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Please help write complaints to yahoo on roxette

20 replies

This is the yahoo endorsed music portal.
In the biography section, it’s a complete bashing of Roxette from top to bottom with no appreciation of anything that they have done, no mention of any hits they made. I was furious when I read this. A biography is supposed to be a storyboard of what they have achieved. This is a biased critique of Roxette with nothing about the artist itself.

I am gonna write a letter of complaint to yahoo and I hope others will do also.

I don’t know if it’s worthwhile... check this for example:

We did complain last year and we got nothing, so it’s up to you if it’s worth the aggravation.

The biography isn´t that bad... ;-)

As much as I adore Roxette, the article seems pretty much spot on for me.

This Young guy can kiss my butt. No matter how bad they could be, what the hell man? Bunny I totally agree with you. Who cares what they think anyways?

boycott them now! come on guys, thats just so discracefull on the yahoo site! it’s even worse than Sara *****Cox!

What The ?

For the ones that want to know, Lonely Planet’s website on Sweden doesn’t say anything about Roxette now. :D
Could be they’re already forgotten :(

No but the Lonely Planet guide to Sweden book has a little about Per and Hotel Tylosand (Leif’s Lounge stuff) as does the rough guide to Sweden!

And do they mention Roxette?
ANd in this case, what do they say about it?

there’s nothing wrong with yahoo bio. oam//

yahoo Bio is pretty well balanced to me. okay, it may not be resounding, but it is balanced.

Yeah the bio sounded ok to me as well.

“Roxette has a knack for writing extremely catchy and simple hooks and melodies that are sweet but not saccharine; it’s radio-friendly pop, but the hooks don’t wear thin with repeated plays” - sounds fine to me :-)

there’s nothing wrong with this bio!

Nothing wrong???
“the duo returned with the EP Stars”
I have really missed something, if this is correct ;)

If you complain you’ll look small-minded and stupid. I think this is a decent portrait of Roxette from the US point of view.

Edit: Besides, this article is years old now. :)

I also think ithe review are okay. One thing I do miss inthere though are some mentioning of Room Service. They did tour with that album after all. But then again... as Tevensso said, from a US point of view it is okay.

Edit: But perhaps this article was written before the release of RS... hm.

I’ve come across this article lots of times...I think the same thing is in many places on the Internet.

The yahoo article ain’t THAT bad. It does state pretty much what they are: a great pop band.

What annoyed me most was the stupidity of the article. It said nothing about Tourism or 1995’s DBU-GTTC, and said that “in 1999 they released the Stars EP”. What? No HAND?! lol. And they could do with updating it to include Room Service and TBH/TPH, and losing the part about Edel America and 2000’s US greatest hits... seeing as how nothing happened from that deal and nothing became of that album...

And what was written about Roxette on that site about Sweden?


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