juneafternoon said on April 11, 2003 18:36:
I know Per himself said it won’t spanish, but...
How about just an acoustic concert by GT?
I would love to hear Ga och fiska...or Billy!!!
Don’t you?
Jackie_Radiorox said on April 11, 2003 22:16:
Ewwww... bad idea. I have an acoustic guitar and try playing some of the GT songs that way... they completely lose their edge.
Now GT in Spanish... PLEASE NO! ;)
Yes, I know that was Mr. G’s excellent sense of humour, but you never know. ;)
Galning said on April 12, 2003 19:35:
Jackie_Radiorox: It always depends on who is playing the acousticguitar! MP is a great guitarrist and they could also arange the songs new. On the electric guitar the play most of the times just powerchord. if you only play the normal chord and you do nothing special on the guitars it´s of course boring...
Santi said on April 12, 2003 19:53:
I was thinking the same.... maybe you don’t play guitar good enough.
tevensso (moderator) said on April 13, 2003 01:32:
Still no. GT is a power-pop band. Unplugged - never. (This is just hypothetical though, they’d never do it.)
gyllene_tjej said on April 13, 2003 16:49:
Haha, even if such way of expressing themselves doesnt really fit the guys I would be cdurious to hear it, just to see the outcome. I am eager to explore anything that has to do with Per, so why not? Just it will never happen and we know it.
tevensso (moderator) said on April 11, 2003 22:12:
No, GT Unplugged would be just awful and wrong.