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Where ???

43 replies

Please, tell me where I can download the following roxette videos :
- You don’t understand me
- June afternoon

Thanx to all of you

Buy the DVD!

thank you very much for this advice...

Can anyone else be more helpfull ??? Thanx


Think download - Think Kazaa, think WinMX.

Even so, it’s illegal to download. And as the video is easily accessible on the DVD, there isn’t really any excuse not to just get a copy.

The best excuse can be not having a DVD, don’t you think ???

Those videos doesn’t appear on Kazaa or WinMx...and I’d really like to see them...

@ChrisWilliams: if you are such a clever person please go buy dvd for everyone if you think videos are easy accesbile there... for example i have the dvd. but i can’t watch videos from it, because i can’t afford dvd player! do you think everyone here has dvd players? and downloading videos, which are not ripped from dvd but recorded from tv is not illegal...


try these site :

good luck! :)


chris williams welcome to the roxette foru, where very rude peopel ask you repeatedly if you are stupid. Relax some peopel just don’t understand what its liek to live..usually in the usa with no acess to roxette material. if you do live in hte usa nd you are interested in a copy of the dvd please email me for details :)

Jackeill, so why don’t you buy a dvd-player? Ok, maybe you don’t have money, but do you think it’s ok that if you don’t have a money, you can steale for example new pair of shoes?

@ cowboyusa:
Thanks for being cool :-D Did you mean if *I* wanted the DVD? I already have it... got in June 2001... my first ever Roxette purchase :-)

Got MSN Messenger? You’ll find my address in my profile.

@ Mari:
My point exactly :-)

Ah but whats more important.....shoe’s to wear or DVD player to play ONE! dvd on??? I wonder what would be better value for money. choose the dvd player and you obvioulsy all have money to burn.

Face it ppls....not everyone has a dvd player yet as in many countries they’re still bloody exspensive and considered a luxury item.

Although I think the stupid comment was a bit excesive, but that what its like around here.

Hang me out to dry. I have those because I downloaded em. I also have a friend who’s son-in-law is proving to be a Roxette convert who is getting EVERYTHING I have as a copy to determine if he wants to own the music / dvds himself. So... am I bad because I want to try something out before owning it? If so... you better bust EVERYONE who ever test drives a car, or tries on clothes to see if they fit, who demo stereos, computers, etc before buying.

Exactly! Go Spooks Go!

Will everyone who has never downloaded something or never taped anything....please stand up!


@Mari: am i stealing something ? never have stolen anything. haven’t stolen shoes, haven’t stolen dvdplayer.... btw. who will forbid me, to record video from tv to my vhs casette ? it’s my bussiness what am i doing with it. i’m not selling it in order to earn some money! vhs players are made to record things... if it was illegal, there would be warning befer every show: “pleas dont record, it’s illegal”.

in the “always roxette” site are those videos , BTW so sorry, but i can’t remember the direct link :-(

Aroxa, I love you too! You are so sweet! Lot’s of hugs and kisses you too!

Hey c’mon. Why download stuff which is availabe on stores? Of course I have download some stuff too (for example bootlegs, live etc), but never stuff which I can buy.

He doesn’t have a dvd player!!! why buy something you can’t play anyway?

milkshake anyone?

i’ll take one ;)

Yes Onlywhenidream ! I’d like one please.
Would you care to have one with me ?
So that we can leave the rest of them bitching about DVDs and downloading while we discuss some slightly more interesting...
Cheers to you...

lol... I’ll take two milkshake please!! To go!! :P

@ Jackeill
I can see you’re being smart, but it’s generally known that anyone is allowed to record from their TV. However, it’s actually illegal to play back that tape more than once, or in a public place. (At least that’s how it is in the UK)

The issue isn’t whether you should be recording from your TV, it’s that people shouldn’t be *distributing* copyrighted material.

I’m new to Roxette, so I’m not sure about this... but wasn’t June Afternoon on the Greatest Hits video from ’95?

If you really wanted to do the “right” thing, you could buy the DVD and have it copied to VHS... technically, that’s probably illegal*, but I’m sure EMI would be more willing to stand up for you in court ;-)

* As people are allowed to make 1 copy of a CD for personal use, perhaps it’s allowed that people may make a DVD to VHS transfer for personal use.

@ LittleSpooky
Test driving a car usually means you have an intention to buy the car. Do you seriously think the people who download the videos have any plans to buy the DVD?

- - - - -

Hate to say it, but a true fan would never rip-off their idols.

Ppls who download video and music from the internet are 33% MORE likely to go and buy that product than someone who doesn’t. :P (can’t remember what paper I read it in so don’t ask for the source)

Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla the is worth it!!!! I think at the end of the day it depends on how big fan you are...I quite smoking after the release of the DVD to fund a player and the thing I ever done...! (And who ells can say that Roxette helped them to quite smoking!)

@CW: JA was not included in the Greates Hits video, only YDUM

and it also depends on how big your bank balance is too.

When i didn’t have a dvd player I bought the DVD anyway, then went to a friend’s and he copied it to a VHS.... i had to stick with that until i bought a player.

geytenbeek very impressive!!

dvd players have dropped considerably in priceyou can get a vhs/dvd combo now in most countries for around 100-120 american its not that expensive

you can’t tell if that’s not expensive coyboy usa...

for example 110 u$s is 2 months of work for an average bolivian worker... (the full payment of those 2 months)

it also is the 80% of a payment in a month full of work for the average worker in my country. So... can you really tell it is not that expensive?


waow !!! what a big debate !!!

I’m very surprise to see that there’s sitll some people who think they are “stealing” something when they are downloading ....

My point of vue is that every artist is MUCH MORE RICH THAN I’LL NEVER BE !!!
do you know how much money Per Gessle earn in one year ?? More than me in my all life !
I’ve bought several albums, I went to see them on I a “bad” fan ?????

@ kingboul:
If your friend makes more money than you, should you be able to take money from him without asking?

It’s impossible to explain to downloaders the moral issues against downloading.

go and download something every then and now when you feel like that. CD´s ARE too expensive.
Just don´t download everything ok.

This thread just gets nastier and pitful!

Come on guys, y all the hate and attacks on each other?

Take a shower! Run a bit! Do math if it relaxes you.
Even better, put all these words of anger in a poem and let people know how you feel through poetry. (Remember, in poetry you shouldn’t include specific names if it is intended for the general public).

Peace out, friends!
Carlos E., New York.

@Chris Williams : are you telling me you’ve never downloaded anything?

Of course I have! In the summer of 2000, I spent many hours downloading songs.

However, it was unreleased/unofficially available recordings by ABBA - I already had all the official releases. It was either that, or spending lots of money on bootleg albums.

And, of course, that was before I even knew anything about online copyright...

Ah, the innocent age of 13 ;-)

Hey ! Onlyinmydreams !!
You know what ?
I think it’s time for another round of milkshakes !!

OH-MY-GOD. This whole post is SO... incoherent! ... in this link are some Roxette videos in the ” MTV show” section & also have a GREAT gallery & Mp3 section -Enjoy!!!!

I actualy think this is the best debate we’ve had in a long time......appart from the comments about people being if you don’t want to join in why bother posting?

@Chris : The way I see it is......someone what they see / hear....they’re more likely to go a buy what they’ve downloaded.
I’m not all for downloading tons and tons of an artists stuff but I don’t think the odd video or song here and there (we’ve all got Opp Nox right?) is going to hurt....infact its probably more likely to help as the first dvd this person will buy when he/she has a dvd player is more than likely to be Roxette’s.

Not everyone has a disposable budget to spend on dvd players, just coz they’re cheap in one country it doesn’t mean they’re cheap in another.
Plus.....if you don’t have the equipment....buying a dvd and puttting it onto vhs isn’t the cheapest of way to do things.

I’m wondering how many sales of Opp Nox or TPH will come thru ppls downloading the song and liking what they hear.....but we won’t hear about that we’ll just hear the negative side of always!

Well... No one wants to visit that site??????

If a guy wants 3 videos to download , I don’t see nothing wrong with it. He’s not askin for all 40 some of them. Let’s say I tape those 3 videos of MTV and I want to share it with people.
You can record videos of TV , is that stealing too ?

@ttmo: Yoy say only the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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