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swedish people...

24 replies

ok, exactlly like “keep me waiting” guy, i would LOVE to write and chat with swedish people, i love this country and love the swedish language as well!!!! :)))
My name is Rony, I’m from Israel, but currently live in the U.S. and i’m 19 years old.

please write me also swedish people!

Thanks, Rony

Hej, Rony!

Can you speak Swedish?

I study Swedish at my University and the best practice for me is to speak Swedish to a swede...

So I join you in this topic -)

Hey Alienista!!

Where are you from? I’m from Israel but right now I live in the U.S, and trying to learn Swedish from a little dictionary i carry around...
It’s kinda hard! I wish i could take some course in Swedish too...!!

Anyways, no swede in here seems to answer us though:(((

hej-hej, Rony!

I’m from Belarus!

You should take caurces in Swedish then you’ll be able to communicate with the swedes in their native tongue! -)

See ya!

Thanks, but it’s pretty hard learning swedish on my own... :(( and there is no place i can find where i can take courses in it...


I have a special swedish for beginners Software which I use when I’m at home at the PC,and when I go out I read my swedish-german german-swedish dictionary from Langenscheid.

Hejsan :)

Hejsan allihopa! en tjej från finland här e finland-svensk haha! *wink wink*

I‘m swedish..or my mum is my dads finnish so i speak both languages..moikka,heidå byye!

anyone here?

I am here but it seems like it is just we

Haha now it’s just me *lol*
Then I have to talk to myself like I always do when I’m stuck ;) just joking

But how would we be able to chat with you Rony if you don’t have any mailadress
or you don’t want to talk to me :P Understand you I would do the same,

Sorry it’s to late don’t listen to me but I got a point somewhere ;)

Anyone hee-eere?

I am here but it seems like I don’t count =P

I’m here... I think everyone went to the soap-forum.

Okej, but you can be at both *Tadam* ;)

Hello, im not swedish, american actually, but hello anyways. Ive been trying to learn hungarian and romanian so far but no luck yet. I havent tried my hand at swedish or finnish yet. Are they hard languages to learn?

Hello Angl

Nice to talk to you

For me swedish isn’t difficult if you really want and tries so wht would it be problems?

Hope you are fine

@Angl_Tht_Rox84: Of Finnish, they say it’s related to Hungarian, and equally difficult (you won’t probably find two similar words between those languages, but they say they’re related). So you know how difficult it can get to be.
Swedish is not that difficult though, it’s quite logical and straight, I found it a bit easier than English (it’s way easier to pronounce for a Spaniard, in my opinion).

On the other hand, how come Romanian? :D It’s not like the most popular language in Europe. I find it funny, I can trace many words from Italian and my own language (Spanish) into it, together with clearly Slavonic ones (I’m still at learning Bulgarian, and I tried Serbian before xD). Now I get a Romanian TV station and sometimes I look at it, I don’t understand much, but I can follow the speech, and it’s so funny :D!)

Hej Alla:-)
I’m a girl from Hungary and study Swedish - well nowadays only by myself, but earlier I went on course and had a private teacher. I love this language as well, logical and sounds nice! :-)

Hej! är det bra med er?

Nice to hear that some find the swedish beatiful :)

Jag kommer från Tyskland!

Är mycket trevligt här!

Så bra :)
men jag skriver inte så ofta här nu när SOAP-forumet finns, men det ena goda förskjuter ju inte det andra
men det blir för mycket engelska för mig ;)


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