The Daily Roxette
onlywhenidream said on January 3, 2003 16:28:
Hi Guys
Just wanted to say thank you to all you guys at TDR for keeping us all completely up-to-date over the past year. I don’t think I would have known what to do without your on-the-ball reports...
...keep it up and a great 2003 to you all at TDR, Roxette and the millions of FABULOUS fans!
//I do believe//(but not in accidents)
roxchurch said on January 4, 2003 11:52:
Happy new year to all TDR team!!!
Thanks for great work!!!
harriej said on January 4, 2003 16:50:
The Daily Roxette is (for me at least) the best
site to get the latest Roxette-news.
Roxeanne said on January 3, 2003 18:27:
yes, you were great!!!
thank you so much for existing!!!!!!