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Which is your fave ice cream?

21 replies

Mine is Häagen dazs, esp. Bailey´s and Belgian chocolate.
And yours?

The only ice cream I eat is Magnum, and of course the ones at McDonalds.;-) ever!

Ben and Jerrys ’Phish Food’ bloody marvelous!

Proper Italian ice-cream which you can eat only in Italy and mind... only in a few special places... all the rest is not fresh (in Italy too).

I ate a Cornetto Karamel every day when I was in Sweden (from march to june :D)

Belgian Chocolate is the best :p
I like strawberries :)

oooooooooh, phish food GOOOOOOOOD!!! but i LOVE chocolate ice cream... of any variety! cookies & cream is also coolies! :)

chocolate, chocolate, any kinds of chocolate! (except white!)


I also like one that I have only found in Catalonia (Spain?), which is turron mmm!

Per likes chocolate and vanilla

Strawberry!!!! From Yannies Eis!!!

Currently it’s honey+cinnamon+walnuts.

My fave common flavour is strawberry, but I also dig black raspberry, chocolate, pistachio, mint chocolate chip, choclate chip cookie dough, butter crunch, maple walnut, peanut butter and chocolate, Ben + Jerry’s wild mixtures.

HOWEVER, my fave special flavour is Haagen Daas Cinnamon, MMMMMMMM!!!!!

Ben & Jerrys (any flavour not fussy!!) HD - Strawberry Cheesecake Flavour.

McDonalds Cabury Cream Egg McFlurry!!!! - ON SALE NOW!!!

Mine gotta be Mint with Chocolate chips! Just delicious, delirious and orgasmic.

Take care ice cream lovers.
Carlos E., New York.

rum raisin
egg nog
cookie dough
apple pie spice

My choices have not changed!

Mint with chocolate chips, white chocolate with chocolate chips, almond cream and strawberry.

Lately: Dublin Mudslide by Ben and Jerry’s

i love chocolate.. there´s one from Hagen Dazs called “chocolate midnight cookies” that is extremaly good!

Right now: nougat ice-cream with warm liquid chocolate over it is my main temptation :D

orange and lemon flavour when i was about 10.not seen it for years


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