Parre said on August 13, 2002 20:59:
in the forum www.roxetteforum.com (german) we started a petition for a rox unplugged dvd.
thats how it will be:
An EMI Schweden:
Betreff: Roxette Unplugged 1993
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
auf Grund einer sehr gekürzten Fassung dieses Konzerts auf MTV möchten wir sie bitten eine DVD des kompletten (ungekürzten) Auftritts von Roxette Unplugged im Circus Stockholm 1993 zu veröffentlichen.
An Hand der Unterschriften werden sie sehen das sich eine Veröffentlichung der DVD von Roxette Unplugged für sie sehr lohnen wird, da es viele Interessenten der DVD gibt.
Wir würden uns sehr freuen wenn wir bald in unseren Plattenläden die DVD von Roxette Unplugged erblicken könnten und wir unser Geld dafür ausgeben könnten.
Vielen Dank.
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Dear Sir, dear Madame,
referring to our bad situation that we just have a short version of the concert of Roxette from MTV we would like to ask you for publishing a DVD including the whole concert of the “unplugged” Show from Roxette in Circus Stockholm in 1993.
Because of all that signatures in this letter you´ll get a reason to publish this fantastic concert, there are many interets to whom it´s worth to do it.
We would become very lucky to find a new DVD in our musicstores soon and to spend some money for it.
Thanks a lot and best regards.
Buenas dias,
porque tenemos solamente en versión reducido del concierto “unplugged” de Roxette de MTV, queremos que publiciais una DVD con el completo concierto de Roxette en el circus de Stockholm en el ano 1993. Por causa de las muchas firmas en esa epístola piensamos que una publicicazión es muy vale, porque estamos uno grupo mucho de presión.
Esperamos con ilusión que encontramos el DVD del concierto fantastico en breve en las tiendas del discos y que es possible para gastamos el dinero pronto.
Muchas gracias y con un cordial saludo!!!
Las firmas:
to everyone who is interested in sign these petition or for some questions, please contact [email protected]
You can also visit http://www.beepworld.de/members34/roxflower (german)
we need as much signs as possible, so pleeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaassssssseee
Ferdan said on August 14, 2002 10:39:
some songs that didn’t make it into the MTV unplugged.....well..... it’s better to forget them.... believe me!
Parre said on August 14, 2002 11:12:
@ eduard33
just write a mail to [email protected]
she will tell more :))
LittleGirl78 said on August 14, 2002 21:01:
Hey, what´s wrong.
We need all your help, why we want to have a DVD from this concert, you not?
And EMI make only what, if we have so 10 000 Signatures, but only from Germany we bekome never so much Signatures, we need your help.
pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaassssssssseeeeeeee help us.
Another question? send me a mail [email protected]
rox-girl said on August 14, 2002 21:35:
Pleeeeeeeease help us and sign the Unplugged petition. Or don´t you want an Unplugged DVD?
rox-girl said on August 14, 2002 21:35:
Pleeeeeeeease help us and sign the Unplugged petition. Or don´t you want an Unplugged DVD?
pietROxette said on August 15, 2002 11:56:
You should make a decent website where people can sign the petition. Sending e-mails to an address is pointless.
pietROxette said on August 15, 2002 11:57:
Parre, please create an account here:
You can create an online petition on this website for free. It’s a professional solution and fans would be able to easily sign it.
Parre said on August 15, 2002 12:06:
@ pietroxette
we dont want the ppl to sign up via email but via writing
so when you write a mail to the address above you will get a sheet of paper where you can sign up.
we think its better to have it on paper than, in our hands, than on a pc
understand what i mean ?
Pascal said on August 15, 2002 12:16:
Remember the petition for releasing COY? Do you really think EMI listens to fans?
LittleGirl78 said on August 15, 2002 12:22:
With many thousand Signaturs i already think.
Why they would like only money and if EMI seen the interest are here, they hear of fans.
I already think.
crashroxer said on August 15, 2002 13:39:
Heej hej....
C´mon guy´s PLEASE help us. Write to [email protected]
We need this brilliant concert as DVD!!!!!!!!!
pietROxette said on August 15, 2002 14:03:
Parre, you want fans to send sheets of papers to each others? Sorry, but that’s a stupid idea. It cannot be carried out. Post is slow, would take ages to have the paper sent from here to there. Also, what if the post looses the sheet with the signs on it?
Come on, why don’t you sign up at the site I suggested? It would be WAY easier than your current method.
LittleGirl78 said on August 15, 2002 14:34:
@pietroxette: This so, we want to make this with paper, why we find this is better so can see EMI that is very important for us, and we cannot fake this why with email we can make many email-addy an this know EMI and with handwriting, this really right, and and EMI make big eyes if they seen thousand of thousand different Signatures with handwriting, and can´t other than to make the DVD, this better for our petition. you can think me.
LittleGirl78 said on August 15, 2002 14:40:
And another thing, too. We have many Signatures in this time from Anti-Fans, too.
We have already begin with our petition We cannot this make other and for the effect by EMI is handwriting better. This longer time but more work and better effect by EMI.
And Pietroxette, we have a different argument, but this was our idea and we would like to have the DVD really, please work not contra us, do help us in our petition, too. Why we need much Signatures, and handwriting is for the effect better, and all the people who not a Fan make never a email, but Signatur my list, already. So we bekome more Signatures and this better for the effect.
Please help us, and please help you all us.
And that this on post not leave, send often the list back to me, and not all list to other fans. You must if a list full send this to me, or if 2 list full, make what you want but not to most list send in one letter.
LittleGirl78 said on August 15, 2002 16:50:
Hey, can some more people us help, please.
Why if come the DVD you all buy it and been happy for this, but we alone make all of the work, you can help us, and do what for the DVD.
Pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaassssssssseeeeeeeeee we need more help.
And thank you for the two people, that us help from this forum, thank you.
pietROxette said on August 15, 2002 17:29:
Come on, I want the DVD too, this is why I wanna help. Collecting signatures on paper from fans all over the world is just not possible. You could get WAAAAY more people joining if you used that website.
It works, there have been several successful petitions carried out with that site. If you take a look at the current petitions there you can see that there are very similar efforts going on there!
I’m not against collectiong signatures! I’m just saying you could do it in a lot more efficient way.
LittleGirl78 said on August 15, 2002 17:45:
@pietROxette: I think the best was we work together. I make the signatures with handwriting and we make the hp, too. So we become more Signatures. But send your emails not to EMI without my letter. Why my brother sad we can work together and so we can bekome more people who write Signatur, and we send my list and the emails together to EMI, this was more success.
What you think about this?
pietROxette said on August 15, 2002 18:36:
@LittleGirl could you please write an e-mail to me with all the details on your petition? Then I will register on that website, and put a link everywhere I can. So that people will be able to easily sign it on the internet. It’s just as good as collecting signatures on paper.
LittleGirl78 said on August 15, 2002 18:52:
@pietROxette: Thank you that you work with us together, i have send you the details in email.
Thank you and for a good work together and a success by EMI.
coyboyusa said on August 15, 2002 20:10:
screw the dvd i want the cd which per said emi mastered than scrapped thats what i want
pietROxette said on August 15, 2002 20:46:
Sign the petition online:
Jud (moderator) said on August 16, 2002 10:06:
Please change the SPanish text, I sent an edited text to LittleGirl.. what online translator did you use? ;)
coyboyusa said on August 16, 2002 12:31:
per said that unplugged was mastered and set for release then emi shelved it
annorlunda said on August 16, 2002 17:24:
let’s hope it works out...
we will actually send the text in swedish and french too... here’s the swedish version:
maybe some swedish person finds something to discuss about (grammar or something... säg till bara i sånt fall...)
eftersom det bara visades en mycket förkortad unplugget-konsert på MTV skulle vi vilja be er att ge ut det kompletta (oförkortade) Roxette-uppträdet på Circus i Stockholm 1993.
När ni tittar på alla namnteckningar ska ni se att det är mycket lönsamt att publicera en sådan Roxette-unplugged-DVD, eftersom det finns många interessenter.
Vi skulle bli mycket glada om vi snart kunde få syn på Roxette-unplugged-DVDn i våra skivaffärer och spendera våra pengar på den.
Tack så mycket!
eduard33 said on August 14, 2002 09:47:
I’d LOVE to buy Roxette Unplugged DVD!!! Where I can sign the petition???