GT tourcard 1980
ATLTK said on July 5, 2003 16:55:
as I.m living above a candystore one of the ones who work there found an old postcard from the “first real” GT tour 1980. the card is black and white and signed by all members at Nöjesparken in Varberg. how much is it wworth is it hard y to get these early tourstuff from gyllene tider?
Scoll said on July 6, 2003 04:01:
They toured Sundsvall 30/3 1980 & Karlskrona - 1980 but not sure about Nöjesparken in Varberg.
AntiMario said on July 6, 2003 08:09:
Scan it, I think I know what you’re talking about (those 4 photos listed in book).
tevensso (moderator) said on July 6, 2003 09:53:
I was joking of course. But the fact is that it’s worth as much as you yourself value it.
ATLTK said on July 6, 2003 10:14:
but whart can it be wrth - I.ll never sell it but its quite intresting to know....
is it hard to get other early GT MF tour stuff?
Jud (moderator) said on July 6, 2003 16:13:
I think Tev is right, it depends on how much you value it! I would personally not give more than 10$ for it. Others may give 30$, others 100$, depends on the person
ATLTK said on July 6, 2003 19:32:
but what can it be worth on the “collector market”
is it hard to get these old stuff gfrom MF GT Rox- tour stuff I mean where can I find it except ebay?
joakim80 said on July 6, 2003 21:02:
ATLTK> At you can find a card from a tour with GT for 40 SEK, around 5 USD...
ditroia said on July 7, 2003 04:23:
Put it on ebay for $1,00 but with a High Reserve like $1000 and se what u get, then u will know what it is worth.
ATLTK said on July 7, 2003 05:54:
that one is from 90 and with fasmile autographs
mine is 80 ( i have that on recordp..too)
sussi said on July 7, 2003 07:05:
Who cares what you have and what you don’t have?
I certainly don’t! It’s ok that you are a collector but stop bothering the rest of us with your stupid questions.
Scoll said on July 7, 2003 08:28:
shit sussi, settle down. If your not interested then skip this topic :-p
sussi said on July 7, 2003 10:36:
I’m not going anywhere! This person doesn’t seem to understand when to stop asking stupid questions and being annoying!!!
I know that many people feel the same way about him but are too afraid to express it.
Zargo said on July 7, 2003 14:11:
That may be so, but there is a little thing called tact, it’s very easy to skip threads started by someone you find annoying. Anyway, I don’t see anyone jumping out to support you. Let’s not be bitchy... roxette fans+ bitchiness= :(
camillarox said on July 7, 2003 17:24:
sussi: I am with you 100%! I am a bit tired of all these threads this guy starts, can’t you keep to one? Same applies to that darkblade....
Jackie_Radiorox said on July 7, 2003 17:46:
Ted should start 1 thread for himself and just ask questions there. We get like what? 8 Threads a day from him with pointless information or stupid questions that I don’t think even M or P could answer. I deal with enough morons a day to come here to chill, chat with fans to get more crap to scan through.
Yes, we can just skip the threads but ever skip a thread and then go back to realize that even though the person that put up the thread is a looney, the people that answer have something good to say?
The_Dude said on July 7, 2003 21:27:
Swedish chick should bitch at what needs to be bitched at. The guy is a bit much. And no, it doesn’t help skipping his topics.
Vixzter said on July 7, 2003 21:58:
@The Dude: yea skipping topics doesn’t help coz theres so many of them to skip! ;)
robban said on July 8, 2003 12:08:
I totally agree with Vixzter, The_Dude, Jackie_Radiorox & camillarox!
I don’t know how many emails I have received from this guy during the years (I have known him for more than 5 years) and most of the time I have been polite and sent him some kind of answer.
It’s a neverending story.........
I finally had to tell him off (I’m not going into why I had to do that) and now he’s not sending any more emails. He doesn’t seem to know when to stop and/or when to apologize.
I know that some other people have tried to explain the problem for him so that he can change his “behaviour”... Unfortunately he only seem to think that they are the problem, not him....
camillarox said on July 8, 2003 12:15:
this guy has been nagging many people through email and even chat, asking every two minutes “do you have anything new on Rox (& related)” “where to get this?” “do you have this for sale?” “I want this, but it is expensive, can I have it cheaper?” bla bla bla
Imagine you get 50 emails like this a day!
sick sick sick!
ted_rox said on July 8, 2003 12:28:
this chat has been worser and worser just look at yourself. instead of being nice you are sayimg bad stuff about any person.......b just like childs
camillarox said on July 8, 2003 12:38:
as Robban well said “Unfortunately he only seems to think that they are the problem, not him....”!
pelu said on July 8, 2003 12:52:
Hahaha! That´s so true! And now he´s also at the R2R forum, he´s not very popular there, either. He just writes stupid things, and his spelling can be really annoying, just like coyboys=P
tevensso (moderator) said on July 8, 2003 12:52:
“Him”? ATLTK and Ted_Rox is the same, didn’t you know? :)
camillarox said on July 8, 2003 12:54:
?! “and so its ok to make him silly here because of that? ” who is supposed to be “him”? The only person who makes himself silly is you, Ted!
It is simply not possible that most people here (and now it seems also in R2R forum) dislike you / your ways.
So please, follow the advices many have tried to give you: calm down, think straight and then post! :)
sussi said on July 8, 2003 12:58:
No Ted - Robban made you look silly! I agree with Robban because I know him and I completely trust his judgment.
I also know some other people who are fed up with your emails (I have seen several of your emails because they have been forwarded to me) and I know the situation very well. I think most of the internet active Swedish fans have a bad experience with Ted (at least everyone I know try to avoid him...)
Fortunately you don’t have my email address so I will not be pestered by your “adult” communication.
Why don’t you listen to people’s advice and change?
AntiMario said on July 8, 2003 13:37:
Hmmm, when I sent him mail regarding exchanging (yea, didn’t know he’s only 17 back then), he said - I’m only record collector and none of the mails anymore :) Good luck, Ted.
Hej, Robban, nice to hear the comment from you. Writing from 2 accounts in one topic??? What for?
Denstandigaresan said on July 8, 2003 13:44:
Ted, have you got split personalities?? What’s with the two names? :S
Vixzter said on July 8, 2003 13:57:
@ATLTK/Ted : can’t you see there is more to Roxette/GT/Marie/Per than just collecting everything they’ve ever done???
Surely this topic finaly proves it??? why always ask the same questions? why do you have to know how much everything is worth or what other ppls have....surely if they wanted to tell you they’d put it all online for everyone to see. And no ppls aren’t hiding stuff from you.....what we all know is what is published on this web site ....why do you think ppls are trying to get in ahead of you on everything?? If ppls don’t answer your topics its mostly likely that we simply don’t know the answer!
And please......don’t type Wix or Wixter ......use the V key please ...its driving me insane.
there.....I’ve said what I wanted to say, Ted please just realize theres more to life than Roxette.
If anyone feels I’m being harsh then please feel free to jump on my head :P
Jackie_Radiorox said on July 8, 2003 14:04:
Well any second we’ll get the - Do you all hate me? - Post.
Ted, or whatever your Alias is today, (I don’t know you so I can’t say I personaly hate you. But your posts are pissing just about everyone off. And your posts, I do hate. ;) Also, it would be nice if you stop having your little multiple personality disorder, everyone knows it’s you when you post. Unless you have a twin brother that just so happens to have the same silly thoughts and questions as yourself.
Jackie_Radiorox said on July 8, 2003 14:06:
Vix, I can’t jump on your head! Then I’ll have no drinking buddy when I go to Sweden. LOL! Cheers! *Raises her ummm well bottle of Cough Syrup* ;)
Vixzter said on July 8, 2003 14:16:
@Jackz: what did you say about bashing? ;)
*raises ...a cup of tea coz its tea break* ;)
Jackie_Radiorox said on July 8, 2003 14:24:
Bashing what? Don’t confuse me cough syrup and a few pills of Advil have me @_@!
Vixzter said on July 8, 2003 16:31:
I think theres been plenty of understanding, but wouldn’t you get annoyed at being asked the same question time and time again??
Jackie_Radiorox said on July 8, 2003 18:17:
Ted - Stop whining dood. Has nothing to do with peace and understanding. Has to do with questions that no one can answer, but you chose to ask anyway. Get a Magic 8-Ball, consult a psychic or something!
ChrisWilliams said on July 9, 2003 01:25:
You lot are lucky to only have to deal with one mad fan at a time. What with a huge percentage of ABBA fans being gay, us lot have to deal with a good many thousand screaming queens :-S
ChrisWilliams said on July 9, 2003 01:29:
Ok, ok. I’m gay myself. And a fan of ABBA. But I’m not a screaming queen :P
And I’m not a crazy fan!
Right - Must go. Gotta be back at the assylum by 5:00.
ditroia said on July 9, 2003 02:03:
I knew this would come, I told u ted to lay low for a while and don’t post questions on Smalltalk.
The Internet allows everyone to have their own opinion, true or false, bad or good.
Right now you are fustrating a lot of ppl, not me, but I undertand what they feel.
You gotta relax a bit and stop posting so much, otherwise people will never respond to your Questions sincerely.
All the best
P.S. Email me a picture of that tourcard if u ever scan it.
ted_rox said on July 9, 2003 08:37:
Life is a lot more than Roxette and releated... but this is a roxcommunity isnt it
sussi said on July 9, 2003 10:13:
I agree. Let’s keep it a Roxcommunity and skip the Quiz Show, Ted.
sparroweye said on July 9, 2003 12:04:
hey c’mon! is it really necessary to pick on ted like this??
yeah, maybe his annoying from time to time. but seriously, the way you people are treating him aint any better! we’re not gaining anything from acting like this, it’s probaly just making it worse..
btw, how would you feel if you we’re beeing picked on like this?!
pelu said on July 9, 2003 12:08:
I don´t think anyone have a reason to pick at us. And why would this make it worse? I think it just can be better.
camillarox said on July 9, 2003 12:24:
I think that most people here are trying to make Ted see that all his questions asked 10 thousand times lead him to nowhere, and what’s worse, is making everybody get tired of him.
This is NOT new, this has lasted for how long? 4 years? 5? Some people have been patient but there’s a point when you say “ok, this is enough” and these posts are just a result of it.
Ted please, do it for yourself, calm down and before posting something a second or third time, try to find your original post. If nobody replies to a certain post is either because nobody knows the answer or nobody cares. Asking the question again and again won’t change it :)
sparroweye said on July 9, 2003 12:31:
I can so understand what most people are trying to do, but I really don’t think this is the right way to do it...
sussi said on July 9, 2003 12:49:
What method do you suggest then? If you look at Robert’s comment you will find that it seems pointless to give Ted advice.....
There are too many people getting fed up with his kind of behaviour. We would like to read/discuss something interesting, not try to reply to impossible questions.
Sometimes it feels like you’re in a maze with no chance to find the right way out. What direction do you suggestion in this case?
Elvis said on July 9, 2003 14:38:
To the people in this thread:
-Sad to see you get such a kick making someone feel stupid
-If you get so terribly upset about a topic: -ignore it.
-Never thought I’d bump in to this kind of bullying in a Roxette-forum
-If you don’t like getting mails from someone, don’t answer. I’ve a hard time believing that he’s filling up your mailbox.
-If someone wanna use two different usernames, so what?
-If your frustration is becoming so big that you have to get it out. Then write a private message.
This kind of harassment makes me so sad.
People think, look and behave differently. It is okay, as long it’s not done with purpose to harm anyone. Isn’t it?
Zargo said on July 9, 2003 15:47:
Hopefully everybody’s got that out of their system now, and perhaps Ted has gotten the message now, poorly handled though it was.
Jud (moderator) said on July 9, 2003 16:00:
I think this went off topic long ago and there is no point, in my opinion, to go on with this..
tevensso (moderator) said on July 5, 2003 21:14:
It’s not worth anything, it’s fake. Gyllene Tider didn’t tour 1980.