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Give me a reason

25 replies

“it’s always the same.. we don’t seem to manage to have conversations without *bashing*, americans this, muslims that.. so as long as we can’t have kind of educated conversations”

Judith... you’re educated and well read; I believe that these conversations are vital... TDR is creating a platform for users of various belief structures to interact (to even *bash* opposing ideals), but at the end of the day proves informative. I believe that in archiving topics one only supress anger which will flow over in other topics (which is very evident currently). I don’t see *bashing* ideals as ’bad’ - it’s healthy to challenge - but users should stay clear from personal attacks and remember that we all have the right to believe whatever we choose. Keeping ’hot’ topics open would allow these dialogues to play themselves out... proving way more valueble.

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I agreed with 100% of your views Lawyor. Unfortunitly, there is an American moderator here who feels that no one outside America can have a view on any of the disgusting things that were going on in Iraq because of the American troops! He deleted my ’Small-talker’ account simply because I had an opinion and I wouldn’t be shut up!

And did you read the first reply on your ’Oh it’s strange... oh so strange’ topic? I don’t know his name, but he said ’I don’t know many prisoners that were put in jail for being innocent’. What stupidity! Would American prison officers get away with performing such sickening acts, if they were in America? i don’t think so! But seeing as there half a world away, they ARE getting away with it!

I still fail to see what this war was about (well, I think we all know what it was about - OIL!!). They said they were raging this war because of Weapons Of Mass Destruction - where are they? Oh yes, they’re all being used by the America forces! They said they were getting rid of torture - and look what they’re doing!

If the moderators had ANY sense, they would not delete this topic! This is a very big issue in the world (and in all our lives and minds... and the majority of people in the world, with the exception of the Americans, feel strong-heartedly about). This needs to be discused, URGENTLY!

And you can read some of my views in the ’Poetry’ topic. Read under the name ’Small-talker’ - that’s me! Well it was before they decided to deleted MY account.

Would any moderator care to explain why I was banned, but the AMERICAN “Kwelis girl” is still roaming around! She was the one who started that debate! Do you seriously think I would start on such a sensitive topic like the War in Iraq without being prompted to first! Yea... and I’m the one being punished! What was that I just said about ’favouritism’? It’s just one step away from being racist!

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You where banned... oh dear.. for voicing an OPINION??? :(

Lawyer & Load Talker; let us not forget that the poor Americans are bombarded on a daily basis with multi bilion corparations spoonfeeding them the ideology that their country can’t put any foot wrong and that their lifestyles are the one that desired worldwide.

*edit; was origninally posted before my nicotine fix - but no regrets!!*

shouldn’t this be addressed in a private email to the moderators?!

the rest of us didn’t have a hand in banning either of u, why should we rehash this here *again* ?!

it’s always the same.. we don’t seem to manage to have conversations without *bashing*, americans this, muslims that.. so as long as we can’t have kind of educated conversations (and I am not pointing to *anybody* in particular - I’m talking in *general*) - they will continue being closed... as many have been in the past.

As per banning users: you could surely mail TDR and ask before making (incorrect) assumptions about “the American” aka Lars-Erik Olson. And who knows, maybe you aren’t the only one ;)

“but users should stay clear from personal attacks and remember that we all have the right to believe whatever we choose.”

I do like to have discussions about politics, I also like to read different media and get informed, get different points of views, etc ... but we don’t seem to manage that in a “constructive” way...

Unfortunately, the biggest problem - my opinion - is related to what you stated above: personal attacks ARE there. Starting with “you are stupid” and going to worse and one of the subjects/topics that leads to such flames is the US-Iraq-terrorists subject...

It was ME that said about the innocent people and jail. Cause I DON’T! They must have done SOMETHING to be put there. I never claimed to know anything on iraq. I was saying I don’t.
I HAVE OPINION ALSO. Don’t critise me for having one.
AND I AM NOT AMERICAN, in case anyone thinks that.

dsr... i don’t understand what u are on about, sweeti! who refered to your posts?

Small-talker was banned due to repeated use of his poorly developed sense of “humor”.

’poorly developed sense of “humor”’... LoL Thomas, ur such a comedian!

I’d like to see some specific examples of my ’poor taste in humour’. I’ve never claimed to be funny, and all my replies based on such a topic as the war in Iraq have been DEADLY serious! As far as I’m concerned, I have never intentionally slated the US peoples without someone like Coyboy or Kwelis Girl SCREAMING at me about how great they all are! Coyboy basically said in one topic (can’t remember the name) that ’we’re the US, and we can do whatever the hell we want to you, and you can’t so anything about it’. How on earth would you expect me to react to such a comment? Send him an e-mail of some pictures of Roses?! I’ve never intentionally made assumptions about the American people, except with regard to their choice of a president!

And, if Lars Olaf is reading this - he can expect a very long, very distressed e-mail from me! How come Coyboyusa’s still around?!!! I’ve never read comments which contained such arrogance and egotism!

His name is Lars-Erik, and does “According to Roxlight in the Internation Forum:” ring a bell? That was the final straw, so to speak. Do I have to add that that “joke” was as funny as sticking your hand in a meatgrinder.
What is this obsession about the US, by the way?? You have not been banned for that... I’ll leave the rest to Lars-Erik to clear up.

“What is this obsession about the US, by the way?? “

yeah... it’s kinda getting outa hand, and yes I’m guilty to an extend. Will try & have a smoke before attempting to tackle any ’arrogant yanks’ (no to be taken personal).

PS. did I miss the crude joke? Such a pitty - always took a fancy to those!

Well what does ’el suicidio de Marie’ mean anyway?

And, by the way, Tevennso! I made up that topic AT LEAST 2 WEEKS BEFORE I was banned from TDR! How do you explain that?

if you have no clue what you are talking about better stay silent. The argentinian guys were talking about ANYONE VIDEO!!!

Gary: So?

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I don’t read this very often... and now I know why.

Lawyer: “Poor Iraqis”????? I don’t agree with what happened over there... but I’ll bet Pesos to Yen that there’s a few individuals in there that are ANYTHING BUT victims. Stop and think of the innocent women and children OF THEIR OWN COUNTRY they have killed by using them as weapons against the US / Allied Coalition.

You’d prefer it if these people were your family members that they used for a walking bomb?

It’s getting more comical in this section of TDR that the other sections this past couple of days... I head here first!!!

It’s getting more comical in this section of TDR that the other sections this past couple of days... I head here first!!!


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