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Porn threads

10 replies

It looks like there are some people are trying to make some threads on the OFF-TOPIC section, which are porn-related (21/04/2003).
Maybe the moderator should take care of these threads and delete them.
I cannot imagine that any of the (regular) TDR-readers wants to have these threads on TDR.

Maybe the usernames of these persons can be blocked from entering the site.

When action has been taken, this thread may be deleted/archived.

Thanks for letting us know. We’re taking care of it.

Thanks for taking care of it!


Those guys keep trying it, even after you delete it.
Please keep watching it!!!

Thanx, I noticed. :( Keep the good work up guys.

Harriej - Thomas / Visa / LEO are not spending the whole day in TDR so sometimes they see those threads a bit later than you do, so pls be a bit patient, they are not supermen (as far as I know - but almost :PP)

So the thing is - those threads were there a bit longer...because they hadn’t seen them, not because they allow them.

You go guys! :)



I’m kidding. I live in Utah... the most sexually repressed state.

Judith: It was not meant as an offence to the Moderators, just to keep them informed.
I was not sure if they were keeping on looking, so I just wanted to inform them.

Moderators: You did a great job! Thumbs up for you!

Spooks, this was not good porn even. Really gross.

Harriej: How did I miss it? lol

I don’t know.
But you were not included :)


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