Just wondering.....
ally77 said on May 30, 2004 16:36:
But why are the new GT singles still for download on ROXBYTES...
“The downloads you find here in this section contain material that have either not yet been released or their distribution has been cancelled by the record company. In case something here gets released (or re-released) in the furute, it will be immediately removed.
In case you know an established point of sale where these products can be purchased in original and mint condition, please let us know! (Don’t suggest eBay or other auctions or trading sites. We mean retailers.)”
Well known that they can be bought in shops in Sweden now... :)
colinvdbel (moderator) said on May 30, 2004 19:47:
Well, I think it’s just a mistake. A maintance eroor or something. I trust Roxbytes will delete the mp3’s shortly, since the single is now available in the shops.
AntiMario said on May 30, 2004 19:41:
Maybe you should never trust roxbytes’ promises? ;)