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Suggestion to the users of "International" forum

13 replies

It would be easier to read this forum if you wrote the language of your message to the subject line when you’re starting a new discussion.

For example: “Finnish: Suomalaisia Roxette-faneja?”.

I agree... even better if you did it this way:
ITA- Ciao a tutti.
SVE - Hej hur står det till?
FRA - Sulut, comment ça va?

always use three letters.

I think “German Talk” speaks for itself! :o)

...BULGARIA, too :-P ;o)

and it is “salut”, by the way ;)

And isn’t it - BY THE WAY - ?

Why do you need to know the language ? If you cannot read and understand it than you cannot use it in that forum ! And if you are to use English there is no problem about it ? And if you’re really that much interested in the language you can always ask ! the way. sorry. “t” and “y” and “u” are too close on the keyboard, when you type like an idiot...

good idea, roxeteer

SPN for topics in spanish

Very good idea!!

I agree, it will be orderly in that way.

I think for Spanish is better ESP or SPA, that are the codes used for Spain in three characters in Spanish or English (as they appear on sport programs, for example).

I’ve found the international, ISO codes for some European languages. I hope it helps. They are:

CA - Catalan
CS - Czech
DA - Danish
DE - German
ET - Estonian
EL - Greek
EN - English
ES - Spanish
EU - Euskera
FI - Finnish
FR - French
GL - Irish
HU - Hungarian
IT - Italian
LV - Latvian
LT - Lithuanian
MT - Maltese
NO - Norwegian
NT - Dutch
PL - Polish
PT - Potuguese
SK - Slovakian
SL - Slovenian
SV - Swedish

In my opinion, they are not necessary. If I see the title of the topic in Spanish, it’s obvious it would be in that language. I think that far from making things easier it makes them more complicated..., I mean, we’ll have more things to keep in mind.

Wait, you guys really want to start doing this NOW, over three years after Visa came up with it? *LOL*


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