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Non-Swedish concert ticket buyers.....

22 replies

A question for the non-Swedes who have bought a ticket over the phone...

Did you pay by Credit card like it says you can on the site..... or was it a bank transfer like last year??


Yeah this would be helpful if someone could answer this!

Well, some are saying they’ve ’Made the bank transfer’, so I would say you can still do this.

yes, it’s bank-transfer!

Bank transfer, with iban, swiftcode etc, so I can easily pay it home.

But do they offer credit card payment.... so much easier!

No sorry, You can´t pay with credit card.

Thanks for your replies.

I can’t believe they don’t accept CC payment :(

Right now for my ’dumb’ question. If I can get a ticket thro ticnet how *exactly* do I transfer money in SEK from England? Would appreciate any replies from anyone who has done this.

Thanks. Gavin.

So why did I get an email from someone in customer services at ticnet saying you can pay by credit card! why does it say you can and this is the only option for people outside Sweden on the website....

Why such conflicting information? it is so annoying! jeez... can’t they get anything right...

Makes me wonder if it is really worth all the hassle....

Someone just pointed out something to me....

If they confirmed can pay with credit card from the UK... DID ANYONE IN THE UK PAY WITH CREDIT CARD... because seems nearly everyone that answers is from Germany that use this bank tranfer method... is there anyone else outside of Sweden (not Germany) who bought tickets and paid with a credit card!

I just need to get this clarified as getting so much wrong information!

@ Ally77: I spoke to a woman at ticnet yesterday regarding ordering & payment. I was informed that the only way to pay from outside of Sweden (England also) was bank transfer credit cards.

It is unbelievable that a ticketselling agency like this is not prepared for buyers from an other country and not able/willing to accept credit card payment.
They are really amateurs!!

So why the stupid email sent to me confirming could.. make me sooooo mad! I am tempted to complain not that it would get me anywhere!

you are tempted to complain??
What is stopping you from doing so?
Go ahead!!
I will join in if you want :)
If I would start complaining/cursing them right now, I could go on for a week!

oshtay, they give you the codes, adress, reservationnumber etc and then you pay on your webbank as international pay or if you don’t have webbank, just take the codes with you and go to bank and tell you want international bill. It’s easy. When I pay Gessle tickets last year, it took about 2 minutes to pay on my computer. This year I haven’t pay yet, cos I got salary on Monday :)

I´ve make my banktransfer on Friday, but the money will left my account first on Monday.
I find it also better if they would accept creditcards because now I´m nervous if all is OK.
I have webbanking, too, but I´ve thought that you can make webbanking only if you do it in EUR, but I want to pay in SEK so I must make a DINA 4 Form and make it on the bank.
Last year goes all correct, why that shouldn´t this year.

@ Littlegirl78... I am sure all will work out okay for you...

Does anybody know how much does it cost the postage and the service?

Last year (for mazarin) postage was 150 SEK and the service was 20 SEK per ticket, is it the same with gyllene tider?

This year you must pay 200 SEK for postage.

Service charge is 25 SEK per ticket.

Last January I bought the tickets to go and see the NRJ Awards in Stockholm. I did everything on-line with Ticnet and I payed with a VISA card.
I collected the tickets when I was in Stockholm and I showed them the CC. I live in Italy but I guess it should be the same within the EU.

Hooray.. someone who paid with a CC! THANX for that.. if I call ticnet I am gonna ask to pay with CC.. much easier!

thank you for answering!

BTW, I don’t think you can pay with CC unless you can pick the tickets up in a ten days time or something like that...


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