Ask God as many questions as you want :D
Santi said on May 4, 2003 20:32:
Ok, since someone asked if this was possible, yeah, c’mon! I think just 1 is very limited being Bush the president of the USA :D
Santi said on May 8, 2003 16:33:
At least some people is not as ignorant as not to be able to spell his own language :)
StillFar said on May 8, 2003 17:33:
good one Santi...
Questions: when will sicknesses like Aids & Cancer be cured, why can she/he accept a guy like Bush in power, why is the world so shallow, why is the majority of the world population starving while others don’t know what to do with their money,...
animalkingdom said on May 9, 2003 12:46:
Well there aren’t really any answers to invent! & I believe more in a FT than any god..
coyboyusa said on May 8, 2003 16:31:
i ask gods why he doesn’t strike downt he ignorant peopel who post threads like this one :)
oh wait i know why cause god isn’t real CLICK