The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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5 replies

Thanx a lot for updated the site!!!! Go ahead!!!!!!! Great videos &Mp3!!!!!

You’re welcome ;-)

I can never download anything because it asks me for a username and password. Me sad. :(

Some people don’t seem to read the Info&FAQ section where it’s clearly written that
y-o-u c-a-n-n-o-t u-s-e D-o-w-n-l-o-a-d A-c-c-e-l-e-r-a-t-o-r to download the files since it is incompatible with the server. This problem appears with certain versions of GetRight. Save the files from your browser or use FlashGet.

:D:D pietro you will have to put a big banner with flashing text or sth :D :D

Oh true. Thanks Pietro. I’ve got Download Accelerator, so I’ll keep that in mind. This makes me feel better. :)


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