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Mazarin DVD subtitles

30 replies

Where to get it??? I don’t understand what they say in the documentary (only the part when Anton appears..)

Hmmm, be prepared to get flamed (not just by me)LOL

This DVD was made for the Swedish public, by Swedes and is therefore ...yeah, you guessed Swedish!

you talk non-sense


I agree with Ferdan... here in Brazil there are several national artists’ DVDs with English subtitles.
And c’mon, they knew that Mazarin was going to have great sales outside Sweden.
Too bad for us there’s no subtiles !! :(

All the best

felicity-brown, there isn’t just Swedish public, who understand Swedish. I’m not Swedish, but I have no problems with the language.
Btw, why you need subtitles? There isn’t that much speak on DVD.

what arnie seems to be asking for...
is subtitles in .srt format or .sub or .smi
made by a fan

The DVD is made in 9,000 copies, I’m fairly sure that way less than 500 of those are sold outside of Sweden. I don’t think that qualifies as great sales, and again, it wasn’t made for any other countries than Sweden. And what I still don’t understand is that people argue about it, the project was too small and too local to have subtitles.
Sommar-Mazarin starts soon! :)

If mazarin tour starts, will there be english subtitles on stage :-P ????
But I agree with ferdan, would be great if someone makes english subtitles for download.. i’m dutch, can understand some things, but not that much

Simple answer... learn Swedish!!!

even better answer emi recognize the english fan base for swedish acts and get ur translator started :)

Roxette make never subtitles, self the Rox-DVD wasn´t with subtitles. And I mean Rox is international so they have make the DVD in english and so also the swedes must understand it in english and don´t get a swedish subtitle. ;)

And if you want to have a subtitle then find a person who translate it and make it.
Maybe we get a german subtitle soon. ;D

Does any swedish fan want to translate the lines?

pleeeeeeeease ......

@ally 77: I totally agree with you. When I saw for the first time Atertaget-document I couldn´t understand anything but with time I learnt swedish and now I don´t have problems to understand.
Anything is possibble if you want...

but there’s people with a life actually, with no time to learn a language.
and learning languages is ok, if you like it..... otherwise....


i learn swedish since september last year
but i have to say that i dont understand much when i watch and listen to the Återtåget video.
i would like to have a translation of some parts of this video, i dont know about what they are talking.
and with mazarin dvd is almost the same.
im looking forward to the german translation of it when it will come.

Ferdan, learning a language doesn’t have anything to do with having a life or not. Learning a language is first of all, culture ;)

I must admit, though, that I know Swedish because I like or love to learn languages, so the more the better. And this one is easy, esp. when you speak English + German ;) It is also quite easy for me to learn them. I never learnt Swedish at any school, I learnt it by reading + reading + reading.

So give it a try, it is a beautiful language :P

i have no problem understanding swedish when i read it, but listen to it its quite hard.
i understand just a few words and thats not enough to understand the whole context !!! unfortunately

Okay I want to comment. I think it is mean to tell someone to learn the language. I know this DVD wasn’t made for an external market outside Scandanavia, BUT I do think a fan(s) (why not a lot of people get together and create some subtitles?! What is the big deal..?). Now I want to say that just saying “learn Swedish” is kind of hard...where is someone to learn Swedish? If someone doesn’t attend the university or know a Swedish person it is going to be hard! :P. NYWS, if no one wants to create the subtitles it is fine with me... but I want to say something... when someone translates something it OPENS THE WINDOWS to another audience.

If someone would have said “I’m not translating “Baladas en Español” or I’m not translating any of the Swedish newspaper articles that talk about Per and would anyone know what is going on? I am assuming not everyone knows Swedish, so only a select few would know. Please tell me the difference of translating a Swedish song to English, or an English song to Spanish? There isn’t a difference...what it does it allow others who are not fluent in the language to try to comprehend what the original language is saying.

Okay I rest my case!

judith, look what i said...
i said learning languages is good, if you like it...
and i said ,there’s people with lives, because some people certainly need or prefer to spend the spare time in other thing than learning a language just to understand a 30min long DVD...

i love swedish, i love learning it slowly, and when i have the chance, i´ll study it...

learning a language because you like it, it’s good
learning a language just for a 30min DVD is stupid

there’s people not interested in learning the language (OR NOT BEING ABLE TO LEARN IT), but interested in knowing what’s being said in the DVD...

if no one wants to help those people, oh well...
that’s a different matter... , a more sad one.

Ferdan is absolutly right... it takes a lot of time and dedication to learn a language, but for someone in the know to translate something for people that don’t know swedish?
That would comparitivly little time and effort, and people greatly appreciate it.

Ferdan said it himself: there is people who have a life and therefore no time for translating a DVD, or at least no time to translate articles AND a DVD.

If others don’t want to do it, well, they have their reasons, you cannot imply and judge that a person who won’t help others to understand is a “bad fan”, not solidary or whatever.

I have translated stuff from another artist (Buddaboys) from radio interviews and such for my site and it just takes TIME. So MAYBE MAYBE if you give it a bit more of TIME, and you ASK for it, not DEMAND, you may have a translation available soon :)

If not, oh well, I guess there are 2 options (if you don’t want to spend money):
- learn Swedish
- live with that
(-or get a Swedish bf/ gf ;)))

life goes on, that’s all :)

Who demanded a fan translation?

and, there’s a big difference between not willing to do it and not being able to or feeling incompetent to do it...

i didn’t say “if no one can”, i clearly said “if no one want”, cos that would either say: the rox community is so small that there’s no one avaible to make the trasnlation”
“the rox community are a group of elites confronting with each other”

anyway, i don’t think many will get my point

so? I know what you said, and I said that if no one wants to do it, well it’s up to them. You are nobody to judge why they don’t want to do it. The “that’s a different matter, a more sad one” you said some posts above may imply that ppl don’t want to help eachother, which - and you should know it after having been around the rox community for a while - is not true. There are MANY out there helping others, not only with translations; neither the community is small, neither there are weird elites confronted.

As I said above: there might be some who may want to do some subtitles, translations or whatever, it is NOT the first time. The Latinamerica fanclub translates all the songs from English /Swedish to Spanish. Marie Davis translated the interview in Marie’s DVD into English and wrote it down on her site. XXXX may translate the DVD??

Don’t panic, just give it a bit of time, and not just 2-3 weeks! Remember it’s summer and I am sure most of the Swedish-speaking fans are on holidays and / or getting ready for the PG tour ;)

The demanding was not actually only for this translation but for others. I have read some answers to threads with a link to swedish articles like: “translation?” “i don’t understand it! i need it in English!” And I am sure you know what I mean.
Being patient and a PLEASE doesn’t hurt, does it? ;)

a funny scene from the DVD I just remembered:

when they are taking the promo pictures and Per is climbing on that wall, somewhen Åsa shouts “håll in magen!” sth like “suck in your gut” :P
(as if he wouldn’t be thin enough! ;))

Parre: better? ;)

I know there’s allways people working on translations...
i know who they are, and i “love” them for that :P

but everything i said wasn’t directed to those people... but to those “elitists” that are poping-up lately in this issue....

Oj, now we even have ’elite translators’ ;) Who are they, may I ask?

The only thing I remember is a certain German girl (forgot her name) who didn’t want to share the interviews with Per she recorded from different Swedish radio stations online. So far I haven’t heard about translators for ’certain groups only’?

Curious: you Ferdan (and others, but esp. you) complain that these and those won’t do this or share that, but if I was to write a list of the people who are helping others the most - surprise: you are not in it.
If I was to risk it, I would say you wouldn’t even be in a list of ’who has ever helped other fans’.
So what can you complain about a ’community gone wrong’ when you are one of those who just take but never give (except for your speeches)?

Even if you don’t know Swedish there shouldn’t be a problem to understand the DVD. You have to understand the situation and - if you do that you will absolutely understand the Swedish senteces as well! And they don’t talk so often most of it you can really understand if you watch carefully!
If you don’t understand it: Go and learn Swedish - it’ worse it!! Not only because of Roxette!
I translate everything I can get from Swedish to German - I even have a hp with translated articles - but with this DVD it’s absolutely not necessary because you only have to see the situation to understand what what is said! :-)


C’mon you guys, let’s stop all the fighting... all we (non speaking swedish fans) ask is if someone can do english subtitles to the DVD (then I’ll translate it to portuguese, for brazillian fans), and that’s all... if someone can do it, great ! If no one can do it, what can we do? Simple like this ! :)

All the best

@ judith im really sorry, but i dont understand not in swedish even in english what it is you are talking about
i mean this hear:
a funny one that I just remembered:

when they are taking the promo pictures and Per is climbing on that wall, somewhen Åsa shouts “håll in magen!” sth like “suck in your gut” :P
(as if he wouldn’t be thin enough! ;))

sorry, i really tried it, with an english and a swedish dictionary but don tget the point.
its helpless with me, i know.

@ lurirox
i learn swedish as i posted somewhere above and i tried to understand something on the dvd, not just once, but i dont understand it.
as i said, i can read it, but listen to it, NO!!!!
thats bad but i dont know how to change
and i dont understand the lyrics of GT or per or marie when you wanna say i have to learn i like that, with the songs.
everytime need the lyrics in writing infront of me and on the next song i listen to i dont know what they are singing about.

its again helpless.
greetings Parre

hey people ...

If nobody wants to translate the mazarin dvd, well, we have to live with that, but we can ask for some particular scenes...

for example: what do they say when Gabriel is checking his teeth? what does Clarence and Cris suggest him?

and please don’t say again: learn swedish if you want to understand it... if someone ask for an argentinian cd, I would never say “hey Travel to Argentina and buy it yourself” Let’s help each other as well as we have time. Of course, any help will be apreciated-

I never talked about “elitist” translators, so you have no clue of what we are talking about.

And unless you’re spying on me, you have no idea who i am, what i do, or what i do not...
so, where do you base from the conclusion that i do not share, or anything else you´d like to say about me?

from what i say in this forum?... that’d be smart *sigh*


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