Sheryl Crow unplugged?
Small-talker said on March 4, 2003 13:32:
Like Bjork, she features on the new “MTV Unplugged Collection”... what’s the track-listing?
Small-talker said on March 5, 2003 11:54:
what’s the point of having a forum when no one wiill help you!
If you believe that statement you just made, you obviously don’t believe in a forum... so get out!!!!
coyboyusa said on March 5, 2003 13:38:
there is a point where it becomes overkill small talker off topic isn’t so u can keep soliciting us for links about common artists like bjork and sheryl crow..i know the boards are stale but sheesh
Starrox said on March 5, 2003 15:12:
Actually I do believe in forums - but not when getting an answer is much easier somewhere else! After all, who’s more likely to know the answer about a certain artist - the Roxette fans here or the fans of that artist / a homepage about him/her/them? So what’s the point of annoying the people here with numorous threads with hardly any answers? Apart of the fact that it’s of course much easier to let others do the work...
Starrox said on March 4, 2003 15:29:
Ever heard of Google? That’s probably easier and faster than opening a bunch of new threads and waiting for someone to answer...