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Should neverending love be on PP hits ?

28 replies

should ’ neverending love ’ be on power pop hits?
i think yes, if ’real sugar’ gets on why not ’neverending love’?
neither charted in UK, its only one more track anyway!

Yes, it should. But who said it won’t?

yes it should but then again i call your name wasny on the ballad compilation so it probably wont be

The Song MUST be on the PP Hits CD. Neverending love is my fave Song from Roxette and really a Power Pop Hit.

yes it shoudl was their first hit, and all fans love it...

I don’t think so, wasn’t an international release.

Of course it should, it HAS to be there!

@ coyboyusa

neither were ’run to you’ or ’church of your heart’ on tbh...and is ’i call your name’ really a ballad? it’s got that un-balladish sound, don’t you think?

neverending love IS on the P(p) hits!

nah, too 80s, doesn’t fit with the other songs

it doesn’t fit ... they will start with a new track and track 2 has to be THE LOOK - don’t you think?

yeah, i think it should be there.... so the world realise that PoP exists

I’m afraid that only tracks that were released worldwide will be on the new PP-CD.
So probably “Neverending love” will not appear on the PP-CD, although it is a nice song.

I’m afraid that only tracks that were released worldwide will be on the new PP-CD.
So probably “Neverending love” will not appear on the PP-CD, although it is a nice song.
But Per Gessle stated once, that he reads the “Daily Roxette”, so if he also reads this discussion, he might decide to put it on the new CD.

There are too many song to be on PP, but I don’t think NL is one of them. I guess “Church...” and “Run to you” are gonna be part of the album, and that would make at least 18 songs.

actually i call your name is a semi powerballad. They are right neveending love wasnt a international relase. if you look at the chart poistion sof the singles on the to you and church didn’t chart as well, they were both tour singles and they never perform well

If Neverending Love had not existed, Roxette would have never existed as well. Though it’s not well known around the world.
I think it should be there. Maybe with a brand new arrangement to make it more interesting and up to date.

a brandnew arrangement... not a bad idea... for ALL songs on the pop hits album! After having released the same stuff over and over again on far too many compilations, this might give the audience worldwide a much better reason to buy the album... while P&M would have to opportunity to show where their music stands nowadays. (E.g. soemthing like ’Stars’ (acoustic version), which they performed during the barcelona showcase in 2001.

No, I don’t think “Neverending Love” should be on the Pop compilation. I like the song, but if they are to include “Neverending Love” they might as well include the other Pearls Of Passion hits as well, which there isn’t room for.


I don’t think so... but must be in..

am I the only fan that doesn’t really lik neverending love???
It doesn’t even sound like Roxette, how we know them! It even sounds different to the ther Pearls of passion songs...

It clearly doesn’t belong to the string of Roxette’s international hits. And the sound doesn’t fit Roxette’s standards either.

No No No!

Seeing as Neverending Love is the song that started it for them... Add the sucker in!

Personally I like PoP and LS. I like them more than the other CDs. It’s fun to hear a band when they start and have no clue what they want to do... Music is raw... And those two albums have some lyrics that rock my world!

I think it should, I love this song and it also is the first single of Roxette. And early song was seldom sold in China, I really want to get it more than The Look, Sleeping in My Car...

well depends of how many songs on this album.
they cant skip hotblooded , sleeping in my car and lies . (lies will be a good one in this album!!)

It was their first hit - sure hope it’s on there.

Mon-Ami, neither Hotblooded nor Lies will be on the album. It’s a greatest hits compilation, that means only singles. Exceptions will be the previously unreleased bonus songs...

no it should not be on ... i mean who knows neverending love other than ppl maybe in scandanavia!! The look is what made roxette famous... neverending love did not so i dont think it should be on :)

but “Crush on you (Almighty remix)” should be!!!


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