sales figures accurate?
bunny said on January 4, 2003 03:45:
The sales figure on roxservice for HAND is 3.5 mil and for RS is 1.5 mil. Are these figures accurate?
Mfan28179-Jason said on January 4, 2003 06:06:
I believe ’The Ballad Hits” states that HAND has sold over 2 million units - in the “Salvation” review.
Sascha said on January 4, 2003 10:39:
“The Look For Roxette” says:
3 000 000 HAND
1 600 000 RS (in the first year, maybe it reached 2 000 000 in the last months)
i_jera said on January 5, 2003 10:06:
that’s pretty fine. I always thought the sales of these albums are lower...
eteksor said on January 4, 2003 04:28:
Room Service - 2 mln....
in book ’The Ballad Hits’ reading = room service 2 mln...