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The worst rox song ever released on an album

99 replies

Here are my most unliked roxette songs:

1. How do you do

2.You can’t put your arms around what’s allready gone:
“I saw read stay at home...”with Per’s neanderthaler voice sounds as worse as Dieter Bohlen.
what i like in this song are the ba ba ba beatles/beach boys like voices and the synthesizer sounds!

3.Small talk


You don’t understand me

not the worst. but kinda boring to me.

Psyhical Fascination
7 Twenty Seven
You Can’t Put Your Arms...

Little Girl
View From a Hill
Waiting For the Rain

Shadow Of A Doubt
Physical Fascination
The Heart Shaped Sea
Make My Head Go Pop

it takes you no time to get here
you can’t put your arms around what’s already gone
staring at the ground
(physical fascination)

Those I think are boring. They give me nothing.

view from a hill


Soul Deep



turn to me
view from a hill
soul deep
place your love
the first girl on the moon


Soul Deep ??!!!??!?
One of my favorits...

I’d say:View from a hill

Little Girl
I Was So Lucky

-from one heart to another
-soul deep (joyride, but i love the tom lord alge remix version)
-cinnamon street (tourism, though i love super mario´s version)
-place your love
-she doesn´t live here anymore
-BALADAS EN ESPAÑOL (yea, the whole album)
from HAND:
*you can´t ...
*waiting for the rain
*staring at the ground
-from RS:
*real sugar
*bringing me down to my knees
-little miss sorrow

as you see, there are lots of songs that, in my opinion, should have never been released. some of them, such as real sugar, m&t&h and she doesn´t... souldn´t even been released as singles. but what can i do? i usually skip those songs, or i listen to the remix versions, if there are any. as an example, i love m&t&h´s active dance remix.

Isn’t this another “What’s your least favorite Rox song” thread?

lol! you’re absolutly right :D

I don’t think so because these songs are not considered as favorites by people who wrote...

my list:
soul deep (only the POP version)
view from a hill
shadow of a doubt
love is all
do you wanna go the whole way
seduce me

I noticed that soul deep is the most voted song as “worst roxette song”... am I wrong?

–> Soul Deep
–> Make my head go pop (ugly sound)

soul deep
make my head go pop

Soul deep

“Vulnerable” (only because “Happy Together” is disqualified).

I like “Soul Deep”! Especially the Tom Lord-Alge Mix and the version from the “Join the Joyride” tour.

Sould deep
View from a hill
Make my head go pop
7twenty7 (Demoversion is great, but not the album version)

until now, the numbers speak by themselves

1.Soul deep: 10 votes
2.View from a hill: 5 votes
3.Make my head go pop: 4 votes
4.Vulnerable: 3 votes
5.Cry: 3 votes

and so...

no... you counted wrong... ;-) made a list with all mentioned songs and it looks like this:

9 votes:
soul deep

6 votes:
view from a hill

4 votes:
you can’t put your arms...
make my head go pop

3 votes:
physical fascination

Love is all
pay the price
The Heart Shaped sea

Pearls Of Passion: From One Heart To Another
Look Sharp!: View From A Hill
Joyride: Physical Fascination
Tourism: The Heart Shaped Sea
Crash! Boom! Bang!: Go To Sleep
Have A Nice Day: Stars
Room Service: Try (Just A Little Bit Harder)

many people - many opinions

I seem to like most ’worst-songs’. Guess there’s few of you to swap my selfmade compilations with! ;-D

little girl and make my head go pop!!!

’Waiting For The Rain’... wouldn’t say I don’t like it, it’s just one I wouldn’t miss.

I could go on. But brain not in gear tonight! ;)

Cry - its such hard work to listen to so i don’t bother! Make my head go pop and Place your love too!

makemy just embarrasing

there are many others, I cant think

Mostly they derive from HAND and RS

Such things are inexcuseable from artists with so much experience. Hence I don’t own either.

1 View From A Hill
2 She Doesent Live Here Anymore
3 Little Miss Sorrow

cry?stars?are you crazy? I think you don´t know much about good music, but I´m very agree with Tavo,yes the worst album in roxette´s history is baladas en español (and I speak spanish).I remember when I heard marie singing “qué hora es bievenida la...”and I says that sounds like marie, but I never buy the album.
the worst song for me?maybe “how do you do”.
And the best rox song? too many,so far away, cry,things will never be the same, church of your heart, watercolours in the rain, silver blue, the rain, c!b!b!, run to you... and more. kisses for all.

@ me_gusta_el_bife

> are you crazy? I think you don´t know much about good music

–> why can’t you show a little respect for other’s opinions? I like “cry”, too, but I do not think that people who don’t share my way of thinking are crazy or some kind of stupid... That’s no nice way of treating a human beeing... RESPECT. Please...

Goodbye to you

From each album a song that could’ve rested:
POP: Goodbye to you
LS: No such song
J: No such song
T: No such song
CBB: No such song
HAND: No such song
RS: Make my head go pop, Jefferson

please annorlunda don´get angry with me,i don´t say crazy in that way, i say crazy in the way of strange or strange for me that so many fans are nominating so many and differents songs in the wort rox song. it was ann adjetive problem how should i explain you.

fine... *edit* same message came twice... =S

I wasn’t angry... I only think it’s sad if people show a lack of respect for other’s opinions...

but now that you’ve explained yourself it’s ok!! I’m glad you didn’t meant it the way I understood it!! =)

In my opinion Soul Deep is a song that is not so good

i don´t think you are stupid, no, but i think i know very much about music, more than you think.please let me know if i dont use the correct words,it wasn´t a big problem for me, i hope you understand me. please, sorry!!
cani giv you another ideas for the best rox song,form one heart to another,7twenty7,fingertips, the first girl on the moon, don´t you ever heard the 23 maries in “the rain “?
one question please, any of you have the new dvd mazarin or the new per´s singles? how s it?do you like it?
i love th new version of viskar!!!

So, annorlunda, friends again?

its strange but many people told me the same about that song, maybe is maledict it

I have never been angry... no problem!!

hm... even knowing much about music doesn’t mean that you’re opinion is the only right one... I think there are many people here who know much about music (I did not take the “stupid”-thing as an attac on me - I like the songs you mentioned... I only felt you wanted to call others stupid - but ok, I understood, you did not... =)) - I know a little, too - music is my life!!

but this “good or bad song”-thing depends first of all on everyones TASTE... I only wanted to say that tastes are different... And it’s good this way!!

don’t get me wrong... I’m not mad at you!! =)

and yes, I love the new version of “viskar”!!! “mannen med gitarr” also...

Fine! I´m happy,I ´m new here and you are my first friend in the forum. what’s your name?where are you from? since when do you like rox?
I m very, very far from sweden but i always find the way to got many material about roxette, is a BIG problem here,a really big, big problem.

@me_gusta_el_bife , I don’t know if you already know it, since you are new... try and and you‘ll find many things a roxettefan needs (sometimes) ;-)

As far as the worst roxettesongs are concerned, it’s a matter of taste, no matter how much you know about music. Most people don’t know now much about it make their decision, and I think that’s ok cause not only experts can judge what good is or not. All of us love Roxette and that’s what counts in the end ;-)

Psyhical Fascination
7 Twenty Seven
You Can’t Put Your Arms...
Notime to get there

@ roxfever: that’s just what I was trying to say... ;-)

@me_gusta_el_bife: Anja/Germany/1991. =)
just click on peoples nicknames and you will see where they are from... ok, not everyone tells you, but the most... =)

There are some songs that I skip every now and then. Those are: view from a hill, cry, watercolours in the rain, the heart shaped sea (sounds better live though), place your love, cooper, little girl (better live), bringing me down to my knees and try [just a little bit harder]. If I really have to pcik one than it is View from a hill, most of the time I skip this one. I like the lyrics, but not the arrangement.

I’ve counted again: =)

10 votes:
soul deep

9 votes:
view from a hill

8 votes:
make my head go pop

5 votes:
you can’t put your arms...
physical fascination

4 votes:
place your love
the heart shaped sea

3 votes:
little girl
waiting for the rain

That are enough songs to make another compilation...a ’worst of’ album compiled by fans :-)

hahaha, you’re right!! =)

thank you roxfever for the information,but my problem is more big than you think. how can i tell you? if i want to buy anything, the things never come and i have to wait very much, and if i want to buy by internet is the same or worst cos the things never comes very difficoult for me and the rest of the fans who lives here cos everything is very very expensive and there is no records store who want to bring rare material about roxette becouse they think are very dificoult for the sale. is not fare, we´re exists too!

any of you are going to visit sweden for the new show of gt?

- Soul Deep
- Little Girl
- Watercolours In The Rain
- Try
- Cry
- Go To Sleep
- Beautiful Things

@me_gusta_el_bife, I’m sorry you are from a country where it is dufficult to buy Roxetterelated things, but the links I posted take you to sites that don’t want any money from and from which you don’t have to buy the songs. You can download almost everything there and its for free! They are made by fans (THANK YOU!!) for fans ;-)

yes, i know about those pages, thank you very much roxfever you are very affable. but it´s feel so grate to have a new rox´s record for my collection!. i wll like to have all the mp3 in cd´s, like the all times, a few years ago, everything was more easily. was very nice! but know there is only a few fans,a few old singles, no songs on the radio, i don´t know what´s happend, emi from here never is interesting in roxette, the last show live was in 1995, i don´t know maybe per and marie are not interesting in us, but it doesn’t matter cos i know per and marie are workin a lot.

Definitvely: You can’t put your arms around what’s already gone... the worst song ever. There was no worse song than that... this baba baba in this song, I hate it... and this stupid sound... horribly...

....”physical fascination”just to say one, but I HATED THIS TOPIC!!!

I can‘t understand, why you as roxette fan can wirite so many songs which you don‘t like.
Many of you on the first side of the topic have so many songs you don‘t like. So great songs like Love is all( best rox song ever perhaps) or I was so lucky or or or.Do you really like roxette?

I don‘t like “Soul Deep” this is the only song where I switch the next song.



:After time and thought I came to the conclusion that Soul Deep is in fact a “Classic” Roxette song I like the music video intro better I think they should have added that on
the CD:

soul deep is a bad song because it commits the cardinal sin of having someone scream aimlessly over the top of the chorus once the song writer has run out of ideas (on the joyride version anyway).

I rather like Soul Deep (Joyride).

POSITIVELY a What’s Your Least Favorite Song thread—even with the album-only parameter—but since everyone is repeating themselves, I’ll be a lemming too.


Make My Head Go Pop—God-awful train wreck with some rather dubious lyrics (Feed the ducks with a bun? Nothing better to rhyme there?). Music starts out okay, then just crashes into a church with that totally misplaced liturgical harmony bridge.

Cinnamon Street—has some of the WORST lyrics EVER—although the alternate Marie-lead vocal is more palatable, it’s still terrible.

Little Girl—Marie sounds sooooo whiney and strained. Bad, bad, bad vocal on that one.

Look Sharp: View From A Hill
Joyride: Small-talk
Tourism: Silver Blue (liked it when I was younger... hate it now)
Crash! Boom! Bang!: This is the hardest one so far... probably Place Your Love... but I still like that song!
Have A Nice Day: Salvation
Room Service: Try AND Make My Head Go Pop - that should’ve been an 11-track album (with Entering Your Heart as the last track!)

A me_gusta_el_bife, bueno también no me gusta baladas en español, es un poco estúpido, pero lo tengo. Pero no fueron la culpa de Roxette, fue la culpa de EMI, pagaron por Luis el estúpido que no sabía como traducir una cancion. Oye, te gusta Luca en español o no? Me gusta porque parece muy similar a la versión inglesa.

I don’t like baladas en español because EMI payed a Luis the stupid to translate the songs and his translations were terrible.

Pears of passion: Soul Deep, Joy of a toy
Look Sharp!: View from a hill
Joyride: Soul Deep
Tourism: none
Crash Boom Bang: Go to sleep
Have a nice Day: Staring at the ground, Beautiful things
Room Service: Make my head go pop

i was me gusta el bife before but i change that name becouse was extensive

yes i now per and marie are not responsables about the translate in baladas but they must check what kind of thing are doing with the songs. dont you think?. the guy is a fool, how can you translate “fading like a flower” in ” soy una mujer ” ( “i’m a woman “), that is the worst, i think... and for you?
i dont know why but rox allways do things like that, allways put in other hands very important things like that or the albums promotion, the designe in the covers the sound in the songs( the record in HAND is not very good becouse they change the enginer sound, dont forget).
maybe per and marie are not working very much in roxette(in this moment) becouse per is working with gt and marie on her solo album, and of course they can not do all the job alone.

who’s luca?

a roxcyn: quien es luca? acaso de luca prodan?. aclaramelo.

ya se que per y marie no tienen la culpa pero podrian haberse preocupado un poco, en saber que era lo que decian...y de paso haberse sacado fotos nuevas para la tapa... y que per no hubiera cantado “Ella es timida” que suena como el topo giggio.

The worst?

It must have been love (it’s not a bad song but I’m sick of it...)

I respect everybody’s opinion but I just don’t get it how come so many of yous do not like View From A Hill, for me it’s the funkiest Rox song ever. The bass is so different and groovy. Also Physical Fascination, when I play it to people never heard it before and when I tell’em that’s Roxette the answer is: Oh, really?!? In a good way they are surprised Gessle did that:)

Love Is All ( Oh so long) But I like it till the 3d minute:)

Rox On!

Soul Deep
Joy of a toy
The heart shaped sea
Bringing me down to my knees
Place your love

Just not my favorites...

@IV Rox: yes, Physical Fascination is really cool! One of my favourites.

Yeah, cool is the word and the good thing is that it’s not dusty at all nowadays, I guess:)

Rox On!

There’s no such thing as the worst rox song!

Thanx to everybody who voted. I never thought there would ever be sooooo many answers to a discussion i startet.
I also never expected to start a discussion like “how bad are luis g. escolar’s spanish lyrics”.

My point of view is that the most impotant fact during recording “Balladas en ...” was that the words rhyme and not to translate these songs 1 to 1 into spanish! It seems to be obvious that “Quanto lo siento” does not mean “I dont want to get hurt”, but it is a wonderfull song!(at least for me and some other million people who bought B.e.E.).

:) :) :)


new counting... =)

16 votes:
soul deep

11 votes:
make my head go pop
view from a hill

6 votes:
physical fascination
you cant put your arms...

5 votes:
little girl
place your love
the heart shaped sea

4 votes

3 votes
baladas - whole album
bringing me down to...
go to sleep
love is all
staring at the ground
waiting for the rain

Beautiful things. It just seems that it could have been much a stronger ballad then what it was andi have to say it but i absolutly hate vunurable. I skip it everytime, why was it ever released.

I have to say that some of you really don‘t have a good music taste...

blunek: i agree with you! You know that something is going terribly, terribly wrong when Shadow Of A Doubt or Small Talk aren’t included! Is there ANYONE who liked those songs?


I just want to say that this discussion goes to nowhere. Everybody has its own music taste and likes other kinds of melodies. :0) There is only one thruth - ROXETTE IS THE BEST!!!!!!!

blunek: Couldn’t agree more: Roxette is the best)

(Although I’d like to give my opinion here too)

- Voices
- The Heart Shaped Sea
- Anyone
- Try

I never heard a Roxette song I didn’t like!!! Maybe some of the lyrics are questionable but English is their second language! Anyway, if you guys were real fans you’d like ’em all too!!!!

my vote would go for I LIKE THE SOUND OF CRASHING GUITARS!!!! It makes MY head go pop!!!

Hey, Luca is the song by Susana Vega, there is a version is in Spanish, it is more or less the same as the English version.

Oh I realized I didn’t even say my worst rox song. It has to be this b-side (thank god that it was a b side!):

Better off on her own. Although I don’t like it I’ll listen to it (I never ever skip over a Roxette song nor a Cyndi Lauper song even though it may not be my favorite)

By the way, why wasn’t ENTERING YOUR HEART made a single?! That song is so beautiful! Maybe we should have a topic songs that should have been singles? ;)

@user-formerly-known-as “me_gusta_el_bife” : (¡era lindo nick!) Tímida = PG with Topo Giggio voice! I always though that! =) A friend of mine says the best part of the BEE album is when Per sings “She’s so vulnerable” in the end of Tímida! ;)

I’ve been thinking about the worst song and I can’t make my mind but I guess it’d be “Queen Of Rain”.

“Make my head go pop” feels like Per’s revenge on singing a dance-hit like “Stars” but it went wrong with that Gregorian chorus.

I also put a vote for “Cooper” though the “Closer to God” version is cool and made me change my mind about that song.

Can’t believe some people don’t like “She doesn’t live here anymore” or “Stars” ... those ones are always on top of my fav’s list.

My worst Rox song ever is: Jefferson. It’s just TOO much like a “la-di-da, oh listen, we’ve got terrible lyrics” type of song.

“Jefferson was always out of luck
I remember when we both grew up
Jefferson got hit by a westbound truck
I guess that didn’t make him look like a million bucks”

The lyrics are not good, in my opinion.

My Top 10 Worst Rox songs are:
1 Jefferson
2 Joy Of A Toy
3 View From A Hill
4 Try
5 Shadow Of A Doubt
6 Like Lovers Do
7 Small Talk
8 Make My Head Go Pop
9 Silver Blue
10 The Big L.

My worst 10 :

1. Stars
2. Stars
3. Stars
4. Stars
5. Stars
6. The Centre Of The Heart
7. Make My Head Go Pop
8. Try (Just A Little Bit Harder)
9. Anyone (Boring... boring... boring)
10. Salvation (Extra boring)

All the best

If I only had to pick one song, I would have to say that the worst Roxette song ever released on a album is “Make My Head Go Pop”. What a stinker!

(The worst song *ever* would have to be “Crazy About You”– the only thing worse than a Backstreet Boys tune is trying to sound like one!)

that was ignorant of superbullie to say about per!
my least favorites are:
veiw from a hill
queen of rain
watercolours in the rain
sleeping single
1/2 a woman, 1/2 a shadow
veiw from a hill
the first girl on the moon
soul deep

as far as how do you do! it is one of the best ones they have done, i think.

I’ve said it before, but it doesn’t hurt to say it again:

Little Girl
Little Girl
Little Girl
Waiting for the Rain
View from a Hill
Joy of a Toy

I don’t understand you guys. Why don’t you lile MAKE MY HEAD GO POP. Actually, this one and TRY(JUST ALITTLE BIT HARDER) are one of my favourites from ROOM SERVICE. Also I love SOUL DEEP (JOYRIDE, PEARLS OF PASSION and live versions). I don’t have my least fav ROXETTE song cos at different times I like different songs.

Bringing Me Down To My Knees
Make My Head Go Pop

Mine will have to be:

Physical Fascination
(Do you get) Excited?

Noone has mentioned
“The first girl on the moon”. HORRIBLE!!!

Fireworks and IMHBL

physical fascination
i was so lucky (good song but the saxophone is cheesy)
small talk

dont understand why some people dont like Little Girl....i absolutely love that song...its so beautiful. simple but deep with a beautiful melody and chorus

@watercolours: The question was worst song, not best song.

Here are mine, in appearence order:
- Soul Deep
- Joy of a toy
- Sleeping single
- View from a hill
- Physical fascination
- The heart shaped sea
- Vulnerable
- 7twenty7
- You can´t put your arms around what´s already gone
- Bringing me down to my knees


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