Beautiful things are comming: vote for Roxthings
Roxlander said on August 4, 2003 14:37:
Things and situations in Roxvideos.
1) Two of a kind: that video where Marie and Per seen to have that certain chemistry.
Real sugar
Dressed for success
How do you do!
2) A better place to be: Nicer locations in Roxvideos.
Milk and toast and honey
3) Shaping me up for the big time: best costumes for a Roxvideo.
Crash! Boom! Bang!
The Big L.
4) Feeling like a fool: the strangest, or even stupid, situation in a video.
Marie singing with ducks in Stars
Cartoons in Opportunity nox
Dancers and backvocalist in Soul deep
5) The big lust: sexiest situations from a Roxette video.
Everything in (Do you get) Excited?
Sexy people in The centre of the heart
Sexy scenes in Sleeping in my car
And last, but not least, the most important one!
Fressle 2003: The best Roxvideo ever (or at least in these days), for any reason, the favourite video to Roxfans.
The Look
Crash! Boom! Bang!
Mfan28179-Jason said on August 6, 2003 08:05:
Things and situations in Roxvideos.
1) Two of a kind: that video where Marie and Per seen to have that certain chemistry.
Dressed for success
2) A better place to be: Nicer locations in Roxvideos.
Milk and toast and honey
3) Shaping me up for the big time: best costumes for a Roxvideo.
Crash! Boom! Bang!
4) Feeling like a fool: the strangest, or even stupid, situation in a video.
Marie singing with ducks in Stars
5) The big lust: sexiest situations from a Roxette video.
Sexy scenes in Sleeping in my car
And last, but not least, the most important one!
Fressle 2003: The best Roxvideo ever (or at least in these days), for any reason, the favourite video to Roxfans.
Grizabella said on August 6, 2003 11:05:
1) How do you do!
2) Milk and toast and honey
3) Fireworks
4) Ducks in stars
5) Everything in (do you get) excited?
Fressle 2003.........
PerAndren said on August 6, 2003 12:40:
1.Dressed for success
2.Milk and toast and honey - It’s UTÖ! A terrific place in the archepelago of Stockholm!
3. Crash! Boom! Bang!
4. Marie singing with ducks in Stars
5. Everything in (Do you get) Excited?
And last, but not least, the most important one!
Fressle 2003: The best Roxvideo ever (or at least in these days), for any reason, the favourite video to Roxfans.
FRESSLE 2003 : Crash! Boom! Bang!
Roxlander said on August 4, 2003 14:44:
Thanks for voting. I go first in this one ;-)
1) Dressed for success
2) Milk and toast and honey
3) Crash! Boom! Bang!
4) Cartoons in Opportunity nox
5) Everything in (Do you get) Excited?
And for the Fressle 2003 might go to