Roxette (Marie) News on german radio webpage
RoXoR said on January 29, 2003 18:07:
Krebskranke Roxette-Sängerin bekommt Orden von Schwedens König
Stockholm (dpa) - Die an einem Gehirntumor erkrankte Sängerin Marie Frederiksson vom schwedischen Popduo Roxette soll einen Orden aus der Hand von König Carl XVI. Gustaf bekommen. Nach Angaben der Stockholmer Zeitung «Expressen» will die 46-Jährige persönlich zur Verleihung der «Königsmedaille» am Freitag im Stockholmer Schloss erscheinen, wenn es ihr Gesundheitszustand zulässt.
Frederiksson hat sich seit September nicht mehr in der Öffentlichkeit gezeigt, als Ärzte nach einem Sturz im heimischen Badezimmer ein Krebsgeschwulst im Gehirn diagnostizierten. Bei einer Operation Ende September war der Tumor den Zeitungsangaben zufolge nicht ganz entfernt worden. Den Orden soll die Sängerin zusammen mit ihrem musikalischem Partner Per Gessle für ihre «herausragenden Verdienste um die schwedische Musik» bekommen.
But as you can see nothing about the new single which should be already on air!
Just the news which i dont believe that the whole tumor wasn’t operated.
Starrox said on January 29, 2003 18:29:
They really should check their sources before writing something like this! Where did they get “Bei einer Operation Ende September war der Tumor den Zeitungsangaben zufolge nicht ganz entfernt worden” (according to newspapers, the tumor wasn’t removed entirely during an operation at the end of september) from... that’s the exact opposite of what Marie Dimberg said! But what can you expect from someone writing about a Swedish singer called Marie Frederiksson...
Jud (moderator) said on January 29, 2003 18:35:
@geytenbeek : nothing worth translating really..there is nothing we don’t know already, and it is quite stupid expressen-alike article :P
RoXoR said on January 29, 2003 21:17:
It deals with the medal they will recieve from the swedish royalty.
Marie will also join this ceremony.
And they also say that the tumor wasn’t removed entirely during an operation at the end of september like starrox already said.
The sources are newspapers like the article said.
Thats all. Its just interesting that they say something stupid like the operation thing which never was confirmed although they could write about the new single!
Sascha said on January 29, 2003 21:35:
Well, it’s based on Expressen...
Anyway, it’s great PR for Roxette!
crashroxer said on January 29, 2003 21:41:
THAT‘S NOT TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Roxeanne said on January 29, 2003 21:45:
she’s not even 45, is she??? :-)
but well, some paper HAS to sacrifie for my firesite, hehe...
cskendras said on January 29, 2003 22:44:
i also thought that this article is not worth to be taken seriously...poor poor...and even a dpa-article...
gyllene_tjej said on January 30, 2003 14:10:
rubbish...about spelling I even saw FREDERIKESEN on TV somewhere. Lovely isn’t it? ;)
geytenbeek said on January 29, 2003 18:29:
Hallo you fool translate please.....!!!