You can find me---
snobbtjej said on March 4, 2003 21:14:
—You can find me in the club,
bottle full of bub, look mami I got the extacy into taken drugs,
I’m in there having sex i ain’t into maken love,
so come give me a hug, if you’re in there gettin rubbed
You can find me in the club,
bottle full of bub, look mami I got the extacy into taken drugs,
im in there having sex i aint into maken love,
so come give me a hug, if you’re in there gettin rubbed
Mfan28179-Jason said on March 5, 2003 03:31:
LOL. You know, I’m actually liking that song. It’s one of the few rap songs that I found myself liking recently.
harriej said on March 4, 2003 22:24:
Here is your hug:)