Roxette-translations VIEW THE PROMOTRAILER
DTR24 said on July 8, 2003 20:20:
ROXNEWS Germany is Proudly presenting you the news Roxette related Page
There where a rox fan can get all Roxette Lyrics translated in german language and much more special features
View the trailer
Roxnews ist launching the 3rd internet Website Project
Thanx for beliving in us !
Dany Riemenschnitter
Management and Promotion
Alias said on July 9, 2003 10:54:
Nicht nur das, was bitte soll”[...] Gelegenheit klopft an” bedeuten? Diesen Ausdruck gibt es im Deutschen schlicht und einfach nicht!
Jud (moderator) said on July 9, 2003 10:58:
:D Even I know that bout “auf Deutsch” :D:D Thanks to my great German Lehrerin :P
Could it be “die Gelegenheit bietet sich an”????
Krischan said on July 9, 2003 20:18:
Translating is always difficult. Either you’re close to the English text doing word by word (“Die Gelegenheit klopft an”) which sounds strange. Or you try the whole thing to make sense in your native language. This leads you astray from the original.
Some phrases just can’t be taken over word by word, one has to find a native construction that means the same. (Drunk as a sailor - Voll wie ’ne Haubitze)
But I’m sure the guys doing a good effort.
@Judith: Not so bad at all :-)
Ich mach mein Ding, aber wenn sich die Gelegenheit bietet, bin ich dabei.
Krischan said on July 9, 2003 20:25:
On the other hand: Do Gessle’s lyrics make sense at all in any language?
Walking like an man,... (just to memorize the melody).
yellowtigger said on July 10, 2003 06:42:
Please, DTR 24 could you can tell me how is doing the effect of Flash? I want to talk with you!!!!! im very interesed!! Thanx!!!!!!
camillarox said on July 14, 2003 20:44:
Btw, it is really great that you work on this site and all, but the whole design, the size of font, the new comments function, the news themselves.. it looks all very very from a starter! If I were you I would work a bit more in the design and structure of the whole site, the idea is nice (I guess, for Germans) but.. how it is put .. not so much.
Kiwein1 said on July 14, 2003 20:48:
Hej Camillarox!
We are discussing this issue for some weeks now. I don’t like the design very much either..and we still try to figure out what to change and how.
So be sure that we are also not satisfied with the design of the page.
Thanks for your comment, I appreciate it!
ChrisWilliams said on July 9, 2003 01:34: