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I am annoyed. Yup, annoyed. I’ve been keeping up with some of the discussions here, mostly those that interest me. Such as the discussion on Mr. Gessle’s address (home or otherwise), the upcoming single and subsequent album release, and others. Out of all that, something disturbs me. Or maybe I’m just overly sensitive .

This being the attitude towards Moderator Lars-Erik Olson. I don’t know about any of you, but my basic understanding of message boards such as these is that, yes, inappropriate posts will be deleted or edited. In fact, I’ve been a “victim” of these edits before. I have no qualms about that. All part of the game. However, I’ve noticed some of the posts that talk about his position as a moderator lean towards the “bashing” angle.

Maybe not intentionally, but it’s there none the less. If you have a problem with something being edited or deleted, take it up with him in an e-mail. Be... tactful (as I know most of you can be, when you want to). For example, ask: “Just out of curiosity, why was my post under the topic of ’Vocals, Basses, and Drums’ edited / deleted?” Don’t word it as: “Why the hell did you edit / delete my post under ’Vocals, Basses, and Drums’???”

If it were me, I’d tell you to piss in the wind and leave me alone, in response to the second question. I’d respond to the first question faster and be a bit more thorough: “I edited / deleted your post due to inappropriate content concerning the topic. While your description of the emotions evoked by the combination of the bass guitar and synth drums with Per’s vocals was very imaginative and conveyed what you were feeling, I feel that it could be worded better so as not to offend anyone by the post.”

As I said earlier, maybe I’m just overly sensitive. I consider Lars a good friend of mine and hate it when folks bash him on the boards. I hate it when folks to that to my other friends here too. But let’s use some common sense and general decency and courtesy. If you can’t do that, may I make the suggestion that you stuff a sock in it and go play in your corner until you can make nice?

This is just my onion, take it for how much it costs and is worth.

-Little Spooky

*PS - Author edit due to offensive language. My apologies ladies and gentlemen.*

I agree... but, I´ll tell you something.... the moderator figure in this forum is not very present, at least compared to other forums i know. And when Lars just does his job once in whiles..... well, some get mad... only cos they’re not used to moderation... understand my point?

I understand, but do you understand the personal undertaking he’s gone through in the last year? Remember, his life was in a MAJOR upheval only 10 months ago. AND he also has a full time job that he contends with (as do a lot of us. Schooling for others). I just think that public critisism should be kept to a dull roar, not just for him, but for everyone.

i thought the whole idea of life was freeedom of speech...gratend i do believe there are limits. lars is a very busy person so dont lay blame on him

Yupp - full support for LEO... it´s great work he does!

Have to agree on this one...

The public criticism of Lars is unfair. He has freely volunteered his own time to keep this free forum: clean, decent and above all else legal.

It’s a thankless task, especially when you consider the wealth of daily posts, from so many different cultures where English may not be the first language. Frankly I don’t know how he does it.

If you are truely concerned about a post that has been edited or even deleted, then take a step back and ask yourself why has this needed to occur. Ultimately, why not simply send a brief polite email to Lars requesting an explanation. I’m sure he will provide one... privately to you, rather than get embroiled in a pointless public argument on the boards.

Not supporting censorship of speech, far from it. But one must also consider what impact their words will have on someone else. I’m all for the freedom of speech. BUT, I’m more in favour of people taking responsibility for their words and actions. I’ll give you an example (I was at work, driving my bus when this happened):

I pulled up to a curb to discharge a passenger. The elderly lady had a hard time with stairs, and I didn’t have a bus that was equipped with a wheelchair lift, or kneeling capabilities to make it easier for her. So, I made the decision to get as close to the curb as possible. The trouble was a woman who had crossed the street, and rather than walking across the sidewalk to reach the bus stop, decided to walk in the street / gutter right where I was needing to put the bus.

I pulled a bit out and angled the bus around her so I could discharge my elderly customer and then board her. First words out of her mouth: “You stupid bi*ch!!! You almost hit me!” I attempted to defuse the situation by responding in a calm fashion. When that didn’t work, I gave her the ultimatum of: “You have a couple of choices: You can either get off the bus NOW, or you can calm down, be quiet, and enjoy the ride while I get you to your destination.”

Her immediate reply was: “Oh, black people can’t have an opinion??!!” Mine was: “No, ignorant people can’t have an opinion.” I immediately notified my Radio Control Room and had a supervisor come out to investigate and a replacement operator to finish my work. I was devistated. I’ve always prided myself on the fact that I am not racist or a bigot in any sense of the word.

That woman’s angry words had rattled me to the core. She didn’t stop to think before opening her mouth at the potential harm her words could do. I’ve been called several names in my line of work. I can even come up with a few just by stringing a bunch of them together. That’s never bothered me. But this woman’s words did. Why? Because she assumed that since I am white, I am a racist.

This is what I am trying to get across: It’s not WHAT you say, but HOW it affects someone else that’s the problem. Always try to think of how you would feel if someone said these things about you or to your face.

Sorry for the long winded one, I got on a roll with my keyboard (which is now forming a rebellion at the use *grins*).

wow, very thought provoking story spooky. how did the supervisor react?

unfortunately there are a million stories out there like this...sad how intolerant ppl are towards others in these times.

It’s so easy being black, you can defend all you do by saying “What, so black people can’t do this huh??!” Now I’m not saying everybody does, but too many.

seen it, heard it, am really sad it happens.


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