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Quit Smoking ZEE !

122 replies

I can’t be the only one who would like to see you quit....
Maybe others could tell you to stop here; and give you good reasons for why you have to quit.
LOLS. (I PROMISE to eat twice as many apples and oranges if you..) promise that you’ll have your very last smoke before your next b-day. It’s 3 months to get over the addiction. That’s more than enough. Start cutting down NOW. (please?)

“”Overall, about HALF of all smokers DIE from tobacco related diseases. Those killed by tobacco in middle age, lose an average of 20 - 25 years of life expectancy. However the good news is stopping smoking works.
Those who manage to quit before they develop any serious disease avoid most of the risk of being killed by tobacco.”” :-)

Quit smoking dear Zee!!!!!!!!

The girl don’t like to eat ash when they’re kissing :p

I told him many times already to STOP SMOKING!!

But... it’s not too much say it again eeeheh, so :

yeah quit smoking!!


i am tell him to stop fucking smoking cigarettes for one year and a half or so but he still is smokin :’(

Be original, if you gotta smoke, don’t smoke tobacco!! :P :D

wow for peopel who are all about freedom you are so harsh on smokers..its a free world go smoke till your lungs blacken up :)

no realy get over it guys

The point is that most time smokers force to “passive-smoke” people who don’t want to. It should be banned... until then, let’s just hope that smokers realise how unhealthy it is for themselves.

There should be a banner with a picture of a smoker’s lung every two streets...

“Your freedom is over where the freedom of the others start.” -> And everyone should be free to breath air...

OH NO, Aschrum, is that true???

3 months ZEE. 3 Months...!

How about this:

Zee, if you want to quit smoking. Do so. Personally, it’s a good choice and you’ll live a bit longer if you do.

*glares at everyone else here*

HOWEVER, this IS your decision and you aren’t required to let others influence you in your decision. You can quit, you can keep smoking, the choice is up to you, AND ONLY YOU. We can’t make it for you, not to mention silly and stupid bets. How do we know that an individual will eat more apples and oranges than you, unless they live with you?

Up to you, Zeeman. Make the choice that you want to make.

*passes Zee a lighter, bong, 200 Havana cigars, huge box of matches*

Sorry folks, I gotta be the rebel

ya... ehm... but if i, no, WHEN i’ll meet him i wuld be a huge problem if he wuld like to smoke... so he shuld stop smoking as fast as possible :)

I once smoked a cigare at a family Christmas)party :DD *coughcough*

So who says he has to do it for you?

He can do it for himself, IF he wants to quit. It’s NOT up to YOU. It’s up to him, and ONLY him.

I resent people that force their wills, values, morals, and what not on other people. For too long, I have endured people telling me HOW to live, what to say, think, feel and do. No more. And I don’t tolerate that treatment of others. If you don’t like the fact that he smokes, GO ELSEWHERE. No one says he has to stop. This is HIS choice, NOT YOURS.

LS,i don’t wanna offend you,but,i think you’re over-reacting :s :O
I mean,he says he wanna stop,and that’s not easy,so,why can’t we give him some strenght?? :p

he culd do ANYTHING that does not bother or annoy other persons but smoking tobacco does piss of MOST PERSONS that dont smoke!

It’s very annoying to be in a place with people smoking should be forbiden to smoke in public spaces... Are we oblige to breath the nusty stuff that other people send to air???

YES I AM enforcing my will on Zee. He likes it. Butt out.
The idea behind this thread is to engourage him to quit smoking. You’re not doing that. Some of the replies here have shown Zee people care about him and that’s why we want him to quit. I hear what you’re saying Spook, (and i agree with you to a certain point..) but i don’t think it’s really relevant to this thread.
This is not a complicated thing. Just take a deep breath, take some prozac, just take it easy... and stay out of this please :-P LOLS We don’t want Zee to think he actually has a choice in this!!! You don’t Zee. 3 months...

Xuxa: Yes, you are right. And hey, in a lot of countries (including SA) it is ILLEGAL to smoke in public. I don’t care about others smoking. Just care about ZEE :( Thanx for telling him to quit!

Where in the world is DAMINEH??

santi both my mom and dad smoked i dormed at college with tons of smokers and i never had the urger to smokme u cant be forced to smoke

whats next ban alcohol

You are forced to PASSIVELY SMOKE. Your lugns are probably as black as your father’s...

Well,ok,you can’t force people to stop smoking,that’s true,and,it’s also true that they ruin our air,but,in bars and so on,you have place for non-smokers,and for smokers,so,in a way,their’s a solution for it,and,i don’t care if they smoke,as long as they don’t blow it in my face :s
But,on the other hand,smokers are selfish!!!!!

I only tried once smoking and it tasted so terrible

I always hated smoking. All my friends smoke, even my parents, and I always disliked it. I remember one of my friends used to tell me she smoked because she had lots going on in her mind. I didn’t get it and though it was just an excuse.

Then I got screwed and left my family and friend to go to school somewhere else. I started smoking. I hated it. Me? Smoke? No freaking way. But it was true! I had started smoking unwantedly!

I looked at people smoking in the street and I’d think to myself “oh losers!” and then would realize I have one in my hand! I was never open to my friends about smoking and when they found out, they were SHOCKED!

I decided to quit a few weeks ago. I felt so weak doing something I hated so much yet did it because it made me get away from thinking too much. I had been smoking for 3 years and I had had enough. I was never the kind to cough after swimming 50 laps or collapse after an-hour run. Smoking is something you can get away from outside world for 5 minutes with. You cannot get away from the problem though. You have no idea how much you are losing with each cigarette you light. Or you might know and not want to know! Ignorance is what it’s called!

Yet, some people don’t want to quit. That’s not because of the addiction smoking causes but because the smoker does not want to quit. Period.

Some say that non-smokers could do so many harmful things to nature and people that smoking is nothing compared to that. I agree with that in some cases. So I don’t ask people to quit smoking. That’s their choice.

So Zee, if you want to quit and think smoking is a waste, do so. If not, think about it. You might want to quit later. Smoking here and there socially wouldn’t kill you. We can smoke at a party or something for the fun of it one day ;).

No doubt about that Santi, You are forced to PASSIVELY SMOKE!!!

I had an aunt, who died on April last year with cancer on her lungs.... and you know why????
Because she worked during almost 20 years in an office where ALL her colleagues smoke!! So during almost 20 years she had to breath that damn SHIT , and her lungs were probably blacker than her colleague’s lungs!

so u c zee? if u dont wanna kill ur friends u’ve to stop smoking tobacco :)

I’ve never met ANYONE who likes to have thier will subverted in deference to another.

That’s not only sad, it’s rather pathetic. Yes, you can lend support, but do you realise HOW you sound?

“You’ll quit smoking, because you’re killing your friends.” A f*cking guilt trip like THAT is not the way to help someone. How would you like it if I came up to you and said:
“Because you eat like a pig, you kill me and everyone of your friends.”
“Because you listent to a certain type of music, you kill me and everyone of your friends.” Think about it. You give them suggestions, you give them other alternatives to smoking:

Running, swimming, biking, climbing, lollipops, gum, sunflower seeds, peanuts, ANY NUMBER OF THINGS. But to incessantly beat someone like what I’m reading here... all I can say is that I’m glad to be leaving TDR soon. I haven’t found a good reason to stay around any more.

Oh, and TinyBubbles, EVERYTHING I posted on this is relavent. I used to smoke. So piss off. Know why I quit? Because I couldn’t breathe. It’s a choice one has to make for themselves. It’s a choice they have to live with EVERYDAY. But ultimately, it’s up to them.

I know someone who used to smoke 2-3 packs A DAY. Know what happened? HE QUIT COLD TURKEY!!!!!!!! That’s right, he stubbed out a cigarette one day and said no more. He threw out all of the packs he had and he’s been a non-smoker for over 4 years now. But you want to know something? No one TOLD him he had to do it, no one beat him into submission like what you are doing to Zeeshan. He did it on his own. Zee needs to have the will power to do it, or else all the words you put here DON’T MEAN SHIT!

And I resent people like you, still and to this day.

Do we have to make every discussion into an argument around here?

Zee....look what you’ve done hehehe ;)

I had plans to quit posting on TDR for some time ’cuz I need a break from a LOT of things recently. I had a bad time at office, went through some serious changes and blah blah blah. I haven’t posted anything on this particular thread even though it concerns me a lot and one of the disgusting habbits that I have i.e. SMOKING.

All my life, I have been very honest with everyone but my experiences are FORCING me to re-think about that too. Anywayz, I will give it one more try here by being honest with all of you, like the I have been. I HATE TO SMOKE. I know why I smoke, it is not just tensions it is something else which sounds very very pathetic to me and I am afraid I can’t share that here in public. I “WANT” to quit. I know I CAN QUIT. I don’t believe on being a slave to a habbit instead your habbits should be your slave.

Then I saw this thread. I couldn’t believe so many people caring soo much. It is not an everyday experience for me that someone is actually taking care left alone so many people. As long as I know that I am being FORCED/ASKED to do something because they/she/he cares about me, I am pretty much O.k with this. Like TinnyBubbles pointed out earlier on, I like this. Why are friends there for? Suppose you have an ugly habbit and I am your friend then I guess as a FRIEND, I do have the right to TELL YOU WHAT TO DO i.e. THE RIGHT THING by leaving the habbit.

Spooky, I agree with you. One shouldn’t be forced SPECIALLY if you are not his/her friend. But you know what? some people have a DIFFERENT style of caring about you. Some care but they won’t say a thing, some care and they will ask you just once or twice that is it and some don’t give up. They keep on forcing you until you get away from it. Xuxa, TinnyBubbles, Aschrum(andré), Wendy, Santi, stormkeeper, LaMan and Damineh, they posted something here. If you go through their posts again (which I doubt anyone will) then you will see that everyone has a different style. Some are sharing their experiences so that I could learn what people think about it. Damineh told a lot of things as well and TinnyBubbles showing that she has some right on me. At the end of the day they are caring. Spooky you have your way too and IT IS a very mature one and actually proves that what I think about you is 100% right. YOu are a darling! Vixter there chilling things down the cool way and yeah I know she is a little devil :D All of us are a bit different from each other and that is what makes life soo very special and fun.

This thread is getting a BIT hot so I have jumped in. I can’t let you guys have a fight on something which started because of an ugly habbit I have. To let you ALL KNOW that THIS VERY THREAD (where things are getting a bit hot) and SPECIALLY because of TINNYBUBBLES, I have cut down the total number of smokes I used to have before. They are down to MORE THAN HALF!!! :)

I don’t like the idea to tell people to f*** off and LET ME DO WHAT I WANT TO DO. Yes, the decision is MINE, Yes, I AM the only one who is going to do something and the one who is actually gona take THE action but I am a human too. Sometimes I also feel the need of someone being there for me, when I am going through a shitty phase of life(which is very frequent). I am glad that because of TDR, I have made some extra ordinary friends here.

Spooky, I just told you about MY decision that I HAVE cut down the total number of fags I used to have and YES, I AM gona considering quiting this thing for good very soon (3 months oh boy!!! I better hurry). Now YOU gota make a decision. if you would like to stay in TDR. Either you can get pissed and leave TDR and stay here for guys like me who CARE about you and your friendship. The ball is in your court of course. I know YOU are “the” girl here who knows a LOT. All I can say is that CALM DOWN, DON’T GET ANGRY, GIVE TINNY A BIG HUG AND TELL US YOU ARE GONA STAY (please!?)

Everyone who has posted here, I LOVE YOU ALL. One of the reasons I couldn’t post here was that I was speechless when I READ THE WHOLE THING. I never though that some of you will actually come OUT and take your time to write and post something. Yes, I won’t disappoint you and TinnyBubbles, I am not gona take your words for granted (doesn’t matter what you think of me after last night).


Just think of the things you could do with the money you spend smoking :P

In 4 months you could maybe buy an electric guitar!!!!! :D

That does it!!!! NO MORE SMOKING!

bad joke? :$


If it is that what you REALLY want... YOU CAN DO IT!! :DDDD

It’s not a joke :D

Though it depends on how much you spend on tobacco :p

You can find a good guitar (here) from €400 :p
A decent guitar from €275 more or less.
But you can always start with something cheaper :D There are guitars around from €150.

Of course if you want a Rickenbacker (Per guitars on Joyride and Crash Boom Bang CD covers) be ready to spend anything from €2000 (yeah, I didn’t write badly the zeroes...).

They are among the most expensive guitars, cuz they are hand-made in the United States... :(

xuxa: Why ain’t you online on MSN?

Santi: The bad joke was when I said “THAT DOES’T IT NO MORE SMOKING!” ;)


@ ls: my last comment was a little bit ironic
@ santi: 2000 € isnt a high price for guitars... here (and the prices DONT differ a lot worldwide) u can get a cheap guitar for a newbie for 200-250 €.
and “normal” guitars start at 2500-3000 €.
“high-end”-guitars are with an open end as most things are.
@ my shoosy woosy boosy: or u culd purchase a flight to germany :D

Zee, i wasn´t online on MSN , because I was replying from work. :(((

@Lil sailor!!!

Hey,you made the right decision for yourself,you’re the one who knows you the best,so,you can’t be wrong ;)
Go,Zee,you’re strong,you can do it!!!!!!!! xXx


how many days are left? (of the 3 month) :)

Well, it depends on which guitar you buy and consider to be good :D lol. If you think 2000 € isn’t a high proce for a guitar it can be that you’re playing a Gibson Les Paul!
I consider a good guitar to be a Fender Stratocaster, and you can get one of this from 500 € here in Spain. Ok, the cheapest one, but not everything that is damn expensive has to be the best.

For Zee: What I forgot to say is that you’ll need an amp that costs the same as the guitar... otherwise the guitar doesn’t sound :D lol
So start now!!! OFF WITH THE CIGARETTES!! NOW!! :D

it is just such a conformist thing to do.
making some rich politician richer too.

yellow-brown teeth and lungs so black.
breath smells like my last ho’s ass crack.

my father has a stratocaster :)
ehm... i dont have a gibson and neither have i said that i own a good guitar ;P

Zee .quit smoking or i will come to where you live and put you over my knee and give you a spanking. its not good for you and you know it but its your life .health. and money.

Ok,Zee,you can choose,stop smoking,or go on smoking with a blue ass :DD

Aschrum: I would LOVE to get a GIBSON guitar!!

Derek: Yikes!!! MOMMYY!!!!!!!!! errrr I forgot she will join you... take me away from this planet please! :d

Wendy: mawt mid mo mshay!?


btw: how expensive is a box of tobacco in pakistan?

depends on which brand u r buying.

round about?
here round about 3 €/20 cigarettes or so?!

U can get a pack and a half pack and even a SINGLE fag. I like Gold Leaf and Marlboro.. each cost different.


a pack = how many cigarettes? (i.e. malboro)


aaaaaaaaand hoooooow expensiiiiiiive?

Marlboro Rs. 65


Wow, I am a bit late to this thread, but all I say is Zee, you SHOULD stop smoking, man!! Girls hate it, your health will fail, and it’s costing you too much money. Yeah, quit and do what Santi said, you could buy yourself a Gibson Flying V guitar!!! With the money you will save, it can be done. Use that as your motivational tool. Like, the next time you’re about to buy a pack of Marlboros, consider that it’ll take longer to get that Flying V. Just clench your fists, take a deep breath, bite your tongue, and move on. Next time you get a craving, do the same thing.

Yes, I am one of your friends who is urging you to quit.

hey zee which planet real or imaginary?i quit smoking yrs ago made me feel bad and it was getting expensive and i wasnt doing it for myself (trying to fit in with the crowd) so i got wise and quit and iv never looked back.but you are going to want to quit for yourself not because your friends tell you to .listen to your friends they care about you

aaaas i said :)

Think about the money you can save if you quit smoking and the things you can do with that money!!
For instance, you can come to Lisbon to visit me :DDDD
I still have your steak in the freezer ;) :P

do u know how much he smokes a day?

I remember that he said to me that once he smoked 50, yes FIFTY cigars in one day!!!
Hope he was not talking seriously:(

i mean... how many does he smoke for normal per day?

Okay okay, i finally got over my fear to post in this thread. 50??????????????????????????????????????

And once u’ve quit this habbit, i’m gonna make you quit eating meat :-P (hidden agendas...)

Andre: An average would be mmmm like 10-12.

TB: It was like a week back when I became a coal engine just for one day.


hey so u smoke something about 250 dollars per year!
if u culd safe that money u culd in some years buy a gibson :))

hey?! may the mistirous girl that loves zeeshan and maybe isnt registered on tdr reply some more times?! :)

There is a rumour going around that Aschrum isn’t even a rox-fan. Let’s beat him up! :-P

IT IS TRUE!! HE IS NOT! :@ ;) run adnre run!

hey!! what about rule #1???? did you forget it???? you DO NOT fight with other club members! :-P

Nah, lets get him!!!

Come here u little german annoying amazingly adorable non-rox fan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Yeah, that’s one way to get him. LOLS
Guess who’s not sleeping yet :-P

I love somebody :D

no u luv the “mystirious girl” :)

I haven’t had any coke today. Honestly.
How many smokes?
Sorry about disappearing on you earlier. Lols. I can be a misterious gal too:-P Actually, there was a big thunderstorm. Powerfailure bla bla bla.
Don’t smoke! Please..?!

Aschrum: The “mysterious” girl ? mmmm I like that! :D

TinnyBubbles: YEEHHAA!!! Your neighbors will FINALLY sleep tonight. Tonight all the people in my office might go to a long drive or something and have dinner together cuz two guys recently joined and it is my office culture that who ever joins it(office) must spend some money ;)

I do NOT feel like going at all as I have different plans in my head (work, friend, jamming and talking to my Little Miss Mysterious). Plus the new girl who APPARENTLY has a huge crush on me (YEAH she gota get her eyes checked) reallyy annoys me!

It frustrated me the way u left last night. IT REALLY DID.

Yeah I am not smoking (trying to NOT to smoke today at all).


I know i said you had 3 months to quit the habbit, but mmmm, i was thinking maybe you should be done with the smokes before MY b-day, since you don’t know what to get me...
WhatDhaThink? I mean what is two weeks? In our books it is NoThInG. Right? Right? (lief vir jou)


*sings...... She is so tough she has got the world on a string, she makes me boggie makes me do anything yeah yeah!*


TB: I think it’s a great idea Zee quit smoking before your b-day. Since your b-day is the same as mine (remember? :D) it’s a nice b-day present for both of us :DD

and a nice present w/o a reason for all ppl in the world (when one person stopes smoking) :)

Xuxa: heheh muaahh!! yikes no no NOT that.. RUI is gona kill me!! How is he anyway?

Aschrum: Explain......


Rui kills you????? nah! He has no reasons to think like that :-P

Oh, good. Otherwise i would have to kill Rui, and you know, i just hate violence..! :-P

Rui run for yr life man! :D

explain what?

TB: before you kill Rui you have to kill me first :-PPP
Can you do that??? ;)

If i must i’ll kill ANYONE. But i really don’t like voilence!:P

Yeh, I can see you don’t . LOLS


but xuxa would u say the same if Rui wanted to kill me?

if she wuld say that i wuld have to kill xuxa :)

Oh dear God, more violence! Zee, what have you begun?

Why Rui would want to kill you???? and besides, even if he thought about that, I wuld never let him do it, because probably your girl would try to kill him first, I’m sure she would, and i don’t want to loose Rui :-PPPP ;)


Especially not Zee! NOBODY KILLS ZEE. Otherwise i will have to kill everybody. AND I DON’T WANT VIOLENCE!!

oh u damnit grinch... lolz

btw: tb? culd u plz gimme the msnname of urself? :)

And now to piss off Ashcrum: ANDRE ANDRE ANDRE ANDRE ANDRE ANDRE

i am not pissed of by that
i have no problem with that that ppl around know my name :P

damn *disapointed*

oooooooooooh poooooooooour girl :P

it is Andr+

André but not ANDRÉ
when u write it in captal letters than ANDRE not ANDRÉ

Thanx ANDRE, i mean André

vely vely fomplicated!!


Zee: 0233?
Nah, i am too lazy for that. I use Alt+130

i use none of these two ways :)


... cuz i am using the european (?) keyboard

Good for you, you, you European. I’m using a third world like keyboard then i guess??

or even the american one

Lols. I guess the american one will have to do for now.

Windows can config the keyboard in any language, at least Windows XP.
So I can write characters in:
- Spanish: Ñ¿¡áéíóú.
- Croatian: šđćčž
- Danish: æøå
- Swedish: åöä

Almost any mayor language can be used in here, another problem is if the site will accept it:
- Serbian: Цан у реад тхис?
- Greek: ορ τηισ_

and the site doesnt

Santi: Can you help me with this keyboard thingy? I am using XP in my office.


ê,ë,é,ï (just practising..) é,ë,ï,ê.........

So I realize yesterday was a bad day. (understatement!) But hey, these things happen.
I just realized there is only 74 day left for you to quit until your b-day, and only 56 days until my b-day. Yikes! But YOU CAN DO IT ZEE!

TB: Oh god.. even I had a bad day. Well not a BAD DAY.. but a HORRIBLE DAY. Yesterday must have been the worst day of my life.

Even I realized something yesterday that if I had 1000 years more to live... I would spend it with the one I madly love. Yup poor girl.. she is bound to be with me until I die. POOR POOR GIRL! :s I am selfish ;)


I didn’t have good day too :(( I was very worried about two silly friends that I like very much ;)
But now things seems to be ok with them!! DDD


Awwwwwww Xuxa, I am sure your two very silly friends feel bad for making you worry..

Zee: I am POSITIVE she is THE LUCKIEST girl on the face of this earth:)

I hope they don’t feel bad!!! I don’t want that, really!! *cry*


I’m guessing you had a total of 6 cigarettes for the whole of Thursday. How far out am I? Hopefully not by more than 2. Maybe you had a total of 8. But i’m guessing 6.
If you only had 2 (!) until 5pm, how much more could you have had the rest of the day? I’m guessing a total of 6 for the day. How far out am I? (These r the kind of things I obsess about while i’m suppose to be working/studying)


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