a mi em fa mal la cama
-Edu- said on June 5, 2002 19:42:
sí, últimament em fa com mal la cama. És curiós tu!
freshold said on June 5, 2002 21:58:
the sentence in the topic sounds very nice :)) does ’la cama’ mean ’ a bed’ ? i’m going to la cama :))
-Edu- said on June 5, 2002 22:12:
mira, era per dir algo. Hey freshold, in spanish la cam means the bed but in catalan it means “the leg”
freshold said on June 5, 2002 22:17:
***gulp*** really ?!??!? .....the leg.....***gulp***....ok, i’m not going to the leg then, but i still enjoy the word...must be the nicest word for ’ a leg ’ in the world... :)))
spookymeg said on June 7, 2002 22:25:
A mi, ara mateix, em fa mal tot. ¡Necessito una bona dormida!
Ei, si hi ha una “Charla en español”, qui s’apunta a fer una “Xerrada en català”? ;-)
Jud (moderator) said on June 5, 2002 21:13:
hahaha ;) es una especie de forum català el que comencem? ;)