The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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room service aussie availablility

8 replies

Is there anyway I can actually buy this within Australia?
It seems kinda wierd that I can buy every other album except rarities, yet Room Service is nowhere to be found.
Was it that much of a failure?

the release took for ever in AUS and i don’t know if you’ll find manydomestic copies ..import

Yes Currently It’s out of print, just go to a major record store and ask them to get a copy for you

7243 5320432 7

OR try Ebay.


Try import section, if not...then the internet.

Us kiwis still have it over here...

thanks everybody, it just seems really strange to me that they’d have baladas el espanol in the import section, and not Room Service.

that could explain why i never see a copy with the other albums. I wonder how many more copies it could have sold if it was still available??

actually i heard there was a second pressing of baladas which i found kinda odd is till find copies of it here in the states.

Coyboy: A lot of copies of TBH would have been sold online, possibly requiring a re-spressing.

Zargo: I don’t think EMI pressed that many copies of RS, I will ask EMI if there are still copies in stock.




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