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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Marie's costumes and image

129 replies

I don’t know how many times it was discussed here but Marie apart from being great singer is amazing&wonderful about creating her own very unique ‘image’.

I remember many girls in the late 80 and early 90 tried to copy this cool Marie’s (from my pov the coolest) haircut from Look Sharp and Joyride days. Back then it was cool to look like Marie, get the hair bleached and go for this special cut. Hey, even my girlfriend got that hairdo!

And then her almost bald head style from C!B!B! also influenced many (well along with Sinead O’Connor) gals all around this little blue planet.

The same goes with her amazing taste in choosing the outfits. They’re always so sexy and hot and very unique at the same time. Sometimes thy are very ordinary but at the same time really work for her. But she really shines in all those black lather things or rainbow pants (from Joyride) or this magic coat from Milk&Toast… video clip.

I’m writing that after watching for the zillion time the vid of one of Join the Joyride Tour concerts. She’s so beautiful there – like Aphrodite herself. And so unbelievable sexy!
From my pov this is the ultimate Marie’s costume – “very brave”, even risky, but so hot and so great. It’s like a amazing thin glove for her statuesque body. And her body-language and the fact that on the close ups you can see she wears *only* this costume (wasn’t Mick Jagger the one who said one that “the true rockers don’t wear underwear on stage”?)…Did you notice that they “borrowed” this kind of outfit in Matrix movies (Trinity) and Underworld?

I also do like her costumes from RS days. Not only this super black outfit from the tour (which is a variation of that uber cool Joyride’s costume I wrote above), but also these plain costumes like jeans and t-shirts from Center… video clip and the attire from Barcelona tour. Great new image regarding hair. Very nice.

Anyway I wonder what Marie’s costume do you like the best?

PS. The one Marie’s image I really don’t like is that one from the Stars video clip. But I guess noone likes it.

I never really cared for any of Marie’s outfits (or Per’s!) and I *really* disliked her “Join the Joyride”/”C!B!B!” stage costumes. But all that changed with “Antligen” and “Room Service,” and especially the “The Centre of the Heart” video, and now I think her clothes look amazing on her... check out the way she wears those jeans in the “M & T & H” video, or her button down shirts in the “The Pop Hits” photos... just great. I think both her and Per have been dressing much better in the last four or five years than in any other time in their careers.

Yeah I like their recent “clothes” too, but how you can dislike Marie’s outfit in JTJ and C!B!! and like her RS Tour outfit at the same time is a puzzle for me, because it’s a very similiar kind of attire.

Actually I’m one of “those girls” who wanted to go for Marie’s image in 1991 /or was it 1992? ;-)/…:-) More than that! - Being a tailor back then I decided to recreate this Marie’s outfit from Joyride tour! /by the way I think it’s her best outfit too./
And I did it.
The idea of recreating the costume was crazy /it was road thru hell to do it/, but, hey, I was a crazy Roxette fan. Anyway I studied for long days various photos of Marie in that costume. So call me an expert ;-). Without cut-outs it was the only reference, you know. Anyway actually it was the 3 part costume – with removable sleeves, blouse and trousers, The line between trousers and the blouse was hidden under those belts around her waist /I never got this belts right and had to replace them with more typical belt/. The costume was a little bit dangerous ;-) because of the material. I don’t know English word for it /but Marie gave exact name of the material in the interview/ but it’s a thin and very stretchy material with the facture of a net. It’s hard to get it and it’s expensive, but it really nice. Anyway because of that material and the shape of the costume, this costume only looks good if you have a perfect figure. That’s for first. It doesn’t improve your figure. It leaves it as it is. Especially breasts can look awful in it, because it’s like T-shirt with no push up or b-thingy /although Marie’s looked nice in it/
The material is thin and adding “skin tight costume” design to the mix, it gives away…well…every detail of your body. There are pictures where you can even see Marie’s navel under this costume. Really it goes to that level. It shows what’s under the costume, especially when you get sweaty (and it’s easy with this thing). I tried to go wear very tiny mini underwear under it and it was looking stupid - like you have strange lines on your backside (a la Bridget Jones’ pants) and also bra was visible. Because of this material even the tiniest lingerie didn’t look like lingerie anymore…It’s like a magnifying lenses. So it’s a costume that you wear on naked body like T-shirt and stockings…You have to have a lot confidence to wear it. It’s cool, because not only you look sexy in it but you *feel* sexy as well. “Man, I feel like woman” kind of thing.
Anyway I did recreate this costume /over 12 years ago – gosh, time flies!/. It took me the the whole 3 months to accomplish it. And although I cannot wear it anymore ;-( , I still got it.
Nowadays I’m a fashion designer /noone big but wait…;-)/ Soon I’ll open the website about my designs and maybe will post some pictures of re-created costume.


@kerA: I meant the “Room Service” album photo shoots, not the stage clothes from the tour... right back to leather again! And you’re right - very similar to the “Joyride” and “C!B!B!” tours... I don’t know how Marie can stand sweating in leather!!

@Donna: Wow, that’s really impressive! Thanks for sharing all of those details (and I guess we learned something about Marie in the process... (-; ).

@ donna.
Thanks for sharing this info with us!

@ roxtexanet
I have to say I don’t like Marie’s outfit during Antligen tour very much. I do believe that every concert is a “show” and I prefer preformers to dress in special stage outfits rather than ordinary stuff.
It shows their devotion when they’re dressed in something special rather than street clothes...
You have to be *dressed* for success ;-)

i do like Marie’s joyride costume. she looks great in that black latex outfit! that’s my favorite. i was very happy to see her in the similiar costume during room service tour. it was very special. i mean it was a bit different costume but still great.

i really love it when marie does something like that:


she lookes great and I agree, she has to be dressed for success!

even though marie looks ALWAYS great!!!

ye ye ye!

i liked marie the best in the looksharp times.
she looks like a woman you better not mess around with. i like that in a woman. Women should look tough. i specially like marie’s hair back then

I think GOOD Marie’s choices regarding to outfit are:

and the BAD ones are:

I also wish to see Marie in a dress more often...


oj - and I almost forgot my fav!

@ Juanita
I like your choices. And the last pic you’ve linked is the red version of this all-times-best Joyride tour outfit!!! It’s so cool that Marie has enough confidence to wear even such a skin- tight-no-underwear costume. It’s so sexy because she’s dressed and undressed at the same time (like on that pic where you can so clearly see her breasts and belly ).
The whole thing is in a vein of Marlene Dietrich who in the movie titled Blue Angel (1930) had that famous music number dressed in the very revealing yet classy outfit. She was fully dressed yet the dress was drawing your attention to her body and giving a very good look of those sweet details.
In general I think that the beauty of woman’s or man’s body can be really stress by the proper outfit and it can be much more sexier than let’s say totally naked.

Do you know - where there any differences between the black and red version?

Where&when were the J. concerts with Marie in a red version?

From the more recent times I like Marie’s image and look on these photos$File/roxette.jpg

joyride’s stuff is the obvious choice, but i like her outfits in the centre of the heart vid too.

I never liked Joyride outfits of Marie and Per. But God, I’ve never realised that she had practically nothing under that costume. This is something! A lot of confidence, indeed. ...I don’t know how come I didn’t notice such an obvious thing before...

I think that Marie’s best image was during LS tour. She looked tough and feminine in the same time. Very beautiful.

Joyride - hm... too skinny I think... And as I said before, I didn’t really liked her costume (But beginning from now, I might change my mind anyway... I can’t believe she had nothing under it! Don’t even try to imagine what was in the minds of the 6 guys playing with her on the stage!...)

CBB - a little bit better. I liked the outfit for the show.

Have a nice... - even better

RS - far better

Ballad Hits & Pop Hits - BEST. BEST ever. Don’t you think?

With Per goes the same...He was fat, he tried to hide some things, but now he is very very well dressed...

Well I prefer Marie’s Joyride image over the LS image. I do like her outits on Room Serivice tour too.

I’m 100 per cent for Joyride costume!
It’s sexy, it’s hot, it’s no underwear and it shows that Marie has a lot od confidence and love for her fans.

To wear such thing is like saying “I love you” ;-)

And, hey, I’ve still got that pic as a wallpaper :-P

@Max-Tob you didn’t notice? LOL. Bra-no, panties-no, sexapplel BIG TIME YES! Just look at the upper left pic in this collage - you can see the shape of her...


@Tom: Oh my Godness!Oh brother!!!... What did you expect from a 13 year old boy as I was back in the ’90s?? (read my comment from the “Good old days” thread if you want some funny details). Since then, I watched thousands of times Joyride Tour, but I think I only used the eyes of the child I was in those years!!!... A huge “thank you” for your wallpaper! It’s comming a little bit too late - I’m a married man now, but still a pleasure to see what I didn’t manage to see in the last 10 years!!!!! Oh brother! Now you opened my eyes. It’s a wonderful world.
Sincerly yours,

But wait a minute!! There’s something I don’t understand here...She MUST have something under that costume!! otherwise she just CAN’T wear it ALL the time. Do you know what I mean?? I’m sorry I bring out such a stupid issue, but STILL, I’m sure she has something under that costume! She must have pants, for God’s sake!!! The tour was quite long and they played quite OFTEN! OK, that’s all.

Fish anyone?

@ Max-Tob. I think her trousers for that outift are more like pantyhouse or tights in fact so it’s not as a big deal as you think.

But I would like to go back to the topic.
I didn’t write about it yet but it’s nice how Marie uses sometimes rather ordinary outfits for her TV appearances. She’s alwyas adding to them little things which make the attires special in some way.

If anyone remember her TV appearnces during the promotion of HAND or RS - there were some good examples of making the ordinary attires very special by adding subtle things.

I do think that she has a great taste both for extremely sexy outifts and more ordinary stuff.

@ Donna. I’m still waiting for any info regarding differences between the red and black version of that outfit.

Max-Tob hahaha ;-) i wouldn’t like to wear underwear in such a “sweat maker” costume because i’d have it wet by sweat in no time LOL. ask your wife ;-)

kera you know - yes - i’ve noticed that too. there’s kind of elegance in all Marie’s outfits. Even with very typical ones. i’ve some photos.

I think my last question was so “subtile” and so hidden behind words that nobody got it... So, I feel more relaxed now... (I must say I had some...qualms of conscience for expressing it)...It doesn’t matter. Thanx for “answering” to all of you. Good night.

MAx Tob
or maybe got it but wouldn’t like to answer it ;-)
sweet dreams

@Juanita: Great answer. Good morning.

Marie looked great during that tour, but so did the other girl on stage. I think she dressed even more sexy than Marie did, or what do you think?

@ kera. There are no real differences between red and black version. A funny thing I remember (from my studies on that costume) is that Marie obviously was having problems in finding red boots for red version so she was wearing black boots to this red costume during some Join the Joyride concerts.

@ Tom Larson. I really like the wallpaper you have found. In general I think the wallpapers created by the gals and guys at are the best ones! Kudos for them!

@ Max-Tob. It’s actually so close-fitting that occasionally it “draws“ the shape of ribs, navel, nipples, private parts, whatever. Actually even on some posed photos with Marie dressed in that outfit you can clearly see very detailed shape of her breasts or a vertical line on her underbelly. Like I said It’s very brave,hot, sexy and – more than anything else - beautiful attire. Oh, one more, the good thing is it doesn’t “glue” to your body like latex does. It lets your body move in it... Although I wouldn’t recommend spreading legs while wearing it, unless you’re in a really sexy mood ;-)

@ jeffknux
I like Vicky but she’s no match for Marie...

I just think Vicki was the most attractive of the two. There is a little more woman to Vicki I think, Marie is too skiny. Is it true, that Vicki was told to dress less revealing, because she was getting too much attention from the audience too Marie’s taste?

i can’t believe that marie would do something like that. that’s more like a mariah carey thing if you ask me. but who knows

Actually I think Marie was in her top form and the best ever shape. Vicky -on the other hand - was a little bit too much like the women from Rubens’ paintings.

I don’t think Vicki and Marie got along very well. Since Marie was not the only one to get the looks from the audience, she was feeling a little jealous of Vicki. Especially when the whole band was standing side by side at the edge of the stage. As they did in Paint and Watercolors In The Rain. Where Vicki was looking very good, revealing a little cleavage .

Vicki looks a little bit like Helena, don’t you think so? (at least their faces have something in commun)...Vicki is great. I like her a lot. Better than Marie during the Joyride Tour, I must say...but it’s a matter of taste anyway...and of course, one shouldn’t be so much influenced by the physical appearance...That’s why I’ll always choose Marie from a thousand of women..But taking into account ONLY the physical appearance, I’d go for Vicki...(and I think Per would do that too...most of the men actually...- I still think that Marie was a little bit too skinny in that period...)

Oh, I forgot this:I’m sure Marie wasn’t jelous on Vicki. I doubt she is that kind of person...Actually I can imagine Per becoming jelous from time to time, but Marie?...Hmm...don’t think so...But obviously, these are just speculations...

Vicky is a beautiful woman but Marie looks 10 times better than her!

don’t know about the other concerts but i was on hamburg 91 concert standing in the second row and i’m pretty much sure she wasn’t wearing panites under those tights then. after some deep strides she took (and she took a few of them) you could see it. she was very hot. it was sexy like hell.

Hondestly I think that Vicky wasn’t beautiful at all. She wasn’t ugly either but with her obvious problems with weight and very short legs and big head she couldn’t be a model. She was very very ordinary girl.

Marie on the other hand was perfect and could be a model. The propotions of her body during Joyride days were perfect.

Saying Marie could be jelous about Vicky is like saying Brigitte Bardot could be jelous about Margaret Tacher ;-)

@Max-Tob. Thank you for your “thanks” but I didn’t create this lovely wallpaper. I found it and loved it - that’s all.

i’m siting at my work... waiting for something...nothing to do really so i asked guys from my work what they think about this marie vs vicky thing. i know it’s goofy but i did it. 5 guys out of 5 don’t remember vicky at all...but when i told them about “the accordion girl” they heard the rings...anyway no one found her atractive. but they do think marie was very beautiful back then...

@ Kera.
Marie 10 times more beautiful than Vicky? I would say 100 times more beautiful. My boyfriend said once that maybe they intentionally hired so-so looking girls for backing vocals...I don’t know if it’s true.
Anyway let’s face: it Vicky and the other girl were fat.

But it’s a matter of taste - one likes hot slim chicks other one likes fat girls.
I’m a hot slim chick and I’m proud of that! :-))))))

PS. “women from Rubens’ paintings”. you’re a true gentleman!

Well I’m just another man who is saying Marie is a lot more beautiful then Vicky. Sorry guys, but it radiculous to compare supersexy Marie from Joyride days with the plump and shy Vicky. Also Marie’s outfit was a lot more cooler. I’m really thankful that she had the courage to wear it.

@ donna
I forgot to thank you for the details about the red version of the outfit

@ kuruliev
wow. you were in next to the stage? i wish i were you.

@ Juanita
thank you!

Don’t get me wrong. I’d go for Marie anytime...But I still think she was too thin back in the ’91 (in ’89-’90 she was perfect). That’s why I would have choose Vicky. But did she have indeed short legs?? EWW!! I didn’t notice that! I can’t stand women with short legs!! So, may I decide not to like her anymore?
About marie’s outfit one more time: Yes, she drives us crazy!!!...I think Per was very lucky that - for some reason - he didn’t like her too much...otherwise...who know what would have happened?

Oh, I’m sorry - too many English mistakes in only one comment above...I worked hard all day...I suppose I’m too tired for writing correct English...Tomorrow I’ll pick some nice and wise words to talk about Marie’s beauty...

vickie or marie ?
no contest, who could notice anyone else with marie around?
though truthfully i don’t care so much for skinny, bones just aren’t cuddly. but just looking, marie is awesome, the best ! i don’t think she was too skinny at that time, she had a most pleasing shape, not like some of the “two aspirins on an ironing board” skinny gals i’ve seen.

It’ll be a long long post...
I don’t think Marie was too skiny. She looked perfect then. She was an absolute goddess. There was something like true magic aura around her. She was super pretty and…wild.
I know what am I saying. I was on their join the joyride concert back then and accomplished my Mission Impossible to get to the first row. She was very happy, powerful, hot and excited and, yes, I think she wasn’t wearing any underwear. I would say she was playing with that fact that she didn’t wear it. For instance she forced her breasts to bounce big time during Knocking… and her nipples were visible under this skin tight costume. She was so hot, so open. To see her was to fall in love with her. Her voice, her gestures, everything. Her catlike moves… She was really like making love with the audience.. She did some very sexy strides which took your attention to the certain part of her body. Later, during Soul Deep she laid down on the stage for a while and did some moves which really stretched material on that area. She has the most pretty legs. After that, during the end of Soul Deep and entire The Look (the next song), she had the small channel formed by the material under her belly. That was like a big “WOW” for us. She didn’t try to fix it or try to move the material out. She was smiling, constantly trying to catch eye contact with the audience. It was very sensual, sexy and beautiful and her body language was the most sexy thing I’ve ever seen. She was so full of energy, so full of life. She was amazing. Marie was absolutely beautiful woman back then and that costume fit her perfectly. I remember I thought she was the most beautiful women since Brigitte Bardot. I still think that way. I didn’t even bother to look at Vicky…
I was eighteen back then and that concert – especially Marie - is one of my all-time fondest memories.

There’s a famous scene in which Marylin Monroe’s white dress is blown skyward by a passing subway train. This scene has entered the minds of many young boys of the sixties and became their fav fantasy of their lives . I’m sure that Marie’s appearance on those Join the Joyride concerts became such a fantasy for my generation of Roxfans.

I know that many youngsters are much more into Crash Boom Bang and later things of Rox, but for us Joyride was is and will be the best.

I do miss those old wild days of Roxette. If you’re a rocker you have to be wild. Otherwise it’s becoming “shalala (s)hits” and “shalala performance”.

i’ve fond some more pics from Joyride tour
- red version of “the outfit” and black boots. donna was talking about it...
- the end of “the look”

WoW (don’t ask where the “wow” comes from) - I suppose it came from everywhere - posts, pictures...
Yes, I was to immature back in the ’90s to really fall in love with Marie. And now it’s too late. But one thing I know for sure - I can appreciate the beautiful things on this earth. And she is one of them.
STILL...(there’s a STILL)...I like her most as she was AFTER Joyride...Maybe maternity brought her a new kind of beauty...And, for sure, another kind of selfconfidence...I think she was hot back then (’91-’92) but most of us here know that she wasn’t in the greatest psychological mood...Maybe she tried to set off her sexuality as a compensatory gesture...She missed a very real and very grounded relationship so she felt the need to “shine” even more and fill the empty space inside her.
And everybody here (I suppose) know another thing: she said she was very sad and not in the mood for performing during the Joyride Tour. Not to mention the tensioned relationship with Per. And she also said that the fans probably don’t feel when something is wrong with the performers.
So, I admire her that she could hide it very well. I suppose Per also helped her (he always tried to keep an eye-contact with her - as you probably remember). Having said that, I’d say that she was hot back then, but not selfconfident FOR REAL...That costume helped her a lot, she IS anyway the BEST performer I’ve ever seen in my life and she has a natural gift (I mean her obvious sexuality)...but all these were somehow...the surface of who Marie really was...It was, indeed, as the title of this thread says, her IMAGE. Only her IMAGE...
That’s why I prefer her after meeting Micke, having children and wearing those trendy/casual clothes that also fit her very well...and NOW, I think she is a powerful woman...a REAL woman, not only a hot image.

But ofcourse, I still have no excuses for not noticing the lack of the underwear back in the ’90s...What can I say more?

@ Max-Tob I think Marie was talking about Summer Joyride tour. You see Joyride was divided into two parts Join the Joyride (91) and Summer Joyride (92).
On Summer Joyride concerts they changed outits, stopped playing some songs including Soul Deep. I think the whole band was tired during Summer Joyride. They (especially Marie) were obviously more on robotic mode ;-) than live mode.

@ Max-Tob
Yeah she was talking about Summer Joyride.
In 1991 She said something like
“Join the Joyride tour was the best thing that happen to my life”.

Maybe you’re right.

This is the first topic in ages here I’ve enjoyed reading! Congrats for it!
I also love Marie’s image and costumes, esp. these from the RS tour - the jeans with the “eye” and the top she was wering with them, also the black-leather costume, and I really loved the costume (esp. the top) she was wearing in Tallinn. I think she has a great taste for clothes and her image most of the time is very stylish... She always adds something from herself that makes it so unique. Honestly I don’t think she has made any really bad choises, except maybe the clothes form the POP era :P

@ Max-Tob. The difference between Join the Joyride and Summer Joyride was huge. I mean they’re pro, and alwyas giving a good show but, you know, you cannot fake the excitement. It’s like two different women - Marie during Join th Joyride was full of energy, hot, constantly flirting with guys and the audience and very excited. Marie during Summer Joyride was less active on the stage, less energetic, passive and very little interacting with other members of the band. She was the one who asked for changing the clothes for Summer Joyride.
I would say she was extremely happy during Join the Joyride days and extremely unhappy during Summer Joyride days.

I’d go for Vicki too. She is a real lady! Consider the Zürich show, Vicki and Marie, as they are dancing in Soul Deep, the slim and sexy Marie, and the equally sexy and well proportioned Vicki, with her breasts bouncing wildly, no wonder, if Marie is being jealous of her.
Another thing, in Knocking On Everydoor, when the two sexy hot blondes are dancing too, as they are moving sidewards, at one point Marie is quite indiscritely looking at Vicki’s breast, as those are gently popping up and down. There must have been some sort of jealousy from Marie’s side, which is only understandable.
A shame Vicki is not showing as much of herself in the Sydney show, maybe she really was told not to...

Who was Vicki??? I haven’t even noticed her...
That plump backing vocal girl sexy??? No way man. No way. Not in this lifetime.

But Marie...oh, Marie... she’s the most sexy singer of all time!!! And Zurich concert and Soul Deep and her erected nipples under this tiny nothhing look so sensual. :-P

But I’m off-topic. I love all Marie’s clothes as long as they are not typical street wear (But this Joyride sweet nothing was da best and also that black-cat outift from Room Service)





wow, i have been off-line for a while and now i’m back and see this cool topic is still active. how nice

anyway here are some more pics of marie in her perfect costume

Does anyone have pictures of Vicki? What is she doing these days?

Hi there. I saw the concert in San Francisco 91 and the leading girl (Marie?) was wearing very provocative black latex costume put on obviously naked body. It became really hot when she started to sweat a bit. It was like a wet t-shirt contest, but she hadn’t mind. She was bouncing her breasts and even turning around and shaking her butt (and her pants was tight to the absolute extreme). The audience was in sweet shock. She looked excited and happy by this stunt. She was a one sexy lady.


Are you into Roxette? Was it Marie or not?

He’s obviously not into Roxette...

4 sure he’s talking about Marie. I saw the concert in Frisco too and it was the most sexy performance I have ever seen. Marie was so beautiful and sexy and WILD!. She was wearing that now- legendary black costume (btw thanks for the links above)! She was like fuel for my erotic fantasies for the whole year ;-). Actually to this day! I mean her body language, her movement, her face everything...And her pants, boy, they were so tight that they pull at her crotch and make her “pockets” stick out from time 2 time. And u know what, Marie was doing some moves for this “sticking out” things... But she wasn’t just an exposed super body, she was the preformer, so charismatic, so intense. Bulseye perfect. I’m sorry i cannot describe it better, i;m no poet, u know, but she was the queen of stage.
Anyway Vicky was also there but she was unattractive - 3words4u - way too fat (and her clumsy “what am I doing here?” moves. Nah.

And two more :-)))
(with the jacket from Intro/Hotblooded)

I wonder does Marie still have this costume... And would she wear it again...

I think she could wear it again, if she wanted to. Her body didn’t change that much.

@ Juanita. Thanks for posting all those links to pics. Keep it up.

I totally agree @ Tom_Larson

I think Marie could wear it again. It would be so wonderful!!!

Some more pics...
red version of costume with nice breasts’ exposure
another photo of red-version

I haven’t seen any pic of Marie from 2004, but I know she was - more or less - in the same shape during RS tour . I think it would be great to see her again in her famous JointheJoyride costume.

It would be a great comeback...especially for new Rox concerts. Priceless.

But...I’m doubtful if it happen basicly because
this costume demands a lot of courge and passion for live performances. And this passion fading after years...

My nightmare is that new Roxette concerts will look like Kelly Family a capella singing Church of Your Heart. Shalalah performances...

But my dream is to see Marie full of energy&sex-appeal and wildside again! (And JtJ costume would be perfect for it)

Well as a guy I’m not good at fashion. I can only tell where Marie looks hot or sexy in my opinion. Here you can find some sellection of her pictures.

@ Istvan

Don’t lose hope. Marie said a few times that she loved her black outfits. That was her choice to dress in that super sexy “everything for you” Join the Joyrdie outfit, wasn’t it? Both on C!B!B! and Room Service she appeared in very sexy black lather attires. Somehow ths kind of black costume fits her very well.

I haven’t seen any pic of her from 2004 too, but I’m sure she’s still in perfect shape and still is that beautiful woman we all know. The rose will be a rose.

I have a strong hope that IF there will be more concerts, Marie will perform once again with such a super cool outfit.


If I can add one more thing...

I have to admit that the idea of Marie chosing Join the Joyride attire as a comeback costume (let’s say for Rox concerts in 2005) is fantastic.

Marie in JointheJoyride costume again? That would be super! Let’s start a petition about it! :-)

Honestly I think Marie still has the body for it, but I don’t know does she still have that confidence (to wear it).

Are you sure, that Marie will become exactly the same body as before her illness ??


Hi, I’m a long time reader of DaillyRoxetty, first time poster.

I can’t express how happy I am that such a cool topic has appeared on this board!!! It’s a very interesting reading.

Anyway I wanted to say that Marie is a very beautiful woman and she (almost) always looks good. It doesn’t matter what she’s wearing. Although her best outfits/images according to me are...

Black outfit from Roxette’s Join the Joyride Tour
Stuff from You Don’t Understand Me.
Black dress from Listen To Your Heart vid
Black&Silver Costume from RS Tour

One question thouh: Is it true that Marie doesn’t like to wear skirts? Seems like she prefers trousers...

@Helga: Davon hab ich bisher noch nichts gehört. Sie ist ja auch sowieso DER Hosentyp schlecht hin. Aber in den letzten jahren ist sie meines wissens doch schon SEHR oft in ein Kleid gehüpft...

BTW: ” Black&Silver Costume from RS Tour”

Welches Outfit genau meinst du damit ??

@ crashroxer

This photo doesn’t tell much. First of all it’s a snapshot taken from a very strange angle. Secondly it was raining so Marie did “I don’t want to get wet”;-) pose. Thirdly she’s dressed all white and frankly speaking white gives everyone an extra 10 pounds. Do you remember the big difference between Marie’s look in black ‘lingerie + white trousers” combo (Summer Joyride) and black outfit from Join the Joyride. It was the same year and she looked so different.

@Helga. Nice to meet you. BTW – what is black&silver outfit???

@Sweet_Pete: I know the difference between Jtj and SJ. But remember: She was pregnant (with Josefin) during the SJ-Tour and that constitutes already something.
So, did YOU remeber how she looks at the Mazarin tourstart in Halmstad ??

@ crashroxer

I remember one blury pic from Mazarin tourstart. Do you have any more?

No I haven’t

I think that Marie is in a very good shape and she is prepearing for her great comeback. She needs some quiet time, that’s all.

...2002 and she looks great...

I doubt she will ever put on her Joyride costume again...Only if Per will also put his costum with awful dragons on...(btw, the worst costume Per ever had, in my op.)...
Moreover, this sort of nostalgia brings no good: what is the point in wearing some - already - oldfashioned outfits?... Only the mega fans will appreciate it (and not all of them anyway...I don’t want to see a still beautiful middle aged Marie wearing a costume that was obviously made for someone much younger)...I agree that her body didn’t change too much, but her presence is quite different...Her moves are already least this is what I noticed during RS...
With Per goes almost the same...His moves seem to be the same, but his presence from Mazarin is different from what we got back in the 90s...

Only us, the fans, are living in a continuous present...Marie and Per are already miles away from those times...They live their lifes day by day and I’m sure they are not thinking about bringing back something from the past...even if we’re talking about something nice...


Well, I respect your thougts but don’t agree with them.

Everything changes, that’s true.

For instance I expect that Marie’s new solo LP will be a new _very different_ from Roxette’ material.


Roxette have to be Roxette.
If we ever see Roxette’s performing live again there’s no doubt they will sing Dangerous, Sleeping in My Car, Dressed for Success etc.
Following the path of your thinking the one could say that these are “wild songs” for a much younger singer. And that Marie and Per are long time past beyond “laying on a backsit of my car making love too you”.

From my point of view it’s not like that.

I think the most of fans don’t want to listen to songs about growing old, problems with kids etc.

In a very same way it would be bizarre to see Marie singing, let’s say, “Hotblooded” dressed in an middle aged woman oridnary outfit.

It would be... pathetic.

Think about Blondie’s return with “Maria”. Deborah Harry didn’t change the way of her outfits and images.

And take a look at The Rolling Stones (one of Marie’s fav bands)- is Mick Jagger too old for the stuff he’s dooing on stage now? Would it be better if this middle age man preform dressed in the regular suit and acting “properly to his age”?

Age is a state of mind, my friend.

PS. And finally if you look at Marie’s costume on RS tour there are a lot references to JtJ costume.

@KerA: I got your point. It seems coherent, but still don’t agree with all the aspects you brought out. You’re right about M.J. (Rolling S.), you’d be right if you’d talk about S. T. (Aerosmth.), but only until a certain point. I attended the latest Rolling Stones’ show here in Paris and I enjoyed it a lot; but still, people need to adjunst a little bit to their age in order not to look a little bit ridiculous...Mick was so tired by the end of the 2nd part of the show that you could clearly see how he forced himself to breath and I thought “this man is really old”...In that moment the totally crazy outfit seemed indeed ridiculous on that skinny old man that could hardly speak to the audience...I don’t know...I won’t say that Marie should dress like a middleaged the end, she’s still much younger than M. J....Of course she can still sing about “sleeping in my car, I will caress you etc. etc.”, for God’s sake, she’s not 80, she’s only 46 and some things are still going right!!!...But - as you noticed - some details from her JTJ outfit can be re-integrated in a more suitable outfit (like her RS outfit was) and that would be enough...I think. As a man, I can tell you that at this very moment (when Marie’s not 50 yet)I’m sure her leather pants are still great on her and she doesn’t have to use that outfit with no underwear at all as she did more than 10 years ago...I assure you “Hotblooded” still works for Marie with leather pants and some bright top (AND a bra under it)...
Same goes for Per...even though he’s a man and things are a little bit different because one cannot say that a man in his 45 is old at all...on the contrary...

Well, I have to say that I totally loooooove Marie’s style, she has really influenced me as a woman to go for that same type of style as she has.
I even started bleaching my hair in 1993 and cutting it like hers, since I absolutly LOVED her hair, but over the years that style of hers really became my own style. What I mean by that is that I became so comfortable with it, it was not co’s it was like hers anymore, it was that I liked to have my hair like that and felt comfortable with it.
Lots of people always commented to me, ’oh you want to look like Marie” but that might have been true when I enishally did it all those years ago, but like I said, it became my style. I don’t bleach my hair anymore now for a year, but I still have it in her Room Service style....
What depends her clothes, she ALWAYS looks 100% stunning and femine and SEXY and she has really influenced me with her dress style.
I always look for the same or simular outfits, or just something that is so “her”.
Obviously living in RSA its difficult to find her exact clothing but I have managed to equire her CUSTO top from the Antligen video, her black leather jacket with stud collar from the Antligen tour, her jewelry from the C!B!B!-tour, her black boots from the Antligen tour (that she wore on stage) bought that in LUND - Sweden....
I have many stuff that is simular to her stuff but no exact originals I said I love her style!!!
I think the outfit from the Joyride Tour was great, she looked really SUPER SEXY in it and she defenetly has the body to wear such SKIN TIGHT outfits, so why not!....if the shoe fits.....
One of my absolut fave outfits of her is defenetly her BORGHOLM - LOOK SHARP ’89 concert outfit, that black pants & top with the silver studs.....holy shit, she looked so DROP DEAD STUNNING in that, but I must say, love everything she wears!!!!!
I also loved her PURPLE OSTRICH LEATHER JACKET that she wore on the Antligen tour, and that WHITE LONG LEATHER jacket from the Antligen days aswell - I met her when she wore both and it was just so beautiful and I would die to have it....esp that purple one!!!!
She has the coolest style and I will always look up to her in that sence....she gives the phrase “DRESSED FOR SUCCESS” a whole new meaning!!!!!! YOU GO GIRL!!!!!

I think it’s not a matter of age but about the body’s shape & passion. If Marie is “in shape” it would be outstanding to see her in JtJ tour outfit once again. I mean it’s much more sexier then RS tour outfit.
But if she isn’t in shape she should avoid it like a plague.
I’ve just seen “Galaxy Quest” with Sigournay Weaver and she looked so hot! I thinks she’s older than Marie, isn’t she?

@Electra: I totally agree!!!

BTW: I like this one very much:

So, I would like to see YOU :-) Will you visit the Gyllene Tider tour this summer ??

@ Max-Tob. I wouldn’t compare Marie with Per, because well...I don’t remember Per acting realy wild on any concert and...he’s more “cute”, “sweet” kind of guy than “handsome” kind of guy.
I like him very very very VERY much, but he’s no James Dean to say it gently...

@ Electra. Wow - you have very smiliar taste to mine, girl.
I *love* Borgholm LS and leather Jacket from Antligen was amazing. And yep Join the Joyride concerts outfit was the best. You said it “....if the shoe fits....”.

...yes, Juanita, he’s not James Dean; fortunatelly.

@ Max-Tob

Hmmm. I’ve seen one of those recent Rolling Stones’ concerts too and I think it was great that Mick gave so powerful preformance. He gave 100 per cent of himself.

I think live preformance is about everything or nothing...

@KerA: I know what you mean. He really gives everything. And so does Bruce Spr. (I olny watched some recorded material though; never saw him really live). And so does M.. And so did P. last summer. But each of them in their own way. I don’t think we can ask from Marie what we saw in Mick’s performance. I think I would feel like trying to protect her from giving that much on stage... I told you I felt pity for poor Mick J. who could barely breath quite long before the show was ended. So...knowing about M’s illness and wanting her back so much, I don’t think I can still asking from her to bring out a Mick J.-like live performance; or a JtJ-like costume to fit her actual presence...She’ll always be my favourite entertainer anyway...

I have seen Cher’s farewell concert and at one point she wore that famous supersexy costume from “If I Could Turn Back Time” video (BTW – she said it’s her fav ’on stage’ attire). She looked great and was very sexy. She didn’t lost a thing from good ol’ days.
Isn’t Cher a lot older than Marie?

Cher NEVER looks great...

Cher is definetly much older than Marie...I agree with Crashroxer, Cher is not great, but she has a nice body though
I never liked her costume from “If I Could...” - it shows too much to be sexy...and I hate the “obvious” sexual behaviour on stage (of female AND male performance as well)...That’s why I love Marie’s suggestive attitude.

I don’t like Cher, but have to admit in those goodbye’s concerts she looked the same...

Ps. Ouch I’m pretty sure that actutally Marie said she liked Cher very much. It was in the same tv interview when she said Madonna sometimes goes too far on stage.

This is a half interesting topic first for a long time :)

I have to say that I loved Marie’s outfit from the Joyride era, she looked so damned sexy ;) Thanks for all those pics some really cool ones that I hadn’t seen before.

The only thing I didn’t like from the Joyride tour was that awful jacket thing she is wearing over the black cat suit on the cover of Live-ism and what she wears in DFS what on earth was that thing!!!

I think Marie has always looked very sexy on stage, she really knows how to pull the sexy moves! BTW I think her haircut just oozes sex :) especially from the LS days, unfortunetly I will not be seeing any Gyllene Tider shows....would be nice to see you too, who knows, maybe we have allready seen each other...
Where you at any shows on the Antligen Tour?? I was there from the Vadstena show until the Skovde show.... Or on the shows @ Karlstad;STHLM & Goteborg with the RS Tour????
Where are you from???? I am the girl from South-Africa....describe yourselve, maybe I’ll remember you....or post a photo... you also search for HER style stuff when you go shopping???? and my absolut closest MF-soulsisters, love to shop for HER-style clothing....its always so much fun!!!!!:-))

Think what you want but I do like Cher! She looks better than Madonna at least!
And I wanna see JtJoyride costume again! Why? Because Marie looks better than Cher+Madonna. And JtJ costume is sexier than Cher’s “If I Could Turn Back Time” thingy.

Oh, and actually I remember a funny thing about Join the Joyride costume. When they came to St. Louis they did an interview for the local tv station. It was before the show (in a cloakroom maybe) and Marie was dressed in that black outfit. She was beautiful and everything but also seemed to be a little bit shy and nervous. She was trying to cover herself by crossing legs and arms all the time. It was a bit silly too because at the end of the interview she stood up to say “Bye” and by doing that she gave “a good look” anyway. I remember that the outfit looked slightly different in a normal light. The most surprising thing was how thin the material was. Even her belly button was visible under it.
Boy, I’d like to see her again in that stuff....

Last but not least – as far as I know Marie is not old, sick and out of shape. She is a sexy beautiful chick and she’s got a look!


I think she was more nervous about the interview itself...Back in the old days in the magazine called Popcorn there were two or three posters of Roxette with Marie dressed in Join the Joyride costume. So she didn’t hestitate to do “posed photos” (outside the show) in the outfit too.

Yeah - I’m trying, but it’s hard to get those outfits. Although I do have the same dress like Marie in LTYH vid and attire from YDUM video and lots of Marie-style outfits. M is such a great role-model!

Purplemedusa wants the Antligen purple ostrich leather jacket!!

BTW... going to Ostrich County (Oudtshoorn in Little Karoo - Western Cape, South Africa) next week... will hit one till it’s the correct shade, skin it and ask kerA to copy Marie’s style for me. Hey that sounds like a plan!

Antligen... aaaantligen i dag... solen gick upp over stan... lalalala

Did anyone of you girls tried to re-create Marie’s Joyride Tour outfit? That would be cool to meet such a girl! :-)

@ purplemedusa



@ demuir - read the older messages in this topic.

@ Hotblooded

I wouldn’t diss, how would you say it, “that awful jacket thing”. I think She needed it for start, to get in the mood, you know. I think it was easier for her to start with the jacket and then take it off, and then take off the sleeves. Besied that jacket wasn’t that bad

BTW - I do love this dress! I mean she looks so beautiful in this.

Men! It’s a great topic! I really love Marie’s ’Joyride’ costume. I think it looks stupid on girls who don’t have a perfect body but I think that Mari has got it! I don’t understand how doesn’t she get excited in it without underwear...

Huh? She WAS getting VERYexcited during Join the Joyride shows...Just look at LIVE ISM dvd and you’ll notice that. Like for instance during the live performance of Soul Deep her nippels are suddenly becoming very hard..I mean visible under the costume.

I wonder are there more TV recordings of Join the Joyride shows... Marie was so sexy and powerful durging these shows.

And beautiful, beautiful beyond imagination!

During St. Louis interview they’ve asked her about Joyride costume (LOL no wonder). She said she had chosen (designed?) it herself and she’s very happy with it. Also when she stood up to say bye the interviewer again said something like “wow. that stuff really is sexy and cool!!!” and she said “yeah” and smiled.

Here go a few more Maire’s outfits I like VERY much.
I think Marie should be a fashion-desingner!!!

BUT i have to say that my second favorite Marie’s costume is the black outfit from Room Service Tour. She looked amazing in this one - beautiful and supersexy! Just look

I’ll say it again: Marie should be a fashion-desingner!!!

It seems I am the only one, who found it sexy to see the two hot blondes dance in Soul Deep, that was just beutiful, especially to see how Vicki’s boops were bouncing wildly, in my openion, that was worth much more attention than Marie’s nipples being hard.

Join the Joyride outfit is the best Marie’s costume ever and it is the most sexy on-stage outfit ever!!! I mean I’ve found this pic and – wow – it’s a posed photo and, man, this is the ultimate skin tight stuff! Just look carfully...You can even see her...her slit under the material. It’s so hot! Marie was so brave to wear it. She looks amazing in this. She’s the most sexy and beautiful singer on this planet!

Thanks for the links. I agree... she looked great during RS tour. She looks good in black!

WOW! This is a cool pic!!!! Marie was always very independent and brave regarding her fashion choices. She looks outstanding! I’ll have to work-out harder to get such a body!

PS> I imagine how many guys wanna be Per on that picture LOL

nice picture, johnny ramonez. marie looks so hot on that picture. it’s so cool she allowed her pants to crawl up that much. very sexy. i love her face’s expression on that pic too. she’s got pretty AND intelligent face. someone clone mf for me, please?

does anyone have more join the joyride pics?

I’ve read all this thread again and I think that this discussion proves that the most of Roxette’s fans think that the best Marie’s costume ever was Join the Joyride outfit!

But there’s more to that.. Our discussion shows that we admire Marie not only as a great person, wonderful singer and songwriter, but also as a truly beautiful woman and kind of role-model regarding fashion and trends.


@ValentinKlein - nice choices, but the last link seems to be a broken one. wany cool Marie’s pics on russian sites?

@at kera, well said!

Hi boys and girls,

I’ve found more photos of our beautiful Marie in the Join the Joyride costume - Hotblooded? With Per, in the black jacket, very powerful - Spending My Time? Sexy, moody, erected nipples - Sleeping single? Another one with Per, flat belly

I think Marie could do a big fashion show someday with various models dressed in her various outfits.

Just imagine this... there could be outifts for all kind of ages - from young girls to mature women.

It could be be really cool. I thnik she’s a big trendsttter and she’s got so great taste.

I mean her outfits are no ordinary stuff, but not something too bizzare like many things they show these days on fashion-galas.

I would be the first one to buy anything from Marie’s line of clothes.

MF’s line of clothes that would be a dream come true!

I think Marie is blessed with the amazing talent for style & makeup and costumes. She was, is and will be a trend-setter. But speaking about her outfits I do like her attire from M&T&H vid. She looks so fresh and nice in this colorful stuff…Also her black outfit from Room Service Tour was very cool&sexy.
What else? I remember reading an article about her dress from IMHBL video. It had to be very fitting and as white as in the Persil advert ;-) to become “a screen “ for bits from Pretty Woman movie…I read they tried 3 different dresses before they found the proper one…
But what’s her best outfit ever? I won’t be original here and say it has to be the catsuit from Join the Joyride. Think about it: before Trininty and Catwoman, there was Marie Fredriksson in that super sexy outfit! And she looked far better waering it than Halle Berry and Carrie-Ann Moss together!!! ;-). Oh, and the outfit was a lot sexier than the follow ups. I don’t remember it exactly but back in 1991 there was an interview (or more like a bit from the press conference) in German 3sat, when they asked her more about this ccostume. She said (more or less) she loved to wear it, but she always needed to have some time (and got “into the mood”) before she’s ready to take off the coat and the sleeves. She said she choose the attire herself and it really felt sexy. They also asked her was it comfortable. She answered (with laugh) it wasn’t as comfortable as silk underwear but she liked it anyway…
Possibly it’s her fav costume too…

Well, I liked Maries dressing a lot during the Room Service tour. But during the Joyride days she wore some suits I don’t like at all, for example that red latex thing in one piece, looks kinda froggy to me, lol.

QUOTE: ” [Catsuit] wasn’t as comfortable as silk underwear but she liked it anyway…”

LOL!. Marie can be so funny!
She has to to love this attire. It shows on all those old tv materials and photos. She shines ;-) when she’s wearing it. Of course she looks sexy, beautiful but also - happy and full of energy. Surely she had to be “in love” with this catsuit. Otherwise she wouldn’t risk ;-) with such a provocative outfit on stage (I mean...even she has compared this atirre to underwear..not to a dress, skirt or whatever)

To Sweet Pete: If I remember correctly she made the comparison to silk lingerie cos during the interview it was hinted this way or another that she’s wearing the catsuit without underclothes. That piece of info lead to the questions about details on the costume, comfort and so on. Marie also said “I’m over thirty now and know what to wear!” or something like that.
To Flower Power: Cool photos. But do you have any more pics with MF in the Joyride’s catsuit?

I think MF looks in that catsuit simply fabulous. All the propotions of her body are perfect!

Thanks for info Thomas.

I think that “the Joyride’s catsuit” is not only very sexy but really shows how very very beatutiful woman Marie is, how full of passion and full of energy. It suits her as a woman and as an artist. Rox music always was full of energy and this costume from my pov stands for energy...

Some pics for you

Thanks Pete!!!
Great stuff.

BTW - I think we often forget (blinded by her amazing voice) that Marie is not only one of the greatest singers of our times but also a very beautiful woman. Yes - more than pretty - beautiful!

I remember Room Service concert in Berlin and she looked wonderful. The most beautiful women I’ve ever seen. Seriously.

Hope to see her on some conecerts again!

It was an interesting reading. It seems I have missed a lot about the wonderful catwoman costume:)

I haven’t seen many of Roxette’s videoes but in the one for Crash Boom Bang Marie wore this long white dress. She looked beautiful!


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