^^^^Memories of Concerts>>>>
Yashar said on August 28, 2002 09:26:
Some of us (like me) have not ever been in concerts of Roxette.It has a great excitment to be in their concerts.I’m sure it has many intersting moments that won’t go out of the mind for the rest of the life.
So,it will be very sweet to write memories of concerts here.It is sweet for both Concerts-fans and Non-concert fans (what a word! :-D),because the first group will enjoy from remembering such good moments and the second group will enjoy from knowing it.
Write your funny,sad,intersting,strange,useful and even personal memories of Roxette concerts here!
KixBE said on August 28, 2002 09:52:
I have some impressions from the Room Service Tour on my page, too.
FadingFlower said on August 28, 2002 12:46:
I remember one funny thing:
At the concert in Hannover last year I stood at the right side of the catwalk and in front of me was a girl who was a bit taller than me. I had her arms or head in many of my photos after the concert... When I was in Kiel one week later I stood at the left side of the catwalk and suddenly realized that exactly the same girl stood in front of me again... Somehow funny, but bad for my photos.. :)
imazombieinthem... said on August 28, 2002 13:17:
I remember at a concert here in Australia during the ’Join the Joyride’ tour, Marie and Per walking off stage in the darkness towards a door for a quick break. Per was in front of Marie, Per ducked under a bar just off the stage at head height, and Marie didnt see Per duck and walked straight into it, whipping her head back and grabbing her face. Ouch! Per turned around hearing something, and kept walking :) Thats my best memory.
japeke said on August 28, 2002 15:17:
Brussels, September 2001: Marie started to sing the wrong verse in Spending my time... She asked the fans to help her, and the people sang the song further, instead of per and marie, who started the song for the second time from the beginning. Then she said we did it wrong, and started again from the beginning !!!!!! That ws very funny. What is even more funny: This concert was recorded for further use in the future ;-)
Another one: I took 48 pictures at that concert, I was in the front row, 3 meters right from the catwalk, and on almost every picture is the head of the same (VERY UGLY) security man! It is so irritating!
Bibi said on August 28, 2002 18:21:
When Marie recognized me and waved to me - that was definitely a moment that I will always remember. And I won’t forget either when she winked and smiled at me several times last year and when she sang to me.
wendy said on August 28, 2002 18:54:
Marie smiled at me when she was singing “queen of rain” and she was singing to me with “center of the heart” and i have Per’s plectrum!!!!!!! amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pietROxette said on August 28, 2002 09:41:
You can read mine here:
It’s from last year’s concert in Vienna.
There are pictures besides the story of the concert.
Yashar, please don’t start topic titles with stupid characters like ^^^or