Question about Mazarin success...
gessleism said on July 16, 2003 10:17:
It´s great to see the success of Mazarin in Sweden (over 150,000 albums and the single/album #1). It seems that is a surprise to everybody (even to Per)
I´m spanish and I don´t know much about swedish charts. So, my question is... Is the first time that Per reachs the top or sells over 150,000 there? No one of Rox albums/singles did the same in Sweden?
If someone know the answer, can you help me? Thanks a lot. Keep on roxin´
tevensso (moderator) said on July 16, 2003 18:38:
Most of Per’s different releases have sold far more than 100,000 copies in Sweden. I’m a bit dated, but I think Per Gessle sold between 60 and 90,000 copies, and Scener somewhere inbetween 45 and 60,000, but I may be off here. The worst selling album ever is Dance Passion which only sold about 27,000 copies.
StillFar said on July 16, 2003 20:44:
I think gessleism is talking about the sales numbers during the period of release (you can’t really compare what the other albums sold during almost 20 years)
PerAndren said on July 16, 2003 21:20:
“Moderna Tider” sold about 400 000 and “Puls” 200 000., during the first year...
gessleism said on July 17, 2003 09:54:
I was talking about all the releases where Per was involved (Roxette, solo career, GT,...)
Certainly, thanks to everybody for the answers....
Roxette-atic said on July 18, 2003 14:28:
Look Sharp and Joyride sold like 500 000 each if im not mistaken. And Tourism and Crash sold something around 250 000. Have A nice Day sold around 200 000. DBU 95 almost 100 000. The rest of the albums I dont know.
Ps. I think that both Baladas En espanol and The Pop hits must has sold less than 27 000...?
android said on July 18, 2003 14:30:
But it is not fair to compare the eighties with today. There were sold much more records then. Today there is much more competition from other artist and the internet.
arnie said on July 18, 2003 16:53:
I was told that Scener only sold about 20.000 copies when it was released and it was named “The worst selling act in the year” Was that True?
Anyway, according to the spanish books that I’ve read, “Dance Passion” was only released for radios and Discos as a limited edition.
arnie said on July 16, 2003 17:24:
I think that “Gessle” had sold only 60.000 copies and “Scener” 20.000 copies when they were released