Last album?
diana_popescu said on December 24, 2002 11:24:
I have a friend who is a total fan of Roxette and I want to get him a present: the last album. But I don’t know which is the name of the last Roxette album. Can anyone help me?
Sascha said on December 24, 2002 12:18:
The last album with all new material was “Room Service”, released in April 2001.
animalkingdom said on December 24, 2002 14:13:
A total fan would already own Room Service and The Ballad Hits. A nice present would’ve been the new book!
animalkingdom said on December 25, 2002 14:34:
i underline the word “total”
i assume you know what i mean - so you don’t have to twist my comments
llounge said on December 24, 2002 11:37:
The Ballad Hits