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If "Make my head go pop" is ridiculous ....

61 replies

If you think that this song is really stupid because of what:

-silly lyrics?
-drumloop and dancy production?


Look at “Lies” lyrics are even more stupid than “MMHGP” la la la la la pop pop pop pop pop

Conclusion: if Roxette songs only had real drums and electric power wouldn’t give a damm....that’s all that matters to some of you ....
Only guitars, guitars, guitars, guitars, need to Per or Marie to sing these ones....

And final note: to those who were joked about liking Roxette songs today only because people don’t like them that much anymore....WHO ARE YOU? MELTED BUTTER OR IRON SOUL???
You like what you like and you shouldn’t give a fuck up top what other people say...
It’s a question of respect and not feeling ashamed...
That’s being coward


Yeah but you also don’t push telling others that you love ’em, it would come accross like some idiotic teenager fans... do you know what I mean? Roxette today enjoys having their fans in the mid 20ies... much better fan group than teeny grous have got, even though they sell Millions of more cd’s...

Brian: I don’t have any troubles in saying i love Roxette to others...that is the true issue to be fought be able to express yourself and not concerning whether others will laugh at you or not....i got tired of’s time to gain some self love and respect .... who cares about others if they don’t care about you?

Make my head go pop is a very cool song. It has no meaning to it though. It’s a song you’d listen to when you feel like jiving and need to get out of this world for a while where meanings don’t matter to you much. You can’t do that with Milk and Toast and Honey. You knew Centre of the Heart or 7 Twenty 7. Lies doesn’t have a meaning to it either.
I am a very solid and old Roxette fan so as Queen. I guess I am more proud of saying I’m a Queen fan than a Roxette fan at times. Yes people laughed at me when I said I was Roxette. But you know what?? When I say I am a Queen and ROxette fan but Roxette is my history, they can’t laugh at me. Most people fall in love with artists for their looks or I dunno what they have in mind. I did because I could see myself in many of Roxette songs whether it was the early days ( Call of the wild) to successful days of Listen to my heart, fading like a flower ot Spending my Time or the days of Anyone when people had lost their belief in Roxette. Doesn’t matter what people think of you. Some listen to Heavy Metal because they are wild. They see something in those songs you and I can’t follow. We smile at them when they praise Heavy Metal. No one person has the same taste and emotions in this world and due to that, we all make different choices in life. If someone does not get it and laughs at you, let him/her burn in his/her stupidity.

i like that song, it makes me happy! it’s perfect when you need to scape from reality... it isn’t a BIG song, yes, but i wouldn’t say it’s a bad one. it’s just a “happy song”. you have other songs with intelligent lyrics with a meaning, so having songs like You make my head... is cool!

Oh, nooooo! Me likey this song! :)
Hence one of my e-mail addresses!

[email protected] I kid you not! :D

I think it’s one of the best songs on RS. maybe even the best. it’s POP MUSIC and pop music can be ridiculous but good anyway. Pop music needs a certain amount of humour... anyway, Roxette have never made dead serious music.

Heart_2002, maybe because most of us became fanatics when Roxette used to do POWER POP. They used to use guitars in Up tempo songs and Ballads and it was the time when they have more success.

Melody - no
Production . yes
Lyrics - Oh yes!

Thats the problems...

It is one of the best songs on RS. *sigh*

Smart and intelligent! And really fits the album!

“Make my head go pop” is one of the best traks from Room servive

I think that it’s Marie singing “I wish you’ll never stop” and “press to play and never stop” that makes this song work. In my “top 12 ranking” for “Room Service” album, this song is placed at #12 position (and “My World, My Love, My Life” at #11)...

*shrugs* I like both of them, but ’Lies’ has great lyrics (and unique for Roxette), wheras MMHGP lyrics are very bland except for feeding the ducks.
Who cares if they ain’t meaningful...

I don’t like the choir part of the song– it ruins it for me.

I really liked that song when I first heard it... the main problem with Make My Head Go Pop is the fact that it doesn’t seem to have much lastability (like a lot of the RS album).

HAND still sounds as fresh as a diasy for me... yet RS seems to have dated quite badly quite quickly. And I like ATAY, Breathe and Opportunity Nox for what they are - great pop songs. But, they didn’t really try to update the sound of the RS album - they just more-or-less re-created it. And, so those songs seem to have dated quite badly for me aswell.

What Anarem said...

Me LOVE MMHGP. But I agree that RS somehow sounds more dated than HAND.

mmhgp is the worst thing per has ever put to music i really hate it

The song sounds like a joke for me. When I heard it for the first time the choir part made me laugh! The “ducks” lines still make me smile.

edit: thanx to those people who find the old topics! It’s quite interesting.

Lies has some awesome guitar in it
make my head go pop is open pop
I like them both, but mmhgp will never be anything on Lies (to me anyway)

“Lies” rocks, and I love Per singing:”Honey butt, keep that big mouth shut, baby keep that big mouth shut...” :P
And yeah, the choir in MMHGP ruins the song. But I always thought that was the perfect song for a soda commercial.

Rox On!

I do like MMHGP, but I still like Lies better. And yes, I do prefer it because of the guitar. It’s quite simple, it’s just to listen to the HAND version of 7Twenty7 and the demo version. Say what you want, but give me the demo anyday :)

LOL an issue from 2002 brough back to life?

Anyway I got sick and tired of trying to make a position here! I mean ... LIES or MMHGP or any other more uptempo song Roxette had recorded in the past with very simple and silly meanigless lyrics ... Per has never expressed any lyrical intention into these songs they are just something to sing a long who care about what?

What I dissaproved mostly on this MY Head song was the drumloop I don’t like the sound of it ..yet the choir thing in the middle is odd but funny at the same time ... it was just something to have some fun with nothing to be spectacular at any level ... so ....

But i also believe that Lies follows the same lyrical idea no proper meaning just something to sing along the difference here is that this is a song from a very beloved record CBB and the other one is from RS so ... i don’t think this needs any further explanation does it? LOL

Hahahahaha..yeahhh.. IV ROX is right...

It´s perfect suitable for a tv commercial...
(any massive product)
That´s the problem with some Pop Bands, when they start to sound like Spot Jingles.....

never like this hateable song! - goin´eurotrashy!

Make my head go pop - pop - pop - (buy the new Rox aspirin, and you´ll feel like play & never stop)
pop pop pop...


@alexandre100: you must be kiddin’ about My world, My Love, My Life

By the way I never did like Lies nor make my head go pop. The only reason I listen to Lies is because some people are like that (all they do is tell lies) and the only reason I listen to make my head go pop is that I like the melody because it is nothing like anything they did before.


I’m not kidding. I really think that “My World, My Love, My Life” is “the second worst” song of the album. I think this song should be slower, not so dramatic as it seems. It didn’t impress me like it did with you. But believe me: it’s 10 times better than “Make My Head Go Pop”...

Well, I respect your point of view, anyway I have to admit that I don´t like Roxette as much as I used to, and that´s because they changed their stile too much... I have no problem with changes, but please... changing from pop-rock to dance music is a terrible mistake for me... Since they dropped the guitars, I dropped them a little bit and I´m a Gyllene Tider and Gessle solo fan, more than ever. It´s a matter of taste... dance music is crap for me ! I hate it... and I won´t start liking it just because Roxette is doing it.

They changed to dance music to get new fans but lost several instead. I know at least 3 die hard fans, that do not care about Roxette since the crappy HAND.

About “Make My Head Go Pop”, the lyrics are silly indeed, the melody, yes, it´s bad, but the producion made this song even more awful, in fact, Roxette´s worst song (after “Stars”)... “Lies” at least have greeeeat guitars, and that´s REAL music IMHO.
A good example is GT´s “Ande I En Flaska”... can you guys imagine how Roxette´s synths would destroy this song if it was released as “Ghost In The House” ?

Down with the dance-techno-synths stile, please !!!
Roxette is not dance music... Back to the power pop guitar sound !!!!!

To the hell with “Stars”, “TCOTH”, “MMHGP” and other dance songs.


MMHGP should of been a singleoff RS, its a very catchy song. Perfect for the trash on the radio and in the top 40. Only problem I have with it is the slow bit. Would of been better with some drums for that part. Making it acapella makes it sound rather silly.
As for the silly lyrics, whats wrong with that? Per has done has done his fair share of meaningful lyrical songs, let him be silly and not pigeonhole him to be some serious musician that always sounds the same. Eg U2 :P They sound the same now as they did the 80’s, how boring.

For me MMHGP is 11th best and MWMLML is 10th best on Room Service.

i just listened to this song a few days back (first time in a long while), i think it’s very much a classic Per song, in the same style as The look or ON or lies.

i agree with imazombie... U2 really have gone and done a full circle with their music.

to me My Head Go Pop song was for a very long time the most favourite on RS, and i really liked the middle-eight part/ Now I adore Real Sugar live best of all!

To LunneGunnam: I understand u hate Stars for being too dancy! Have u ever noticec how the songs sounds like when performed live? Have a listen! Then how is one suppose to dance to TCOTH? LOL .. it’s funny it’s silly but not trully dancy LOL it least i like its insanity! LOL or whatever that is!

I personally agree with one aspect: COY and Stars for example gained a lot more live and energy when performed live cause they had to use drums and guitars and all the intruments and sounded awsome to me ... yet album studio sounds that still divides us all and it will be like that for a long time!

My TOP 13 Room Service:

1. The Centre Of The Heart
2. My World My Love My Life
3. Fool
4. It takes you no time to get here
5. Entering Your Heart (included for special reasons)
6. Real Sugar
7. Milk and Toast and Honey
8. Bringing me Down to My knees
9. Try
10. Little Girl
11. Looking for Jane
12. Jefferson
13. Make My Head Go Pop

i think MMHGP is ummm naff ! !

for me it has nothing to do with just wanting “guitars, guitars, guitars”. I must say when it comes to drums, nothing compares to the sound of a real drum, the beautiful bass and snare drums always give me thrills on a concert, even when they’re soundchecking :)

And yes, “Make my head go pop” is a shitty song with shitty lyricks and an even more shitty production.

You can start to shoot me now :)

Make my head go pop is pop..ok
but good pop??
The idea of the song is original probably but it was not well finished....
it should not be an album track..but a raritie...a b side ...

Actually Maka My Head Go Pop is one of my favourites from Room Service. And Lithuanian critic told that this song is one of the best from Room Service too.
However, I still prefer Harleys & Indians (Riders In The Sky), Joyride, I remember You, Hotblooded...

As I already said I consider Make My Head... as it is on RS as a joke. Its lyrics are sort of standard Pers texts to uptempo songs. So nothing super silly there. I’d like to hear MMHGP live. Have no idea how it would sound though.

Sometimes production can kill the song. Good example to it is Stars. The album version is awful and crappy. I discovered 2 live versions of it which are very different, too. One was played during the promo RS tour and is a nice acoustic ballad. Another is from RS tour - this Stars is rocky and IMHO the best of all the three.

Another question passes through my head. Why to make all these songs for albums with “modern” electronic and synthetic sound and then anyway play them live on usual band instruments? Those changed for playing live versions are almost always better than studio ones. Why not record them directly with the band? Or Pelle Alsing wants too much money for the recording session? ;) Then an advice to Per: try to invite Micke Syd, cool sound is guaranteed :P

MMHGP a bside ... um probably!
Rox reporter - calm down no one is gonna kill u we are all real drum sound nostalgiers LOL

I have an answer: but it won’t change anything - a studio album sound is not meant to be a live sound according to Roxette although CBB was the best love recorded record in studio or maybe because of the real instruments and powerful chords its studio sound is totally irrelevant cause it all sounds great and very natural. With RS and HAND it was the opposite but why this good question!

@girl7twenty7: izvini za glupij vopros - chto znachit IMHO?

@DaminehGessle: before Roxette i was close to becoming a fan of Queen. I bought a number of their records, then yet still on cassettes, and i still like Queen‘s songs like Fat Bottom Girls, Crazy Little thing Called Love, Heaven For Everyone, but now I listen to them rarelier and rarelier (prefer Roxette with related!)

“Make My Head Go Pop” is one of the worst Roxette songs ever!!! I hate it since the first time I played it. It sounds to me like an A-Teens song, I don’t know why, the chorus is very close to A-Teens style. And yes, that pseudo-gospel choir in the middle really sucks. That song stinks!

“Entering My Heart” would have been a better choice for the Room Service album. “Make My Head Go Pop” just deseved to be the “The Centre Of The Heart” B-side. Entering My Heart is a better song, in my oppinion...

I think that “Make My Head Go Pop” should had been replaced by “Stupid”...

@Mitya IMHO = in my humble opinion, moe skromnoe mnenie, tak skazat’ ;-)

@girl7twenty7: spasibo, prosvetila menya/

Err translation please cause ur foreign language conversation is making my head go ... insane!
Anyway I agreww EHY is a lot better than MMGHP ... it’s just a shame that it does not fit to the whole set of songs in RS and in that sence Per wes right and that is shame cause it’s a wonderful song a synth moving song that makes all sence a nice proof of how to use synth sounds properly and in the right situations ...

Somehow for me Make My Head Go Pop sounds like a good title for an album.

A Britney Spear’s album maybe ...LOL ... thank God it will never be Rox album title LOL

Tastes differ:)

I’m also interested what the live version of Make My Head Go Pop would be like...

Sorry for foreign conversations. English is a foreign language to someone, too, and sometimes there’s a need in making clear some abbreviations like “IMHO” :)

@Rox_Nox Right said about Entering Your Heart. It’s one of the best Rox songs of RS-era and probably ever. Would have been a jewel on Room Service...

I never tire of Entering Your Heart and I love Stupid too.

MMHGP: Feed the ducks with a bun? A really baaaaaaaad lyric. Was ther nothing else he could have thought of than a been better than a line that would have been far more at home in a children’s song. I take a walk in the sun; try to do something fun; I try to talk to anyone. . . ANYTHING amost would have been better.

Even then, I could have forgiven that line had it not been for that trainwreck of ecclesiastical music that just kills the song. Where the hell did that even come from? I know it’s supposed to be a fun little intermission, but it so doesn’t fit and it just burys it for me.

EYH is for me alongside MWMLML and ITNTTGH the three songs recorded for the RS album that show a lot more a sence of maturity and musical groth for the musical seriousness and really crafted focus in the melodies and lyrics ... the production of these songs may torn us all into different parts some like the sythn others don’t some production could have been better but yet these are the most seriously recorded tracks then for me...

“Entering Your Heart” is up there with “The Voice” and “The Sweet Hello, The Sad Goodbye”– all are B sides that should have been singles, or at the very least, included on the album. It’s a shame, really.

Agree ... it’s funny what sort of criteria do Roxette have to selecte songs for an album. The Voice for The Look Sharp album? Why didn’t it happen? TSH TSG for the Joyride album? The same question...

But I have to agree with Per on one thing altough I remember that at the time TCOTH single came out even I was a bit upset for not having this track on the RS: the song is too much serious and mature lyrically and melodically wise to be featured on the RS which was meant to be an album for fun with simple songs and easy going lyrics and we call all tell that somehow by listening to it. EYH did not fit to that criteria therefore it was put aside. Saddly it’s ashame indeed.

The Voice doesn’t fit Look Sharp! properly, it sounds a bit different and its style is closer to Pearls of Passion I think. But The Sweet Hello... could have replaced Physical Fascination on Joyride.

I believe one of the reasons this topic ever started was because of a comment I made a couple of days ago, and I think I was misunderstood. I never meant to start WW3.

I had said that it would be better not to have a new Roxette album at all, if its quality and production was going to be something like “Make my head go pop”, directed towards a new (by that I mean younger) audience with a radically different feel to what older fans used to listen to.

I see now how it came out wrong.
You see: I have no problem with change, however when a rock-pop band turns suddenly into a dance-techno remixing group, something’s not right. I certainly felt something was missing in the RS album, and I was scared to notice it felt a lot more like an A-teens sort of album.
It’s not about the lyrics, I mean come on! Listen to “The look”, most of the lyrics in the song are guide lines for Pete’s sakes. And they’re fun, and we all love that song.
And it’s not about the guitars (although I quite frankly don’t see what’s wrong with having them, I always loved them with Roxette), take “Entering Your Heart” for instance. It’s mainly a synth song and it sounds great -I hope most will agree-, so let’s not turn the conversation into a childish “I like guitars” “I don’t”, it’s pointless, tastes will differ obviously upon that matter.

It’s simply the fact that Roxette has changed, the entire thing, and maybe even exhausted it’s creativity, it’s to be expected, Per isn’t a never ending source of music you know? No composer is. I was only pointing out that there’s a difference, and my example had been “Joy of a toy” vs “Make my head go pop”. Think of me what you will. But you have to admit, if it weren’t for Per and Marie singing, would you recognise it?

I’m still a Roxette fan, that’s not the issue. Just pointing out something I thought interesting.

Actually this topic is older than my mother cause ...LOL ... it originally began with some fan in 2002 don’t know why so it’s not really your fault or anything like that ...

I must say you made it quite clear lots of things have changed in Roxette’s music and it seems like Per and Marie aimed for that but the difference has created a strange feeling in us cause no one was prepared for the dancy mood of HAND and the exaustive number of ballads nor the simplicty of RS that begins and then in 5 seconds comes to an end ... it’s like u’ve eaten a big slice of cake but in no time so there was nothing more to really enjoy ....

I liked both record I grew up listening to them in a differen way despite all the bad remarks we have contantly pointed out here over the last 4 5 years maybe ... I have also no problem with changes but at first it gets scary it gives u the feeling of not recognizing Roxette’s music among all that soundind that is totally different from a Joyride and a CBB! Yet there is still the music somehow but the sound could be other than this more poppy synthy sort of thing ... it does not always match as such.

However: EYH brillant song a great example of a song that souding different is absulute brillant! But MMHGP is far from being that the whole production takes away all the coolness that this song could have really given us ... the melody could have been also something more eadgier ... but anway we could blame everything but that’s the way it ended up to be ... so...

I just hope that after Mazarin, Finn 5 Fel! the next Roxette album will be like that - the real album!!!

MMHGP is a very good song, I think it has a good lyrics to.. But, hey, pick any song that Per has written and I will like it.. Always something with them that catches my mind..

No this song has heaps of potential. If you chop out the pops and grunge it up a little , I’d say it’d be a fucking rocker! But it’s also good that they didn’t produce it in the most obvious way. Typical for Rox. The bun line kix ass and the middle 8 is the best Rox middle 8 ever - don’t knock it

Putting “The Voice” on the LS! album would have been a better choice than “Shadow of Doubt” or “View From A Hill”...


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