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poll - will there be another Roxette album?

60 replies

Yes, I think that there will be 1 or 2 more albums if their health is good but I think that they will find more interest in making Swedish music (and Marie in her family) in the future so I don’t think that there will be very many. Best wishes, Rich

no :(((

Yes there will be 5, all compilations!

I find it hard to believe that there will be any entirely new album... although some more compilations with some new songs on it should be possible.

This year Gyllene Tider and maybe also Marie (or beginning next year),
but end of next year or beginning of 2006 I expect a new Roxette-album!

yeah, new rox album in 2006

Umm... Why wouldn’t there be?
If both parties are still doing music by themselves (Per as solo and in Gyllene Tider) and Marie anothe solo LP (possibly even in English) why couldn’t they unite for a Roxette project in the future? Roxette has not split up or anything so I think there’s no reason why we shouldn’t await a new Roxette release in the coming years....!!

Yes there defenitely will. (But maybe in 2024...)

Maybe they take a 10 yrs break like Eurythmics did in 1989...

So, yeah, 2014. Don’t keep your hopes up though...

Oh and maybe they re-re-release the “all videos ever made” DVD too when Roxette releases another greatest hits with a new song.

*rolls eyes*

@animalkingdom: Why? Well... because, if we all are very honnest, Roxette just is not that popular anymore. And when it comes to Roxette, there just isn’t any room for failures. It is to much money involved. Perhaps they could get somewhat popular again if they do like in 1990-1991 and tour the whole world doing promotion, promotion, promotion... but I don’t think they will do that. Why? Because they are 15 years older and have familys, which means different priorities in life. And we have to count Maries illness in here to. The fact that she would do a soloalbum does not automatically mean that she would do something with Roxette. She is big as a soloartist here in Sweden, but I don’t think she will get that much attention abroad, even with an album in english. Also, they do not need that BIG success as they did back in the Joyride and CBB days, because they have already experienced that.
To sum up what I’m trying to say here, I don’t think neither Per or Marie WANT to get as big as they once were, because they are a little bit satisfied with their international success so far. With right I think.

there´s no Roxette “Best Of” yet :)))

I think there definitely will be another album. Per seems to be most highly motivated by having something to prove to himself and I guess to the world, and he’s going to feel that motivation with Roxette sooner or later. Of course, Marie’s got something to prove as well... I’d bet they’d record another album just to spite everyone who says they won’t (-:

@ Baby C “I find it hard to believe that there will be any entirely new album... although some more compilations with some new songs on it should be possible. “

Damn I wish that is not what your wishing for! Some MORE compilations with some new songs... Come on!! If they can release a compilation after another with new songs why wouldn’t their spare their efforts for a brand new long-player?? Besides, I believe that anyone who desires a greatest hits package by Roxette has already gotten it!!

Oh and for your another comment: Both Per and Marie have stated they are NOT making music with Roxette because of sales...They are doing it for themselves and the people who take interest in it! No matter how good songs they record they will never make it to the 1991 level - - but that is NOT why they should stop being together!

My vision is that there’ll be a new album in 2006 just in time with the soccer world-cup in Germany - and Roxette will contribute the cup-hymn ;-)) Something like “Back united” or something like that :-P

Roxette Gold

No... I think both Per and Marie have more important things to do.. esp Marie...

Are you sure, you are all Roxette fans?
Why then, so much sarcasm about what should they do, or not do?
Don’t you all, have anything better to do?
I feel sick when i read such hypocrisy!

Fifi, I agree with you.

Come on, people, don’t be so negative.
If Per and Marie would read this, what must they think?
That the fans don’t expect it anymore, so why bother making a new album?
NO!!! Show that you still love Roxette and want a new album and that you’re still supporting Roxette!!!!!

Definitively, YES !!!!!!

Don’t really know

Of course as a Rox-fan I’d long for - but right now I doubt it - Per is more successful in Sweden than ever and Marie - well, we don’t really know how she is, do we? Let’s first wait for her long announced solo album - then we see...

per gessle says 2005

2005? Pah, then note 2006 or even 2007... ;-)

There you are - lonely-girl - being negative!
Personaly, i don’t care about Per’s success, but i do realy think that Marie Has the right to make a new solo album, also. I will buy it... Doesn’t her voice makes you tremble? Someone once said - she’s our Queen - and i do agree!
Don’t forget that before Roxette, they were already famous in Sweden. But i don’t thik that Roxette without Marie will be the same. I just hope that, all the bla! bla! bla! bla! about the solo albums doesn’t mean that, Roxette’s story ends here!!!!!!!!! Now, i give you all something to realy think about! How sad for all of us, don’t you think? And i’m not being Negative, but Realist!

No. Not by EMI in my opinion.

Another company? Unlikely.

@ fifi... come on you want people’s opinions don’t you... each to there own..

As a Roxette fan for 13 years now YES I would love to see nothing more than a new album... but I just don’t see it happening...

However I am waiting to hear Marie’s new stuff, that should be amazing and I am guessing a release for the Autumn or Winter time from Marie!

@fifi: as you said, I’m not negative but realistic...

I mean, these compilations which were released in 2002/2003 seemed like a good-bye-present to me...

But as a fan, of course, I hope for a new album. On the other hand, if Marie decides that work with Roxette is too hard for her we have to accept. I mean Roxette can look back on an amazing carrier...

Maybe i’m on the false movie!
I was just trying to make a point, that’s all!
Sorry, if i hurt your pride. But honestly, i rader listen to their old stuff, than anything else called music from Roxette, without quality!

@fifi: you didn’t hurt my pride at all...

I just wanted to say that I would be sad if they ended their carrier here but I would understand...

Yahh, hi said so in a interview at TV4 for some months ago...2005

I seem to think a lot of people have totally forgot what Marie has been going through for the past 18 months... or it could just be greed....

Don’t get me wrong... We all know what she has been through and I’m sure nobody here wants Marie to do sth. she doesn’t want. But once she has fully recovered she will certainly want to do something/ want to work and not just sit at home and do nothing. There are many other people who had to go through similar illnesses, whatever and they didn‘t change their lives completely or stopped working for the rest of their lives...Sometimes I get the impression that the project Roxette must have been a torture for Marie and this is the great chance to get out of it. At least that’s what it sounds like when people talk about the future of Roxette. Ever thought about the possibility that Roxette could be fun for Marie? I think the last thing Marie now wants is to give up something she had fun with for more than a decade. We shouldn’t expect one world tour after the other but should we announce the end of Roxette before Per and Marie have done so?

Seems to me that Marie was quietly working away on her new album within the first year of getting sick. Does that mean *she’s* the one who’s forgotten what she’s gone through in the last 18 months then?

@Roxfever: My thoughts exactly.

Perhaps SHE does not want to continue with Roxette... baring in mind she has a family which I am sure means the world to Roxette... it’s one thing writing a new solo album and promoting it within her own country it’s another expecting her to promote a Roxette album all over the world....

Personally if it happens it happens... but it won’t... and I am okay with that... Roxette have to come to a standstill sooner or later... nothing last forever..

I do expect a brand new album within two years.
Did you really expect a whole new GT album before some days ago?
Remember 2006 will be Roxette 20th anniversary, what a better way to celebrate than a brand new work. Some of you said it will involve too much money and too much risk so why not a less overproduced album (let’s face the latest two were a bit) in mazarin style?
I’m still trusting...

Seriously, fifi... you doubt people here don’t want a new Roxette album??????

I think all of us want one, but many are being realistic...
Marie has to go thru a really serious period of her life, why should we add more preassure to that?
I think Rox fans(most?) are being calm and realistic, and that’s good..... I guess.
When we hear more good news from Marie we can start speculating, meanwhile we just need to show respect and love.

I tell you that end of 2005 or early 2006 something really nice will be spinning in our players! :-)

Ye deff new rox album, didnt everyone do this when DBUGTTC came out ? ? there just taking some time out, I just hope it has more that 12 tracks im greedy, LOL

You are totaly wight!...That’s why i can’t stand all the criticism around Roxette, and What they should, or not be doing. I’m happy to know that Marie is working again. It is a Good signe, or not? All the compillations untill now, there’s nothing new there, i know! But should we blame Roxette for that? I don’t think that Marie choose the time to get sick! She would prefer playing on Stage for all of us, but if some of the Fans continue to criticise them the way they are doing...making the kind of jokes as we read here...Roxette doesn’t need to make a new album, after all. Let’s show some respect for the Good job they made until now, and be patient. You will not be disappointed...

Fifi, you are 200% right!!!!

Yeah there will be one in 1 or 2 years!

In 2005,may be in 2006 it will be new rox alboum for sure!!!!And ofcouse WORLD TOUR!!!!!because there will be roxette birthday-20 years!!!BE SURE!Let‘s hope!!!!!And pray!

I have been a fan for over ten years easily when I first heard Joyride but not know at the time it was Roxette. I live in the U.S. where Roxette is not appreciated as much. There are still a few fans scattered and thought Roxette may have toured in the U.S. when Wish I Could Fly came out as a single a few years ago. I was to be disappointed when I heard this would not be so. And unfortuanately I did not hear about Marie having cancer until recently. Very sad. Anyway I feel they could do another albulm and this time, if they do not tour the U.S. I’ll just have to save up and fly to Sweden to see a concert. I love all their music. I teach piano these days and have all my students listen to some tracks from Roxette. A lot of their music is underapprecitated. Hopefully they will be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame soon. Maybe they could do a compilation with someone big to help them get to the top again. Say Elton John or a band like Scorpions? Just thinking out loud. I actually had a dream the other night of them doing a song with Yanni. It was kind of neat. I saw Yanni’s symphony supporting Marie’s voice in Things Will Never Be the Same from Tourism. Per was there too doing acoustic. It’s funny how fame works. Number one one month and then people forget about you after a year or so. Well Roxette, I feel is one of theose timeless groups people will be talking about for years to come.

Nick Uszaki
Whitehall, PA
[email protected]

@ Ferdan.. at last someone that talks sense... though it was just me... ;)

It’d be great with a new one in late 2005 ... along with the old albums remastered and in digipaks (just like Gyllene Tider did with 2 of their albums now).

For instance, Pearls of Passion (new or old, I don’t care) along with Dance passion and the other b-sides that’s from their oldest singles (you know, those that were never released on CD).

MTV Unplugged on a bonusdisc for another CD.

Some b-sides, “unreleased” demos, livestuff, mixes...

That I’d really like!
Will it happen? Probably not, but after all... re-releasing is kinda popular when it comes to EMI so...

@ally, who are you, the goddess of truth or what? others accept your opinion so don’t call their opinion sensless

Showing respect and love for Marie is not incompatible with speculating about whether there will be another Roxette album. Nobody that’s responded to this thread has said, “Roxette MUST make another album, they owe us!” or “If Roxette don’t make another album it means Marie is lazy and selfish!” We all know what Marie has gone through and nobody wants Marie to do anything she doesn’t want to do. If she’s feeling well enough to record another album with Roxette, then great! Everybody here would love to see another album. If not, that’s disappointing but OF COURSE it’s completely understandable. They can quit for any reason whenever they want - they’ve given us plenty to be happy about. But it doesn’t make us greedy or senseless to speculate about whether there will be another Roxette album and there’s no reason to judge fans for sharing their reasons for thinking there will or won’t be another album.

*agrees with roxtexanet*

Per said some years ago (was it after HAND release?) that they had no plans to retire whatsoever and that they were going to release about 5 more albums. Taking Marie’s health into account, I’d bet they will release AT LEAST 2 MORE BRAND NEW albums.

If you ask me what I _hope_ for, I’d say that I hope for EMI leaving Roxette well enough alone after one or two albums released and another album from Roxette, which will rock imagination of any roxfan. I hope that Roxette will evetually indulge in composing and performing music just-for-fun, and I hope to meet them at many more concerts far into 20s and even 30s of the century. And I hope I’ll meet you there too, the most active fans in the world, the fans of Roxette.

*agrees with infofarmer*
I think we all need to show the whole of the world just how loyal Rox fans really are. A true Rox fan won’t mind if they never make music again, of course they will be disappointed but if both Per and Marie are both happy and healthy then we should be thankful for that. I would hate for them to make an album if their hearts were not in it anymore.
In the meantime we’ll all keep hoping for a new album! ;)
[email protected]
Lancashire, UK.


well, let me see...

marie is alive
per is alive

yep then

@ Roxfever..


Ermm can’t you read or something... who did I call senseless...

I agreed with someone comments... seems a lot of people have forgotton what Marie has been through...

Now get rid of that paranoia streak you have in you..

I’m hoping that there will be at least a couple more albums, and maybe a tour... if that happens I am definitely coming to Sweden for that!

I hope to see you very, very soon again.... marie‘s words.. ROXETTE WILL HÀVE A BIG COMEBACK IN 2005!!!
Cheers Haui

Well now... Marie never said that Roxette will have a big comeback in 2005! If she had, this thread would probably not have even been started! But I think we’ve got lots of reasons to be hopeful... both Per and Marie are working right now, Per has said there will be a new Rox album as long as Marie wants to do it, they’ve had some time to work on their solo careers, they’ve never said anything about quitting, etc. Wasn’t Per working on new possible Roxette songs around the release of “TPH”? Or did I completely hallucinate that? (-:

I bet for a 20th anniversary compilation in 2006. Maybe, like they are doing with GT, a new album then as well and a “World Tour” including 30 German small towns, Brussels, Barcelona, Stockholm and Göteborg.

And after that, end of the story.

Of course, that “World Tour” would start in November and finish for Christmas, so that we can get soaking wet in the rain and freezing in the queue as usual ;)

@ally, “@ Ferdan.. at last someone that talks sense... though it was just me... ;)”
=you talk sense the others don’t.
But forget it. Peace sister.


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