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Your favourite song on Mazarin ?

71 replies

Hey guys, I’d like to know which songs you like best on the Mazarin-CD.

My #1 is “Om du bara vill” ! Per’s and Helena
’s voices are really great together ! But I like also “Här kommer alla känslorna”, “på promenad genom stan” (glad to hear Marie again - she’s that pretty). And “Foedelsedag” is just cool.

“Mazarin” and “Sakta mina steg” are not the best songs for me, they are very very slow and I don’t like that “High” voice of Per by “Sakta mina steg”.

Best wishes from Germany,


Different songs different days. :)

1.Här kommer all känslorna
2.Om du bara vill

Tycker om...

Födelsedag always.

Vilket håll du än går, Alla Känslorna and Spegelboll
But also, Mannen med gitarr (b-side on Tycker om när du tar på mej).

Pa promenad gemon stan.
Om du bara vill

1. Vilket håll du än går
4. Spegelboll

1. Födelsedag
2. Spegelboll
3. Tycker om när du tar på mig
4. Här kommer alla känslorna
5. På promenad genom stan

om du bara vill
tycker om...


2. Om Du Bara Vill
4. Vilket Hall Du An Gar
5. Jag Tror Du Bar Pa En Stor Hemlighet (pant pant... God that’s a mouthful!)

Still listening to this album every day... in fact, I think I’m wearing it out... “For Bra For Att Vara Sant” just skipped!!!



1. Födelsedag and Spegelboll
2. Tycker om när du tar på mig and Om du bara vill
3. Här kommer alla känslorna
as Thomas said “Different songs different days” depends on my mood..
Great album!
today in the morning while going to the work watching the snow otside i catched myself singing HAKAK.Suddunly everything start to look brighter and beautiful ;-)..

The song I like most is “Om Du Bara Vil”, but when I´m in a really good mood, there´s nothing better
than listening to “Gungar”. It´s so relaxing.

1. Födelsedag (perfect summer driving song!)
2. Om Du Bara Vill

Nobody mentioned Varmt Igen. I vote for it!

Right now:
1. Om Du Bara Vill
2. Födelsedag
3. Spegelboll

At this moment:
1. Spegelboll
2. Om du bara vill and Födelsedag
3. Smakar på ett regn

Don’t like ’Sakta mina steg’ that much

Smakar på ett regn is the best...
The runner-up would have to be På promenad genom stan.

1 Gungar
2 För Bra För Att vara Sant
3 Smakar På ett regn

1. Spegelboll
2. Spegelboll
3. Spegelboll
4. Spegelboll

Hehehehe......... :-9

At this moment it‘s

Om Du Bara Vill
Smakar På Ett Regn
Spegelboll (Why didn‘t that song become a single?!?)

The version of “Inte Tillsammans, Inte Isär” from the Mazarin-DVD is also a song I listen to a lot these days. There really should have been a live-CD from that concert!

Tycker om när du tar på mig.

Carlos E., New York.

1. Spegelboll
3. Om du bara vill

so hard to tell! It’s the best album since Joyride, so they are almost the best all of them.. every little word on Mazarin is just perfect

Om Du Bara Vill

Har kommer alla kanslorna
Tycker om nar du tar pa mej

very difficult question but i think that I have to say “på promenad....” ore “varmt igen”

I play this loads!!

Om du bara vill, Spegelboll, Födelsedag and HKAK.

Födelsedag, Jag tror du bär på... (I love the guitars and the chorus in the latest song)

1. Sakta Mina Steg (apparently I am the only one who likes it, and it’s the best song I ever heard from Per!)

2. Om Du Bara Vill (LOVE it!)
3. Födelsedag
4. Gungar
5. Varmt Igen

this whole album is the best EVER.
No Rox, no Gyllene, no previous Per is coming close to this one and only MAZARIN. Perfect.

Still (a year later!) “Pa Promenad Genom Stan” followed closely by “Om Du Bara Vill” and “Vilket Hall Du An Gar”... but, yes, this album still rox (much better than “F5F” in my opinion)...

He He Hej

1. Pa Promenad Genom Stan
2. Har Kommer Alla Kanslorna
3. Vilket Hall Du An Gar
4. Spegelboll
5. Fodelsedag

“Mazarin” is indeed, the BEST album EVER !
All the best

there are almost not a bad song on the record and it is hard to choose one song so I have to say that it is a close race betrween: Smakar på ett regn, födelsedag och tycker om när du tar på mig

and i must say that per is att his best when he is solo. TWATG is the best record ever and mazarin is not far away. the older solo records is not as good as the newer but they are also very good

I believe that everybody who hasn’t metioned VARMT IGEN had got incomplete album. So go and return back your broken CD and ask a replacement for a good one. You’ll hear the master piece!

om du bara vill
tycker om...
sakta mina steg (love Per’s voice)

I can’t believe I haven’t worn out the CD yet, as I’ve played it nearly everyday since it was released. I sometimes even play it 2 - 3 times in a row, so I must have played it about 500 times. F5F is getting the same treatment as the moment.

I just hope there will be another solo album from Per.

There’s definitely something very special about Mazarin. It was more than just an album; the Mazarin phenomenon was 2003! There are varied, quality songs and it was a bit of a surprise, which made it all the more special. For me going to the release party and 2 concerts of the Sommar Mazarin Tour shaped my 2003, and the DVD is great too. Thanks Per! All the best, Rich

Edit: My favourite song is still Födelsedag, magnificent! (tracks 2, 4, 8 & 9 are the runners up).

Mutley & Rich-UK: Both of you’ve got a bad copy of Mazarin! You haven’t heard VARMT IGEN yet. Anyone else?

I like Varmt igen. It’s very very good. Quite possibly the best song on the album. Spegelbol was my favourite but i took time to really listen to the other songs and now i do really really like Varmt Igen.

1. Här kommer alla känslorna (På en och samma gång)
2. Vilket håll du än går
3. På promenad genom stån
4. Varm igen
.... :)
I love every song...only I don’t like Sakta mina steg

I can’t say which is my favourite song cos tommorow I will have another number one. And stop pressing to like one or another song.

:-D Tycker om när du tar på mej :-D ... i love it...

It seems that most of you love the same songs...

All of them! Mazarin is simply the best thing since C!B!B! How can Per make such a great album... ;)

For bra for att vara sant
Villket hall du an gar

Födelsedag / Spegelboll / Gungar / Varmt igen.

By the way, Om du bara vill should have had Maries voice instead of Helena!

All the songs are great- sakta mina steg is a bit strange because of per using his falsetto- but I think it’s a nice aspect of his voice, isn’t it?
Here’s my top 4:
1. Här kommer alls känslorna
2. Varmt igen
3. Om du bara vill
4. På promenad genom stan

think i say om du bara vill to...

Still Gungar, followed by JTDBPESH. Won’t ever change. :-)

1. Här kommer alla känslorna
2. För bra för att vara sant
3. Tycker om när du tar p? mej
.... and all others... maybe except Sakta mina steg, Per shouldn’t sing falseto, it doesn’t sound good...

1. Om du bara vill
2. Födelsedag
3. Varmt igen

1. Födelsedag
2. Varmt igen
3. Spegelboll

... undoubtedly someone;

Tycker om när du tar på mej

Om du bara Vill


I wish ROXETTE to record album with MAZARIN energy and soul. It would top the world as MAZARIN topped Sweden.

“Promenad genom stan”, because Marie´s beautiful voice

1. På promenad genom stan
2. Tycker om när du tar på mig
3. Smakar på ett regn

1. Om du bara vill
2. Fodelsedag
3. Spegelbol
4. Smakar på ett regn

All these songs could be singles.

Definitely Tycker Om, then Varmt Igen, i love those. Very pretty kind of songs. Spegelboll is another i can listen to at any time of day.

Mine’s “Varmt Igen”

Hej, I still love this CD and I have listened to it uncountable times. Now my favourite list changed a bit:
1. På promenad genom stan
2. Tycer om när du ta på mig
3. Födelsedag and Här kommer alla känslorna
4. Om du bara vill

I wish that Per creates something like Mazarin again ! Can‘t live without this CD !

Hej, Mazarin is my favourite CD :)

1. Tycker om när du tar på mej (I love this song! )
2. Födelsedag (I love this one too.. )
3. Här kommer alla känslorna
4. Gungar

Only one I don’t like is Sakta mina steg. I like high pitched voice but not this one...


Varmt igen

om du bara vill. Its perfect hangover musik, the whole thing. Only I dont have a copy with me here in Sweden, and I get many hangovers :-(

Här kommer alla känslorna

Hey, it’s really hot topic!
But the album is really incredible! I say it again and again :)

Now my MOST favourite song is Har Kommer Alla Kanslorna again!

I don‘t know why but I like two of the songs better than others, they are Tycker Om Nar Du Tar Pa Mej and Om Du Bara Vill

god I need to grab this album when I go home at christmas!

På promenad genom stan...that song is so beutiful...


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