The true legal way of making a million dollars ...
Nina4u said on June 19, 2003 03:52:
I finally found a legitimate, legal, way to make one million dollars ..... and Im selling the information to ONLY the first million people who write to me and enclose a dollar for shipping and handling........ ;-))
Aschrum said on June 19, 2003 14:24:
in the f.. states of america there was a man once that really did somethin like that! he didnt offered the way to get a million but asked for only 1 dollar but w/o reason!
and he got 1 million dollar :D
Roxrider_USA said on June 19, 2003 21:06:
@Nina4u: You’ve just told us who to make one million dollars. There’s no need to send you a message. ;-)
Carlos E., New York.
Santi said on June 21, 2003 21:18:
It is not a joke, when a well-known Spanish flamenco singer was acussed of avoiding paying taxes, she asked on tv 1 peseta from every Spaniard... That would have mean something like 250000 € for her. I don’t know if she thought people was that stupid...
ally77 said on June 21, 2003 21:30:
or a million £’s.... ohhhh everyone send me a £1 and when I have reached 1 million I shall donate half of it to charity and still have half a million for myself... somehow I don’t think it will work!!!
Jackie_Radiorox said on June 19, 2003 04:55:
True legal? Hmmm.. Shoot a lawyer?