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Per on Finnish tv

4 replies

There was an half hour long interview with Per on Finnish tv 2. Nothing new indeed. Some old GT material, clips from Rox-videos. Per told about songwriting and how does it feel when everybody knows who you are. He also told that Gabriel asked him how dare Per sing about breasts on song Tycker när du tar på mig :)

So, what did he answer to the question about how it feels if everybody knows him?


Per said it’s nice when people asks autographs or says they like Per’s music, but sometimes he hopes people don’t regonize him. And Gabriel don’t like when everybody wants to chat with Per when they are shopping :) Per also told that he has been famous so many years so he try to live as normal life as possible, he doesen’t want hide.

Poor kid, I also hated when my dad or mom made me wait because they were chatting with some “friend”, while shopping or just walking around :D I know how he feels! Minutes seem hours long! :D


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