French fans exist!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jools said on December 26, 2002 09:51:
I know, here in France, Roxette isn’t known very well, but some of french people really LOVE this huge group!!!! I’m one of them, and i’d like to talk with other fans, from anywhere on this earth about my favorite band....If you’d like to talk with a french girl, here I am! lol
I went to Germany, in Freiburg, last year just to see a roxette’s show, it was magical, really! Hope I can see others in my life!!!
Hope some of you will come and talk to me, and before, enjoy your roxette’s favorite songs, and happy Xmas!!!!!!!!
love u guys!
Desert-Moon said on December 26, 2002 13:42:
Salut Julie!
I’m not French, but... French canadian (Québécois autrement dit)! It’s the same situation here in Canada about Roxette. The last time I heard something in the radio was Fireworks, which was supposed to be a hit, but the story was different...
Bonne journée! Have a nice day!
PerFanatic said on December 26, 2002 20:43:
Welcome jools! Nice to have you aboard. Feel free to send me an e-mail any time: [email protected].
hmmm, I think Canada’s better off than France (as far as Rox is concerned anyway). I know that there’s been at least some airplay of recent singles, and at least you guys are still getting the albums released up there:)
sweet_stalker57 said on December 26, 2002 23:49:
oui! :)
I saw France just got some 15 meter waves!!!
and I am big fan of Camille Claudel.
i_jera said on December 27, 2002 12:05:
Salut! ;) (not French really, but I’m studying the language now)
zeeshan said on December 27, 2002 19:32:
Hey there!
DO you use MSN? If so you can add me in your list (if you desire to talk to a big big rox fan other than TDR). I am from Karachi, Pakistan and I LOVEE to talk to Rox fans around the globe. I have found most of them very cool and our brain frequencies match very nicely.
oh n btw.. my msn id is [email protected]
LittleSpooky said on December 28, 2002 22:46:
Welcome aboard.
We’re putting a site together for the fans :o)
harriej said on December 29, 2002 14:31:
Hi Julie,
Good to know that Roxette also has fans in France.
Lucky Newyear!
Bibou said on January 2, 2003 12:49:
Contrairement à certains je suis un fan français!!!
Je commençais d’ailleurs à me sentir un peu seul....
J’habite Marseille et voici mon adresse e-mail: [email protected]
A bientôt Eric.
vaxjoe said on December 26, 2002 10:17:
hi julie and welcome on board! u will love it here most of the people are great and we re all crazy! :P
moi,je m’appelle nikolas et je suis grec..
enjoy the ride :)