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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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The Polemic "Stars"

6 replies

I know, I know, in fact we all know...half of us LOVE IT the other half HATE IT to the point of killing it if that was possible... (i personally find this love vs. hate a bit over the top but anyway) ..

I just wonder how it was for all of those who joined the RS tour and others who had the chace to hear some concerts on the the Oberhausen, the Moscow, the Köln, The Stockholm just to mention a few....HOW was it like for you to hear Stars being performed live? What was your reaction? Angryness? Joy? Did you sing the chorus alongside Marie? Was the performance great? Better than the album version? Just for curiosity...

I heard that they sang that song in different way and it turned out to be great.. well, I;m not sure :P

During their showcases in Koln and Barca they played a great slow acoustic version of it, which sounded really very cool, just like their rs-stars performance, which was (just like the acoustic one) much better then the album version, with less synths, and more guitars... it rocked... i have forgotten which visualisation in the background the used.... does someone know it still???

we could see the milky way I think behind the band

I love Stars! I don’t care if they play it different to the album version, or the same. Any version of this song must be great. I think lots of fans missunderstood the perfection of it.

its one of their most flexible songs that can do it in any format and its still awesome down with the haters :)

I love they ballad version, they should recored it for a b-side, it would be cool :) , i liked it since i first got HAND, was my fave behind ’anyone’


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