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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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How many of you were at

45 replies

Rememeber some years ago, when HAND was released that the only forum was the one of Just for curiosity, how may of you were there? I was!!!

I was there, too :-)

I was there. Nick was ’juma’.

me three :D

i was there

yep I was there


naturally, I was there.

I was there as ’japeke’!

Me me me. I wrote the very first “topic”: Roxette :D

I was there too! Do you remember the first scribbles on the site? Something like scanned papers? Then an ear, an eye... lol
It was an exciting time after that long break!

I was there, too - same nick :-)

of course I was there!


me too

me too :-D

I was a regular visitor of too.

I started a thread there about translations of “Have A Nice Day” in other languages. It became a long list...

i was also regular visitor as i got 1999 a big fan of roxette...i remember the “Ask Per” section very well...

I was there too but I can’t remember my nickname...

I think i may have visited a few times ;)

I was there!!! can´t remember my nickname though ..

I was there too!

I was there.
Rox on!!!

Was nickname was royalball

I think I was there under Lee Saxton... way back when....

I was there :) :) Same nickname Same hair hi hi

Me too.

I was there. Probably my nick was flower83 or something like that.. can’t remember anymore:)

I was there

ha ha am I the first one to answer “no, I was not there”!?
But here you´ll never get rid of me!

well, I have visited the website once.
But I haven’t visited the forum.

I was also there every day, i think my name was roxer. It was such a grat forum anyone said anything bad about eachother.
In the begining this forum also was great but it changed, thats sad.
The people i remeber from this forum most are EDU and vixzter.


Hey roxer, I used to visit often the place, I remember you!!! I also remember Vixter, Lee Saxton (I didn’t know that you are Little Spooky) and Antonino.

i miss that forum the peopel there were alot nicer ;)

i can remember “Lee Saxton” :-D

I was there too! :) My nickname was ’Day_1’. Roxette-atic, if you were the one that sent the first posting, i think i was the first replying... :)

i was there too=>gell, H E I K E!!!!

I was there too! (Different nicks, nothing to do with the current :)
It was my first forum, I remember some ppl too.
It might have appeared ’nicer’, we didn’t know each other and most were relatively new to the Internet, and Rox were back from a long pause, and there was never a discussion which “we had before” ;p. Same case as Small Talk a few years back! :)

And who is still here? Names like Edu82 or vivien seems to be gone. Who is still here?
Also a lot of things changed through the times I still think back gladly!

Edu: Hey :o)

Yeah... after my ex (lover, bf, whatever you wanna call it) and I split, “Lee Saxton” died. He knew me as that and would jokingly address cards (birthday, Christmas, etc) as that.

I adopted Little Spooky because at the time... I felt I was a ghost of myself. “Spooky, Spooks, Da Spook” et al. have pretty much become affectionate nick names that people call me by.

I really should read the dates a little closer... *chuckles*

i was :-D

why it’s closed ???

Uhm, maybe because it’s kind of pointless to have a page promoting an album that came out over 6,5 years ago? ;-)

yeah, I understand. but I thought it was a side made by the fans, so maybe it would still work.

yeah I’m a vetran too!

I’m still here!

I wasn’t there becuase I didn’t have internet access at the time ;)


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