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How much did you pay for the book???

6 replies

How much did you pay for the book ???

I payed 312,00 kr including shipping at

32 euros

Is that a good deal???

They do not have any international shipping
but for swedes I recomend them. And they are fast


You should express the price in Euros and not in Swedish Kronors...

I’ve paid 46,95 € for the book, including shipping costs.
I’ve bought in the beginning of December it through the Fanshop, and it arrived yesterday. I’m still reading it :)

I paid 46.95 Euro (1500Kc) with shipping cost :-) in FanShop.
But it doesn’t arrive :-( I hope so it is arriving what earliest :-) I will translate a long time because I don’t speak English very well. But I can speak Czech :-)

350 SEK for a signed book including shipping by DHL, and I live in Russia :P

Euro 49,25 iclusive signed by author, CD, shippingcosts at TRFO.
It’ll arrive midjanuary according tot them

I think the AdLibris price is super :)

> marre

was the book in english ????????


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