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Romania anyone???

89 replies

Buna.... M-am gandit ca ar fi ceva sa existe si o discutie in limba romana aici, asa ca daca aveti chef sa spuneti ceva, cuiva din Ro, faceti-o!
Sunteti destui fani Roxette romani asa ca de ce sa nu treceti si pe aici?

Ps sper sa am mai mult noroc la raspunsuri decat cealalta incercare.... :)

Buna Malena,
I am afraid that’s all I know in romanian :-( .... I understood few things, but I’m not sure if they are right....
I have a friend who knows it and I want to learn it , but he wouldn’t teach me :-( ......
BTW I am from BG - the other side of the Duna... So , if you want you can visit our forum.All the guys there are very nice..... And if you don’t mind I could come here?!!!! What do you say?!?!?!?

IPPIE and Malena:
I don’t really know any romanian totell the truth, but you two seem really nice and interesting and I would love to learn the language if you two would be willing to be penpals and teach me some romanian. I really hope you say yes but i will understand if you don’t. By the way, I live in America.

Hey! About the Romanian “lessons”, I’m not sure I’m a very good teacher. I know that actually...
I realise how hard learning a language like this (soooo different than English) can be, because I’ve been trying to learn Swedish and I can’t say I’ve achieved much :)

I also realize that learning the language will be difficult but i am open to any challenge. I just like learning new things, so if you decide to try, hey let me know. Its up to you.

Angl_Tht_Rox84 – I am not from Romania.... I can not teach you Ronamian, beside I myself want to learn it.... :-) My language is a little bit different...., but if you want to try I wouldn’t mind.... But in order to do this you had better suply some addresses.... :-)

Malena – so Swedish?!!!? I am also doing it , but just by myself and I like it awfully much .....

Angl_Tht_Rox84, sorry but I can’t help you..... I hope you don’t take this the wrong way but I don’t think I am the teacher you’re looking for :(
I really doubt my teaching capacities, but I wish you good luck with learning Romanian and that goes for IPPIE too.
@IPPIE: I’m learning (trying anyway) Swedish on my own too. I like it, I wish it was just a little bit easier....

Malena – I don’t want you to be my teacher... :-)
I just thing that maybe we could have a chat, if you want , of course....?
Is the Swedish really hard? Seems I am just in the begin_ning , hah..? Well I will see very soon how hard it could get for me.. !!! :-)

IPPIE the part where I said that went for you too I was reffering to the good luck wishes!
I think Swedish is a lot like Romanian when talking about all the things that in English,for example, are the same (sorry if I get carried away but for example English plurals are almost the same, while in Romanian and Swedish....) The Swedish pronunciation gives me headaches too :)))

All right Malena :-)
Actually in my language it is the same... But the pronounciation is O’K for me, funny why? Maybe it’s one what they say and something else that I hear?!! :-) Thanks for the wishes and the same to you.... By the way what other languages do you know ? The both of you, if you two come to this forum....?
And one more thing I will bw off for about a week or less. I hope you still will be here when I come back... :-)
See you soon....

ok I’ll be waiting...

I only know English, French and Spanish right now, IPPIE, but I am also trying to learn Portugese

Hi, I’m Romanian too, and I have this message for malena: sunt interesata de un grup de discutii pe tema asta in romana, dar ... poate reusim sa ne organizam..

I am back, but seems you are not here..?

@ IPPIE Yes, I am!
@ minnie scuze ca a durat atat sa reintru pe forumul asta... la ce te referi cand spui “sa ne organizam”?

Where are you guys?....

Hi Malena and the others,
Sorry, I thought they have repaired the phones, but they haven’t, what a shame .... But here I am. How have you been?

Hey IPPIE nice to hear from you again.
I’ve been OK, thanx
As you have seen, I’m waiting to hear from someone from my country. It would be nice to have a discussion with other romanian fans and if we will have one I hope you’ll be there...
You know, there is a site and I checked it out but I guess I prefer TDR and other sites. They’re a lot better. You should go there too if you want.

lost you again

malena –there were few romanians around here even writing in the forums in 2001..
Do you know them??
I remember it cos they went to the concert in Vienna 2001 as we did with IPPIE and the others :-)
IPPIE–i want to hear some romanians words from you :-)))

Sorry Malena, but there was some reallyy BIG problem with the phone lines and I had to stay off-line... But as you can see I am BACK... :-)
Hey Believer – don’t provoke me.... :-) You know what I am capable of...

hey Emil! I really wish I could talk to them, but unfortunately I don’t know them and I haven’t seen any of them around here...
@ IPPIE welcome back!

oh, and about you two being at the Vienna concert..... THAT”S GREAT!!!
I don’t think I would have that oportunity any time soon. How was it? I bet it was terrific...

Oh well... You can’t go far without me finding you ;-) Sorry if my appearence here causes any negative emotions, IPPIE and Emil__BG...
Anyway, wavey from Bulgaria to you, Romanian fans! :o)

Malena – you are all so right that you just can’t be wrong! :-)
We were at the first row right in front of Per!!! If you need more info just say!
i_jera (Milena) quite near Malena... – It’s O’K. We do not mark territories here and I am happy to see anyone (knowen or unknowen) anywhere here :-)
But tell me did you see this yourself or someone told you ?

IPPIE I do need more info!!! Right in front of Per, oh my God that must have been unbelievable... I’m already freaking out imagining it! :)))

IPPIE - Myself :-) I was just going through the International forum and noticed the Romania topic, so just thought to check it, and to write a little note... So! :->

MALENA– write to me on [email protected].. i’ll searched my old files and memories for more info about romanian fans..

Malena – All right ! How exactly do you want it and where exactly do you want it? Here, in e-mails, or in normal letters by the post offices ??? oul, ,, yes it was absolutely fantastic!!! :-)
i_jera – o’k.

PS: I still have no phone /:-[ , this time for a reason I do not know....

that is what i found till now...

e-mail —[email protected], [email protected]
me personally— [email protected], [email protected]

IPPIE thanx a lot!! You can send me e-mails at [email protected]... I’ll be waiting!
@ Emil thanx for looking! I didn’t know about some of those addreses and I could’ve used them. I will now... :) and I really wouldn’t mind hearing two sides of the “Vienna Rox concert” story...

hey guys where are you?
IPPIE is your phone down again?

Vrei sa pleci dar numai numai ei, numai numai ei, numai numai numai ei. Chipul tau si dragostea din tei. Mi-amintesc de ochii tai.

I don’t speak Romanian but I like the song!

Hi everybody,
Malena – yes my phone is still out of use - how alful.... That’s the reason you can not find me here recently.... I will try to push Emil to write a story of his own, as well...
See you soon

ok IPPIE I already said I would be waiting
@roxlad I’m really surprised you know that song :))) it’s not really the most... complex song you’ve ever heard but it’s funny, I like it too :)

yep, I’m still here.....

so am I , Malena... :-)
One question – what exactly do you want to know about that concert about 3a years ago?

And what is that song you talk about ???

IPPIE, I want to know .... uhm... everything! from the moment you got there, where you sat and stuff like that. If I got it right, you met other Romanian fans. Have you talked to them since then?
oh , and about the song... :)))
it’s just a song from a band called O-Zone and (it’s not really a very... strategic song; it’s really... simple) roxlad knew the words. Funny

I can’t believe it —— I finally have lined and grounded..... should I thank s.o. or should I kill s.o. ???
O’K about the song .....
Other Romanian fans – I have to think a little bit ....
Where we sat , you mean at the consert ?

BTW, what do you think about the summer tour of G.T. ???


Yes, here in Italy Dragostea din tei is number 1 in the charts! But I’m talking about Haiduci version... which I’m not very fond of... I prefer the original O-Zone version.

@IPPIE about the concert, yeah, that kind of stuff...
about the G.T. tour, I guess I’m both happy and sad because it’s really great they reunited (again :)) but I won’t be able to come to any of the concerts and I’m not sure I’m going to get the CDs... Are you going?
@roxlad I didn’t know until a few days ago that this other band took that song, nor that it had been released abroad... I’ve never heard the other version, I’m sticking to this one :) I’m really glad the song has this much succes and not only in Italy

Malena – future is uncertain.....
But I can help you with the CDs.... How many are they? And which exactly are they, because I can think of the new album and..... ??? is it compilation ??? , one or two CDs ...?

I was reffering to the new album, yes. But that’s ok...
I wanted to ask you: what do you think Roxette will do next? I want to think they will release an album in late 2004 or 2005. Do you think they’ll tour?

Well Malena, I do not have a single idea about what Roxette will do... :-)
I would love it if they release a new album, but I would like it more if it’s a little bit more guitar one, a little bit harder. The greatest would be another tour, but I thought the 2001 was the last one.... but we could never know :-) do not pay me attention, I have the feeling that I am writing very sily things....
And what do you mean it is O’K about the New GT albums???

I agree with you on the sound of the new album. I’d like it to be a guitar focused sound too. I’ve always thought that’s what Roxette’s about.. And you’re not talking non-sense to me, I still believe Roxette will tour and Marie will be the one to suggest a new tour!!! Maybe I’m not too sure, but it’s really not that impossible.
About the CDs, what I meant to say was it was ok I probably wouldn’t get them. Actually, wasn’t going to get because I was talking about the new album.

O’K Malena... :-)
I am sorry I’ve been gone for so long......
I have sent you an e-mail...., it’s not the story yet, but this will happen too, I heven’t forgoten....


Hey you guys. Its been a while. I don’t know the new people, but hello to you guys too. Hey by the way feel free to e-mail me.
IPPIE: I got your e-mail you sent for the HUGS thing. I thought it was sooo cute. Haven’t been able to send it to others yet but I will!
Au Revoir!
Hope I spelled that correctly!

Amanda – I think it is correct, but I don’t know french :-) ....

Hey Ippie and Malena: I went to the bookstore and found a Dictionary and pronounciation tape guide for learning Romanian a while back. There was one for learning Hungarian too, but it was too expensive to buy both of them.
Ippie: I sent you an e-mail a couple days ago. I hope it went through.
Malena: I have to say this, your language is just soo pretty! It reminds me somewhat of the french language.

Amanda – The e.mail got through. I will read in some minutes.
French and Romanian are from one and the same language group - the one of the Roman languages, together with Spanish an dItalien...

Oh, well ,,,, seems it’s only me again....
I will tell ou in case you got to read this by some chance, that you two have problems connecting.....

Hey, where did everyone go? Everyone just disappeared all of a sudden

As you can see, I’m back :)))
The phone problem is all taken care of, thank God because I don’t know how much I would have lasted without being able to connect to the internet...
So how is everyone? IPPIE how have you been? Emil, everything ok?
Angl_Tht_Rox84, nice to see you back!
I got really excited seeing another romanian fan on the site, so d365, or Dan welcome! Ma bucur ca cineva a raspuns, intr-un final, incercarii mele de a gasi fani romani si la TDR! Eu sunt Miruna (Malena) si sunt din Bucuresti. Sper sa te mai vad pe aici!

I am glad you are all back :-)
Malena – I am so and so , up and down , you know....
Emil just passed one examination in English And I am very happy for him....
Amanda – here we are, as you ca see....

It won’t be bad if Dan comes here....

See you

hey IPPIE! It’s been a while! Should I understand you’re not doing so well?

oh and Dan..... any day now right?

Hey Malena, nice to know you are back on-line too. I just wanted to wish everyone a happy 4th of July. That’s our Independence Day over here and I just wanted to include you all( not to mention it’s my 20th b-day finally!). Just wanted to let everyone know that I wanted to say hello, since it’s been a while!

Hey thx for the nice thoughts!
Happy birthday!!!!! And happy 4th of July too!

where is everybody??
oh and happy bday again, it still is 4th of July! :))

Hi friends :-)
Amanda – i said about the birthday, but I forgot about the Independence day.....
Malena – i am really not bad , but the best,,,, but I get high with a little help of my friends..... And Malena When is your birhtday? I asked once , but you didn’t answer, you were left off-line :-)

my birthday’s on the 3rd of February
when’s yours IPPIE?

yep, I’m a fierce Aquarius....Do you believe in astrology? I’m talking about the real thing not the magazine horoscopes... I’m asking so I know if I can go on and on about this subject or not... :)))

Malena – Thanks for tthe info!
My BD is on the 26 of April.... I guess that makes me Taurus :-) My father is your sign, too and some friends also...
Astrology, oh yes , yes I am very , very interesting in that topic!!! You can talk about it as much as you want, I will be very glad.... :-)

hey IPPIE that’s funny.... My mother is a Taurus and a friend of mine too :)
I must sound like a nerd with all the astrology stuff, but I’m really not, I find it hard to believe the predictions... I sometimes read or see on TV 3 or 4 different horoscopes for that day and I pick one, whichever’s the best :)))
The thing is I read books or articles about the real astrology and I think it’s pretty interesting, especially the characterization of the signs and sometimes the compatibilities. Everyone I know fits in their astrological signs, more or less but they do!
Now don’t freak out on me :) but have you calculated your rising sign? You know, you need the exact hour of your birth. If you haven’t done that yet, I can tell you if you know the time you were born... My rising sign is Taurus :)

Hey Malena,
That gives me a very big smile :-)
I actually haven’t calculated anything, but I have something like astrological card at the time of my birth.... , but I haven’t taken the interpretation yet...

And one more thing I do not think you are a freak... :-)

Do you think they can send us to the off-topic forums for this???

Whats with all the people having their sign as a Taurus? Dude I feel so left out! (just kidding) My sign is Cancer and so far everything I’ve heard (or just about anything) that applies to Cancer seems to suit me perfectly at times.
IPPIE: got your e-mail. I had a wonderful birthday thanx and about the Roxette Vienna concert you mentioned, I think you mentioned something about it but I can’t remember right at this moment.
MALENA: thanx for the birthday wishes. I had a question that I just remembered I was gonna ask you, but I was wondering what kind of holidays you had over in your country and if you had some of the same ones we have in America?

Amanda – I am glad you’ve had a wonderful time ...
Malena – I have one little question.... i hope you wouldn’t mind, but I was just wondering if you would be so kind to tell me your age......

BTW: some friends of mine are going to Romania, I should’ve gone with them, too , but I anm stupid...

Amanda... I can call you Amanda right? :) I’m not sure exactly what you mean... If you mean like the 4th of July we do have a National Day you know :)) It’s on the 1st of december. I don’t really get what you mean...
oh, and don’t feel left out! I’m not a Taurus either remember??? Everything I’ve heard about people born under Aquarius fits in for me and for other people born under other signs too, so they’re obviously not coincidences...
I wanted to ask you (and IPPIE too) if you have yahoo messenger. If you do, tell me your ID (I already have IPPIE’s). My ID is pirunes_rox as you might know.

IPPIE I’m probably younger than you might think... I’m 17. How old are you?

Malena – I didn’t expect you to more than 18, so do not bother.....
Yahoo Messenger is under construction :-)
I started writing the story about Roxette’s concert 2001 in Vienna, but do you want the story in front of he hall, or just the concert ???
If you fit in your sign does that mean that you talk a lot? ;-)

hmmmm..... I’m not sure what to understand from the fact you didn’t expect me to be more than 18 and “don’t bother”.... ????
how old are you?

and about the story, I don’t know, if there are things worth mentioning, I say, by all means, write them! :)

Malena –O’K..
I ment I didn’t think you are more than 18, do not ask why ...

IPPIE ok I won’t ask why.....
But really you’ve made me really curious...
How old are you?

Hey Malena – you are not the firts one saying that :-) ha-ha .... about the yahoo messenger when are you there? I had some problems the last time .... :-(
I will try now again.......

ok IPPIE I guess you probably have some secret identity nobody knows about or something and you don’t tell people your age...hmmm, now what could it be??? you could be a super hero.... or you could be an old lady with lots of cats.... or a very rich 10year old.... but I guess you wouldn’t have gone to the rox concert if you were one of those options.... I hope you realise I’m joking :))

about the messenger I don’t have a schedule....

I’m actually leaving this Thursday, I’m going on a holiday to the seaside with a friend so... for about 2 weeks I won’t be online
I guess I’ll “see” you then ok?

Malena: actually, yes its alright to call me Amanda. Have fun on your trip! As for what I meant on my ? dealing with holidays, I was just wondering if your holidays are exactly like ours or if you have holidays that don’t get celebrated anywhere but in your own country. I hope this clears up the confusion of my question.
IPPIE: how on earth could you pass up the opportunity to go to Romania? I’d do anything to visit another country other than my own : )
Also I’m not sure if I have Yahoo! messenger or not, but I could find out.

Amanda – well may be it was a little bit stupit, but I had my reasons.........
Malena – have a nice time .........

BTW I was about to go to Konstans I do not know to write it , sorry........ and I was to leave today.........

hey guys! I’m back early because my friend had to come back, but we didn’t lose much time so it’s ok. I had a great time and I passed through and stayed really near Constanta, that’s how you spell it. The sea was great the weather was wonderful except for about 2days, but all in all it was a really nice holiday.

IPPIE you shouldn’t have passed the oportunity... Who knows, maybe we could’ve met and I would’ve found out how old you are... :)

Amanda we do have holidays we celebrate only here, there are lots and lots.... Nothing comes to mind right now... I’ll think about it. To these traditional holidays you can add old customs for each holiday and in the country those customs are still practiced.... hmmm like sometime in the spring girls can pick a plant called Dragaica and that night they dream the person they’re going to marry.... or the day the boys can steal the girls they like from their homes and take them to party in the centre of the town.. of course no one gets hurt :) that one’s called Sanziene.... satisfied?

I guess I’m satisfied for now... that is very interesting. I hope one day I get to travel to your country, it just seems so facsinating at times.
I am also planning a vacation in a week or so. I am going to Branson, Missouri for a week before college starts. I’m glad you had fun on your trip. I hope to enjoy mine!

Hi girls,
I am sorry for being gone for so long.......
Malena – thanks for the spelling.... well if I had gone , I would have been there between 26.07.04 and 06/10.08.04........ and maybe you two were right - I should have gone........ , I did it for someone, but seems that person is not appreciating.....

I hope you really got nice holidays.......
Bye for now......

hey guys!
my internet connection is really bad and I’
ve been away for ages or so it seems.... I’m not sure how long this is going to last.... sorry
what’s been up with you? have you forgotten about this forum?

IPPIE thanks for the email. I just read it.
Amanda how are you? I was told next week this will be over (the lowsy internet) but then they called back and said that it’s going to last until the end of the year or something like that... :((

I’m going to try to get online some other ways if this lasts that long so wait for meee!

Ok sorry for the absence...I am having computer trouble but I think I have it under control for now.
oh well, cest la vie right. Any how, Ippie, I got your e-mail and even sent a reply, Malena you never e-mail me so I have no clue whats up with you, but hope you are doing well. By the way did you two catch Per’s holiday greeting on TDR? It totally rox! Catch you all later!

Nu ma las de limba noastra;)

nici eu....

IPPIE and Amanda do you still remember me? Yes, I’m back!
Hope you’re going to see my posting, anyway I’ll send you both some e-mails just to make sure...
Oh and I wish you a late Merry Xmas and Happy New Year! How’ve you been?

hey where are you guys? guess you’ve given up on me huh?

having phone line trouble again?

Hey Malena,
Noone has given on you up.... Here I am BTW Please remind me what e-mail have I sent you ? I feel stupid , but my memories are sleeping ....

Sorry for being that much late , but ////////
Happy B-day//// Be what ever you want to be .........

Hey everyone.
Malena I didn’t forget about you. Im still having computer problems.
Ippie, I thought I’d let you know that I now have two email adresses. The new one is the same as the old one but now instead of the @aol it ends with @yahoo. try emailing me with the yahoo adress. ive been having problems with the aol adress.
Catch you later!

Hey, where is everyone? Are everyones lines down over there or what? Someone needs to emial me so I know whats up.


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