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do you think of carola?

29 replies

i hate theme and i think marie too
remember when marie dont want to sing with her!

she hates gay ppl too

I like the song “Fångad av en stormvind”, but I don’t like her :(

homophopic b***h

She seems to be a biatch and pops up whenever there’s a camera nearby. I like the Eurosong song Stormwind or something but that’s it

She’s a bitch, I hate her.

She has only one good song “In every beat of my heart” ( Written by Per ), but it´s spoilt too, because she sings it.
She is ugly, fat and stupid ,her ex Runar is an a**hole too.

And she said that gays aren´t normal and she wanted to cure all gays with pray which also shows how stupid she is.
I just hate her.
I can´t understand how can some people like her.

But it was great when a swedish drag -queen Rickard Engfors made a parody of her and he sang ” Bota dig med förbön” ( Cure you with pray) instead off “Fångad av en stormvind”.
He had Carola clothes too. :)

But he isn´t as fat as her.... :)

You know what,
i have no Idea who this carola is, well she cant be on the same worldwide fame as marie anyhow :-))))))

she´s one of the most hated celebrities in Sweden, as Victoria Beckham is in the UK.


I got 2 cd records signed by her last week 1 for a friend of mine dont know who the other will be I wont keep it

my boyfriend took lots of pictures too of her and me yuuuk

And she said in an interview that it´s so hard for her that people find her so sexy .
Is she dreaming?
I never ever met anybody who find her sexy.

Hm, I don´t know who Carola is.What has she did why people hate her?

“let’s pray for all the homosexuals so they can cure” she once said (in an interview in Norway I think) Some weeks later the swedish gay magazine QX interviewed her and said that “she was not meaning it like that” yeah sure, how then?? She just said that because she was quite popular in the gay community, and her sales dropped bitch >:|

i couldn’t stand her before that, but after those words...

i wonder, who the hell buys her cds? :P


I guess then she is something like Tamara in Spain. Nobody liked her but she sold lots of singles :D

Carola did win eurovision contest in the early 90’s? i think i can remember her...

yes and already in ´83...

She is the second biggest joke. The biggest one is Runar :D

Um, I don’t know Carola at all. I get this is a very GOOD thing, right?? She sounds nasty...

every time u post a thread about her u keep her and her stupid viewpoints alive dont give her the attention

she has a good voice but shes very very dumb
lets coure her instead shes the one who shall be coured with pray

I’d like to hear “Fangav av en stormvind” sang by Marie Fredriksson :p

i dont know her and dont much care she sounds like a bitch and she has a problem with her attitude

I must have missed something

homophopic b***h!!! lol great comment Storm!!! Couldn’t have said it better myself!

who is Carola?? :-P :D

Well, she is kinda stupid.Is this kind of character that should be in every country... to make the rest laugh. Don´t like her at all... y para colmo, homofóbica, lo que le faltaba a la pobre (lo siento, no sé cómo traducirlo)

I don’t like Carola either, but I must say that ATLTK is right -she does have a good voice. the lateast song of her (löven faller lr nåt??) was actually kinda beautiful...
but, as a person she’s wierd...

Clerk @ smile
did u have good time in london? :D


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