’s charted yet?

It will enter at #1 in Sweden this Friday.

My CDWOW order done and dusted. I’ve had it a couple days now... hmm... wonder why some have delays. *scratcheshead, tries to look as though deep in though*

I ain’t got mine yet from CDWOW!! ahhhhhhh damn!! friggin typical.. do you dare me to complain again!!

Did get my orders from CDON though on Saturday!!

:S how many FFF do you people order??

I ordered two copies... the first cock up from CDWOW, then when they told me it was delayed till 14th I ordered from CDON... but I also got a refund from CDWOW for there error, so I only paid for one!

However I also am buying one in Sweden!!

:S for any special reason?

Well, you lucky people...

’The arrival of stock from our supplier has been further delayed. The
advised shipping date for this title is now the 16/6/2004.’

At least it’s only a little bit more of a delay...
It’ll make it all the sweeter when I actually throw it in the CD player, I guess.

I won’t be buying half a dozen copies though...
What a waste of money.
I don’t have any rox related CD more then once, even though my ’look sharp’ booklet is buggered.


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