Majdy said on December 11, 2002 09:58:
I have just red the bad news about you... but I know you can fight with it.... just forget about the promotion, the new album, and everything... we all be here waiting and give you our best wishes...
be strong, Marie... we love you....
Miedy from Indonesia...
vivien said on December 11, 2002 10:13:
I am sure that you are going to be healthy again.
My mom had cancer 16 years ago and she is healthy now.
Majdy said on December 11, 2002 10:19:
really, Vivien??? wow that’s amazing! well, if your mother could, then Marie can too! I’m sure about that!!!
Th_Th said on December 11, 2002 11:41:
one of my closest relatives had really severe cancer three years ago, she lost all her hair etc... I won’t go into details now... fact is, she is alive and made it through it!!! Marie will do the same! I know it!
vivien said on December 11, 2002 12:42:
It´s true, of course .
I shouldn´t joke about things like this.
She´s spent months in a hospital but she is healthy now.
And she went to chemotherapy too.
I was too little to understand it, but it was awful.
Poor Josefin and Oscar.
I know what they feel.
But I am sure Marie is going to survive it too.
Parre said on December 11, 2002 13:01:
i wish all the best to marie, that she will be healthy again
and about the cancer and chemotherapy, my grandfather goes to it right now, and he will not win this game, thats for sure, my other grandfather died this year coz of cancer
so please, give me the garantee that she will make it, please !!!!!
coyboyusa said on December 11, 2002 13:21:
does anyone know if this has anything to do with her years of smoking...or is cancer something genetic in her family I am so heartbroken right now I am gonna call my mother
Katuska said on December 11, 2002 13:50:
Who knows? Maybe, but I am not sure smoking can cause it. My mum’s smoking for 37years, she’s a chemist, works with unhealthy, dangerous chemicals but she hasn’t got any problem.
I believe much more, that cancer has genetic causes, and if someone has problems, which attack the soul, that can cause these kind of disease.
But I really hope, that because she’s really strong, she will be alright very soon.
roxing-Jane said on December 11, 2002 16:03:
Mmhh..It’s possible that it’s a reason too that she smoked for years, but not the only.
Cancer appears very often in families were the illness already appeared.
A female friend of my mum suffered at cancer some month ago, she had to get chemo, too.
In her family appeared cancer quite often before, so she had go special examinations every year.
Her doctor told her, that it could happen that she will suffer at cancer one day.
And now it happened, but she’s thinking very positive.
I really, really hope everything will end in a good way.....
mon-ami said on December 11, 2002 18:26:
i am not worry......because i know you will be finally ok. good souls and angels cant be ill or sick and you are like an angel. so rest meantime , till the next song with your fascinating voice.
zaine said on December 11, 2002 18:48:
My friend discovered he had cancer about a year ago. He was only 13 at the time. Thak God he is now fine and back to himself. When he returned, he told us that we were the ones who had pulled him through. His friends. I think we should treat Marie as a friend and encourage her as much as possible. She knows we love and care for her and she will pull through if not for us, then for her kids. I have not had the priveledge to know Roxette as long as most of you guys, but from what I’ve heard about her, Marie will win this war. Please don’t let this frightening news be true. All I can say is that she needs us more than ever right now, and I don’t believe that God will be so cruel to take some-one else who is close to my heart. :’(
xarrrr said on December 12, 2002 16:53:
i love you Marie... wish you all the best and get well soonies! xxx
kristiine said on December 14, 2002 22:12:
MARIE l hope you will be healty again.Be strong and don’t give up! l wish you all the best. l love you.
carmie said on December 15, 2002 12:12:
so sorry 2 hear
i know u can do it
i have the highest respect 4 u
u are like my mentor through song
i love u marie
eva_roxer said on December 15, 2002 12:12:
Marie, as you sing in one of your english songs:
“REMEMBER you are not alone,
another new year is coming soon”
You have to know that all your fans are with you
at every single second.
We send you all our love and strength!!
pearls_of_passion said on December 15, 2002 12:50:
Hej Marie, please don’t give up, you’ll win this fight!
I wish you all the best and get well very soon!
squidgyb said on December 15, 2002 17:28:
Does anyone remember that song by Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush “Don’t Give Up”? The lyrics include:
1st chorus:
Don’t give up, cos you have friends.
Don’t give up, you’re not beaten yet.
Don’t give up, I know you can make it good.
2nd chorus:
Don’t give up, you still have us.
Don’t give up, we don’t need much of anything.
Don’t give up, cos somewhere there’s a place where we belong.
Rest your head, you worry too much.
It’s gonna be alright.
When times get rough, you can fall back on us.
Don’t give up, please don’t give up.
3rd chorus:
Don’t give up, cos you have friends.
Don’t give up, you’re not the only one.
Don’t give up, no reason to be ashamed.
Don’t give up, you still have us.
Don’t give up now, we’re proud of who you are.
Don’t give up, you know it’s never been easy.
Don’t give up, cos I believe there’s a place,
there’s a place where we belong.
Don’t give up Marie, never give up.
Nathalia said on December 16, 2002 01:42:
I only wanna say that I love you Marie and all night I pray for you and for your health.
God is looking for you and for your family. He will help you now and forever.
Love you guys
Nathalia Savini from Brazil - São Paulo
Roxeanne said on December 24, 2002 00:44:
thank you sonmuch guys!
you know what?
i never believed in god (dont be angry) but i believe in marie!
crashroxer said on December 11, 2002 10:01: