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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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You know you are a Roxette fan when....

63 replies

Hi everybody! I was sitting here with nothing special to do, so I started to think... This is what I realized... Enjoy!

You know that you are a Roxette-fan when…..

- You find yourself running around, screaming, clapping your hands and making strange noises only because you just found out they are going out on another tour…

- You realize you counts everything in Rox-items, like: Hmm, can I buy another beer, it costs ¼ of a concertticket..

- You have 52 different versions of all of their albums, singles and bootlegs in your record collection.

- Your record collection is defined to 241 different Roxette-albums and one “Best of the Disneys” which your mother bought when you was 4 years old…

- There are no need for wallpapers in your room because every cm of the walls are covered by pictures of two good-looking Swedes…

- You speak flowing Swedish even though you have lived all your life in Germany..

- You wake up in the middle of the night scared to death because one of those f***ing posters fell down from the wall with a loud CRASH!!

- All your friends sigh deeply as soon as you mentions Roxette.

- All your pets have Rox-names.

- You finds the Barbiedoll which you tried to cut like Marie when you was 8 years old..

- You got all the Roxette music notes even though you either can play any instruments or sing a tune…

- You almost starts to cramp when thinking of meeting THEM

- The only reason you went to the English lessons at school was that you wanted to be able to read everything about Roxette in the foreign magazines you bought..

- You have bought hundreds of expensive imported German pop-magazines even though you don´t speak a word of the language, only because of the Roxette-articles..

- You can tell all the lines before they are actually told when you watch your old Roxettevideo-recordings

- You have travelled all over the world, slept at strange places and spent thousands of dollars on Roxette, but you can´t see your friends point when saying you´re out of your mind..

- You have spent hours and hours freezing or sweating to death, sitting on some old magazine, outside the entrance to all the different concert arenas in every thinkable weather. Rain, snow, storm or sunshine, it doesn´t matter because nothing can make you leave.

- And worst of all, you wouldn´t hesitate to do it again.

More to come, another day…or night.
Take care!/ Ulrika

“And worst of all, you wouldn´t hesitate to do it again.”

that’s the best one!! ;o)

Go to

There is a whole page dedicated to this topic. Yours would make a nice addition. :)))

And yes, “worst of all, you wouldn´t hesitate to do it again.”

!!!! :))))))

Thank you, I will!!


Nice to see, this topic comes up from time to time..:))
Can I add your quotes to the list ?




And yes, I know what it means when suddenly in the middle of the night a heavy Roxette Poster is falling down from your door....HEARTATTACK!!!!!!


- you drive to IKEA just to eat Köttbullar

- you are happier than Non-Roxette-fans

- you recognize a Roxette song even if it’s played very very very silent (on radio or thru headphones in a CD-shop)
- blue-yellow are your fave colours
- you wake up in the morning and realize that you have talked swedish in your dream
- you think it’s funny to see a car from Halmstad in your hometown...and you really wish to creep into the trunk

Roxcat: Of course you can add this on the site! I´m flattered....

Want more entries to your list?

Visit and hit the “Real Fan Profile” button and scroll down... Duh Uh!

Vengarox On! Enjoy!

You buy the Fucking Greatest Hits albums and Non- B-sided singles

-You go to Night Of The Proms although you hate the sort of public which comes there every year again and again and again.......

-You let your friends put all your CD’s (not at the same time) in your cd-player, except your roxette-cd’s, they have to ask you for that!

-you get phoned by 3 people at the same time, that there is a rox-song on the radio (which is very seldom in Netherlands)

-Per Gessles calls you up, to ask if he can meet you, because he is fan of his biggest fan!

-You keep on mailing and calling EMI Netherlands for more promotion of the new album, while you know they wouldn’t ever do that!

JAAP are wasting time, waiting and thinking about the crush on you remixes and how cool the video of the single would have been!

- you suddenly realise that you have second sight cause you had the feeling that Per was in Barcelona to watch Formula One before you read it on Aftonbladet........

Sigh! I am not sure if I am a ’fan’. ;)

>All your pets have Rox-names.
I’ve got two yello anacondas, Etna & Jerry, maybe I should re-baptize them.....Hmm...Jane & Jefferson?

you are sad that Savage Garden broke up.

@Fabian, so am i!!!! I am getting Darren Hayes’s new album for my birthday in a few weeks:) Bout damn time i got older again!!! But i guess i’ll always be the babie;) hehehehehehe. Anyways, well to add to this list:

-When you sit around in math class and start humming (very loudly) joyride and your teacher kicks you outta class cause you aren’t paying attention when they tell you to stop.

- When you sit around all day in the summer listening to it even though you probably should’ve gotten a job....

- when all thru June you listen to Bright June Afternoon even when its raining

- you accidentally fill up the bookmarks list with Rox site bookmarks-my sisters weren’t too happy about that one......

- You search the radio all day long looking for Rox songs that will never come on....

- You live in the US...(we always want what we can’t have;) )


hey people!!!
- when your dad is in a business meeting in a restaurant, and he makes everybody shut up cause he heard “the look” and said: “Roxette!! My daughter’s favorite band!!”

- you live in the US and even tough ... goes to every cd store JUST to see if they have Room Service even tough you already have the Cd.

- when you spend a WHOLE afternoon whatching 40 video clips and interviews and the Live-Ism tape, and Live in South Africa tape.... heheh

- when you have a License plate that says “ROXETE”

- When you BURN the original Cds so you can have the original ones on their cases safely and the burt ones can be scratche whenever in case of accidents...

- when your sister introduces you to a cute guy and he tells you : “are you the one that likes roxette??”

- when you quit your job, you miss exams at college, and spend all your savings just to see them in concert in stockholm

- when like somebody just said: “yellow and blue” are my favorite colors heheheh

- When YOu love anything related to sweden

- and this is just for me i guess. when i went to stockholm I saw a car brand called OPEL. That ive never seen in the US. ANd one day my brother gets home with a soccer shirt... i dont know from which team it is but it said “OPEL” and i started to cry of hapiness..// im like “OHHh ... Sweden.. sniff ..sniff... ” hehehe

whatdo you think?

What can I say Roxie, roxette lives on much longer than the Garden.

in the same vain as couple of Rox74ever’s lines...

- when you travel 6000 miles, spend way too much money and freeze your ass off, all to see Roxette live in Stockholm and Goteborg, only to get pissed off because you missed the one concert (Karlstad) where you could have met Per after the concert!

- when you not only love everthing Swedish, but truly believe that everything made in Sweden is the best of the best (music, cars, furniture, cameras, table tennis gear, etc.)

- when it’s one of your major goals in life to obtain all of these great Swedish things (still working on the Volvo and Hasselblad) :)

- when you keep thinking of ways to try and justify another trip to Sweden

hey Rox74ever!

I thought that I met everyone from the US who attended the Sweden shows. Although I guess I most of those meetings took place in Goteborg. Did you only go to the Stockholm concert?

What part of the US do you live in?

When you fight with your stupid brother who says that Britney Spears looks better than Marie and her songs are better than Roxette’s

- you dig up this page from the cellars of the smalltalk session

My cat Called wodka!!! And once I had my room full of roxette posters when I was 14.
But I ordered the album SOAP
But I like beer MR. Gessle CHEERS!!!
I have all of the roxette albums!!!
But I think I m a fan too

... you still remember about this thread :)

-when you know everything about every Rox song

-when you wake up in a dream in the middle of the night and you wish you could fly

Taken from

You know there are more than 5 (the official ones) cd’s that are released (Cathy Carlier)

You have a rox lyric line in your signature (Cathy Carlier)

Your e-mail address is roxette@, marie@, per@,...(Cathy Carlier)

When your internet logon name is named after something associated to Roxette! (joyrider)

This is your third private ISP, and EACH of them has been gessle@(ispname) ...and your IRC nick used to be Per-Wulf? :) (Sheldon Cooke)

You can spell Marie’s last name correctly (Cathy Carlier)

You know the right way to spell and pronounce GT (Süsanne Dippel)

You know who Leif is (Süsanne Dippel)

You realize you’re drawing Leif instead of working on your studies (Süsanne Dippel)

You want to have a copy of every article published about Roxette (Cathy and Süsanne)

You drive the man from the copy-center crazy (Cathy and Süsanne)

You always have a videotape at reach in case Roxette shows up on TV (and another tape for the radio) (Cathy and Süsanne)

You know what Marie sings at the end of ’Spending my time’ (Cathy and Süsanne)

You know what they are singing at the beginning of ’Keep me waiting’ (Cathy and Süsanne)

You hear the very first demo-version of ’The big L.’ and still know the lyrics of the released version (Süsanne)

You feel you have to sing along wherever and whenever you hear a Roxette song (Süsanne)

You spend more than your free time thinking about YKYARFW (Cathy and Süsanne)

You have a one hundred CD player stereo and they are all taken up by Roxette CD’s (Ben Wong)

You know the lyrics to every song (including lyrics) (Chatan Mistry)

You have an album from Per or Marie’s solo career, or the Great Gyllene Tider (Chatan Mistry)

People say you are “Rox’s Greatest Fan” (Chatan Mistry)

You have a walkman and a Roxette tape with you at ALL times, in case of emergency (Chatan Mistry)

You think (or know) that ’It Must Have Been Love’ is THE greatest love ballad of all time (Chatan Mistry)

You carry a picture of Per and Maire in your wallet instead a family or girlfirends photo, when you think they are god (Chatan Mistry)

You think that the Album DBU should have contained 5 CD’s (LS!, Joyride, PoP, Tourism and C!B!B!) (Chatan Mistry)

You turn the car engine on and Joyride blasts out through all 4 speakers (Chatan Mistry)

You call your car the Rox-mobile (Chatan Mistry)

You have all of Rox’s albums as both original CD’s and tape (I have apart from PoP!) (Chatan Mistry)

You ALWAYS have something Roxette with you where ever you go (Katy Phillps)

You go insane from not listening to them for a whole day (Katy Phillps)

You paint your room like a chessboard (David Weddell)

You paint sunflowers all over your bedroom wall (Katy Phillps)

You paint your nightstand and dresser with checkers and a big sunflower in the maiddle (Katy Phillps)

You grow 22 sunflowers in your back yard (Katy Phillps)

You name your pets after Roxette songs (Katy Phillps)

You are a Roxette fan everyday (Joyrider)

You listen to them 90% of the time at work and take the chance to get mugged for that (Joyrider)

You always buy solely Rox music (Antony James Gibson)

Everytime you go to the record store, you always go straight to search for Roxette, just in case you’ve missed something before (Antony James Gibson)

You listen to the radio just to hear a Rox song, and then when you get disappointed to hear the disc jockey announce an upcoming list of songs that doesn’t include Rox (Antony James Gibson)

You call your girlfriend to have a crewcut hairdo while you grow your hair long and dye it blond...(or the other way around if you’re a girl) (Eric Fook)

You spend every cent you have on anything Roxettey that you can put your hands on, even if that means going without a meal for several days (Lynette Borovica)

During periods of sheer boredom your mind somehow forces oneself to write/sketch/draw “ROX” in someway on the pad in front of you (thebigL)

You’d gladly sell your first born offspring for a concert ticket (Roger A. Tetzlaff)

You scramble around madly trying to figure out exactly who to complain to when Roxette’s latest release won’t be released in your home country (Roger A. Tetzlaff)

You send three faxes a day to every radio station in town when a new Roxette single comes out (Roger A. Tetzlaff)

You devote three hours to developing a series of email arguments regarding Roxette’s lyrics (Roger A. Tetzlaff)

You know you’re going to be moving out of town in a month, but instead of hanging out with your friends, you try to make it to each and every music store within a 50 mile radius to try to find Roxette recordings (Roger A. Tetzlaff)

You manage to spend close to eight hundred dollars amassing your collection of Roxette-related items (Roger A. Tetzlaff)

You fill fifty megabytes of hard drive space with pictures, sound bites, and reviews of Roxette’s material (Roger A. Tetzlaff)

Updated by Natalija on 13 February 2002
You fill A COUPLE OF GIGABYTES of hard drive space with pictures, sound bites, and reviews of Roxette’s material (Natalija, Latvia)

You madly search the web each and every morning, looking for new info (Roger A. Tetzlaff)

You meet someone on the Roxette Mailing List and end up marrying them 18 months later (Roger A. Tetzlaff)

AND....when you go out and get a Roxette tattoo (Roger A. Tetzlaff)

You spend most of (often ALL of ) your free time working for the Fanclub! =) =) (Roxette Fanclub Team)

You wish goodnight to posters of Per and Marie that you have in your room (Barbara)

Your friends ask you to stop listening to Roxette for once (Barbara)

You’re listening to the walkman and anybody spends its time asking you what you’re listening to. They already know it (Barbara)

You can’t talk until 2 days after the Roxette show in your city. Your voice is simply gone singing all the songs (Barbara)

You want to know Swedish and understand what Per and Marie are saying (Barbara)

You buy a mini disc player solely for the purpose of creating a convenient disc library of Roxette stuff found anywhere besides a full length CD! (Stephen Shelton)

Your e-mail contains 687340 unsubscribe messages a day no matter how many times people reply saying your SUPPOSED to write to the list administrator at [email protected]! (Stephen Shelton)

You charge over 2000 dollars on your Visa, just so you can go to Sweden to see Gyllene Tider in concert (Simon ,Roxfanclub Usa)

Your picture appears on the Gyllene Tider’s Atertaget poster (Simon, Roxfanclub Usa)

Each morning you get up and, before you’re out of bed, you turn on the stereo to play a Roxette CD (Arnaud Weil)

The only thing you want to answer to a teatcher asking you to compute the Fourier series of a function is “I need to listen to Roxette now!” (Arnaud Weil)

Your computer turns on playing a Roxette song (Arnaud Weil)

You can’t get bored listening a hundred times ’Hotblooded’ (Arnaud Weil)

You spend a whole night awake because you are thinking about a Roxette song you played ten times that day (Arnaud Weil)

You can sing on a Roxette song while solving a maths problem whithout making any mistake (Arnaud Weil)

Your only aim when singing ’How do you do’ and ’Church of your heart’ is to have the same bass voice as Per Gessle (Arnaud Weil)

A Roxette song can take you out of a really bad mood (Arnaud Weil)

You can write the 8 points above in a minute without having thought about them before! (Arnaud Weil)

You buy the German, Spanish, UK, US, and Lapland version of every Roxette CD single available (Alex Price)

You have to stop, and look through every single second hand record shop. Everyday just incase (Alex Price)

You’d trade, sell, or part exchange your parents for that copy of Pearls of Passion (Alex Price)

You get a Rox concert ticket off a tout just so you have a “spare” as a souvineer (Alex Price)

Your friends don’t even have to ask what CD your just about to listen to (Alex Price)

Your name is listed in the credits on one of their albums :o) (Luke)

Even though you know that there aren’t any, you always check when in record to stores to make sure Roxette hasn’t come out with a new album without you knowing about it (Kevin)

You get soundtracks that suck (like Super Mario) just to get a Roxette song you don’t have (Kevin)

You join a mailing list to be with members of your own kind because all of your friends consider you abnormal because they think it’s weird that anybody still listens to Roxette (this applies mainly to people in the Roxette-deprived US) (Kevin)

You put up with the same people who put in 12 requests a day pleading “Please I wanna unsubscribe” not getting the picture that it isn’t working and not bothering to actually READ their mail to learn the proper procedure (Kevin)

You have sixth sense to change the radio station in the middle of a really good song because you feel Roxette will be on another station, and it even turns out you were right!!! (this seriously happens to me ALL of the time!!!) (Kevin)

You decide to learn Swedish in case you meet Per and Marie on the street somewhere and want to impress them (Kevin)

You vote on the student comittee for the school to get a new DJ for the school dances this year because the old one never played any of the Roxette songs you requested (Kevin)

You order CD’s that are in another language that you don’t understand just because it’s Roxette (Kevin)

You buy anything vaguely connected to Roxette (Kevin)

When you hear the song “Roxanne” by The Police, you change the lyrics so it says “Roxette!” (Kevin)

All of your desks at school have graffiti of various things, such as stars, “Rox,” “Join the Joyride,” etc (Kevin)

Your license plate is ROXETTE (Kevin)

When you actually DO meet Per and Marie on the street somewhere, you’re on a first name basis with them (Kevin)

You can sit at a computer for hours thinking of things to add to the “You Know You’re A Roxette Fan When...” list (Kevin)

You go to the hall of records to check out the glim hope that Per and Marie might be your parents (Kevin)

When Per and Marie call you back after you give them your phone number from when you met them on the street somewhere (Kevin)

When listening to Roxette becomes more important to your survival than oxygen and water (Kevin)

You log on on an IRC Roxette channel at 1:00 in the morning (Edward Vakhovsky)

You talk about non Roxette related subjects on IRC Roxette channel at about 3:00 in the morning (Edward Vakhovsky)

You pretend that you don’t know something about Roxette and manage to ask someone a question about it at about 5:00 in the morning (Edward Vakhovsky)

You are the only one on #roxette for over 3 hours, desperately needing some sleep, but still hanging there, in case a friend (or a stranger to whom you might start talking about Roxette) shows up (Märten Arminen)

If your life could have a soundtrack, it would be all the Roxette albums (Martin Di Mauro)

You see the sun on a bright day and you can’t help to say “Wah! Wah!” (Martin Di Mauro)

You queue on a line for more than two hours in a rainy day just to get the Per & Marie autographs (Martin Di Mauro)

You think about suicide, because the day Roxette came on tour you got so sick that you didn’t go to the concert (Martin Di Mauro)

You pass the time in your classes by attempting to list EVERY Roxette song ever conceived, either alphabetically or chronologically! (DoctorZan)

You are prepared to explain to a music store employee that you are looking for ROXETTE, not BOXED Sets! (DoctorZan)

Your nick on IRC has one or other thing to do with Roxette ... Like PerGessle(mine), MrHocus, SilvrBlue ... (Andre Humphris)

Your computer play extracts from Roxette songs everytime you do something (Andre Humphris)

The post office get sick of your face when you go and ask them every day whether your package (with Roxette goodies) have arrived yet (Andre Humphris)

You sit hours with a slow internet connection just to download a new Roxette picture from a homepage (Andre Humphris)

You have every Roxette song on tape, but you still buy the CD singles (Andre Humphris)

Your mom shouts “Turn of that song! Don’t you know it by now?” (Andre Humphris)

You play the 30second wave you just got of a new Roxette song over and over for about a hour or 2 (Andre Humphris)

You are in school since 7 am... you haven´t eaten ANYTHING through the day and its 4:35 pm, you had to do a really long homework for today, you are tired and sleepy, but you stay another hour at school just to read the 137 e-mails from the Mailing List because you hadnt had time to read them before due to school projects (ANA KARINA)

You put a roxette instrumental song in the startup of your computer (Benoit Leblanc)

You wake up with “The Look” or “Dangerous” in the morning (Benoit Leblanc)

You know all the lyrics of all the song by heart and you bore people when song plays at the job and you sing over it the stronger you can (Benoit Leblanc)

No matter how depressed or upset you get they can always get you cheered up and dancing around your room (Christine)

You stand in front of your bedroom mirror miming to Roxette, pretending to be Per with your tennis racquet, trying to get his every movement right and starting all over again if you mess one little thing up! (Christine)

You wear your Roxette T-shirt proudly in public even though everyone laughs and points at it (Christine)

You don’t refer to the past by saying
- That ways back in 1992
- When I was at college
- About a year ago
Instead you prefer to say
- During Tourism time
- Somewhere between Look Sharp! and Joyride
- At the same time as the latest release (Pierre Bernard)

You think you must be sick because you don’t recall all the Lyrics from Look Sharp! (Pierre Bernard )

You put in every recordshop you are, the roxette-stuff at the 1st place in the rows (Co Post)

You change the number one of the top-40 list in your musicshop in the newest roxette-single (Co Post)

You moved the Roxette-singles from the R-row to the G(essle) and F(redriksson) row (Co Post)

You will be catched bij the musicseller in that shop when you have done this, and tells him that you really a great Roxette-fan (Co Post)

You start day dreaming at school that the pep assembaly next period will honor Per and Marie (felicia)

You put there pictures on you school binder... (felicia)

You talk in your sleep about Per staying over at your house!!! (felicia)

You wish that for Christmas that your family sends you and your best bud to the Roxette concert in Sweden (felicia)

Roxette songs are playing in your head 24 hours a day. (Sometimes maybe 25) (Kevin)

You launch Presidential campaigns for “Per Gessle in 96!” (Kevin)

If they made a soundtrack of your life, there’d be a moment for every Roxette song (Kevin)

You start to learn Swedish so you can understand Per and Marie’s solo work (Kevin)

Your nightmares involve bad things happening to Per and Marie (Kevin)

You stalk either of them (No, I don’t do this!) (Kevin)

You’d take a bullet for them. (This I’m not sure of...I don’t know them personally, so....) (Kevin)

You begin to substitute “X” in any word that has a “CKS.”(Kevin)

You constantly check record stores “just in case” a new Roxette album came out without your knowledge (Kevin)

You still love, sing, search and defend this lovely group when you are the only in town who knows them and the only fan... of course (Laura)

You are growing your hair like Per’s (Roman)

You want all related albums, even if they are in Swedish (Roman)

You love Volvos (Roman)

You want to learn Swedish (Roman)

All your friends call you on the phone when Roxette is on TV or on the radio (Olga)

When you find radio Sweden on the short waves and listen to it in case they put Marie or Per on (Olga)

When you try not to burst into tears every time your dad’s friends say that Roxette is primitive and you better listen to Pink Floyd or Deep Purple (Olga)

You have to make your 400 Roxette records free of dust EVERY day! (Carsten Christier)

You have to go on Record trade markets every weekend to buy new stuff...(Carsten Christier)

All your friends say you are mad paying 800 DM´s for a rare record! (Carsten Christier)

You want the church chorus to sing ’love is all’ (Luis Torres)

You stay all day at home listening to this amazing new album (even if is your marriage day) (Luis Torres)

People think you’ll be happy in a hole unther the earth listening Roxette all your life (then, the nuclear problem is not a problem, Roxette is enough to live) (Luis Torres)

You know precisely how long the break is in the middle of the song ’The Look’ and be able to sing along with Per and Marie at exactly the right point (Aryanish)

You know when to snap your fingers in Cry (Radiorox)

In the Album version of Crash Boom Bang you know when to wisper Crash! Boom!Bang! (Radiorox)

You know how many times the drums beat in the begining of It Must Have Been Love (Radiorox)

You know which ROX songs have the keyboard or Synth in the same pitch with the song (Radiorox)

You know all the backing vocals to all the songs (Radiorox)

You know what songs have programming in them (Radiorox)

You know why Per wrote Listen to your heart (Radiorox)

You know all the haromony bits and sing in harmony to their music (Mark Justin Smith)

You find yourself a copy of Pearls of Passion (original or otherwise) and/or Dance Passion (Die)

You join the Roxette mailing list and read and contribute to their information each day (Sally)

You are willing to break up with your boyfriend because he doesn’t want you to tell him anymore how great Per is (Andreea)

You’re doing bad in school because all you do all day is listening to Roxette and spending your hours trying to know new stuff about Marie and Per on your computer (Andreea)

You listen to them everyday.... non stop ... well when u have the time ...(Jason)

You listen to their swedish stuff not knowing what the hell they are saying.... yet learn all the lyrics to all the swedish songs.... (Jason)

You play their music really loud from the car (including their swedish and spanish stuff) (Jason)

You have your room plastered with Roxette photos and posters (Jason)

You travel hundreds of miles and pay heaps to see them LIVE.... (Jason)

You have doubles of all the albums (ie. cassette and CD ) and of course force your family members and friends to like them as well (Jason)

You have zillions of replicas of their singles from many parts of the world (Jason)

You pay hundreds of dollars on their videos and cds.... (Jason)

Your English treacher is telling you some new words to learn and each of them reminds you of a Roxette song you can’t help singing! (Maddalena)

You keep on sticking Roxette clippings over your diary and binder, no matter how good-looking the guys on the cover are! (Maddalena)

You go to the Fanclub Meeting in Cologne (S|effen)

Marie‘s and Per‘s postmen need bigger cars because of you (Kerstin Ebsen)

You are proud to be a “fool” (Kerstin Ebsen)

You get bad results in Geography because you believe that Halmstad is the capitol of Sweden (Kerstin Ebsen)

You can pronounce “Vulnerable” (Kerstin Ebsen)

Your Roxette collection is bigger than you (Kerstin Ebsen)

You wake up from your walk in the sleep because your stereo screams Roxette (Kerstin Ebsen)

You want January 12 and May 30 to be official holidays (Kerstin Ebsen)

Sweden is the “hottest” country for you (Kerstin Ebsen)

Roxette makes your day (Kerstin Ebsen)

You travel to Sweden just to hear “Sommartider” on the radio once (Kerstin Ebsen)

You know Bjoern Ulvaeus and Benny Andersson only as owners of a record label with bad taste (Kerstin Ebsen)

You’ve worn out your fifth “Joyride” tape (Henry David)

You pierce your belly-button to hang a ring that is R-shaped like Roxette on it! (Carina Fluegge)

You call your diary “Per” or “Marie” (Peggy)

You count the Roxette songs you heard on the radio and write them down with name on the day you have heard them in your agenda. (Peggy)

You record everything from the radio that sounds a little bit like Roxette, just in case it’s an interview or song you never heard before. (Peggy)

You stay outside their hotel all day and night until they check out in the morning so you can wave them goodbye one last time (Eileen Quinlan)

Per and Marie recognise you at their concert and Marie gets you to sing along by handing you the mike (Eileen Quinlan)

You follow them all over the country from one concert to another then you realize you have nowhere to stay so you sleep rough in the middle of winter (Eileen Quinlan)

You go to bed with Roxette on your mind and then wake up with them still on your mind even after dreaming about them (Eileen Quinlan)

You ring up your radio station requesting Roxette songs (Eileen Quinlan)

You have posters all over your walls as well as your ceiling (Eileen Quinlan)

You long to meet them again (Eileen Quinlan)

Per and Marie recognise you everytime you meet (Eileen Quinlan)

Marie gives you a cuddle and then thanx you for everything (Eileen Quinlan)

You have 7 versions of ’The Look” plus the one you play on your guitar (Lourdes)

You have all the symptons descibed in this section (Lourdes)

You can’t remember the last time you heard a non-Roxette tape on your walkman. (Lourdes)

Your initials are “G.T.” (Genady Trimialov)

You use instead of “Bye-bye”only “Wah-Wah”! (Franziska)

You keep your spirit up during jogging by thinking that this way you can keep up with the tourbus (Franziska)

You’re the best of your class in english, though you don’t do anything for that subject exept listening to Rox-interviews for hours a day (Franziska)

When you see Per on the street but you don’t go rushing up to him because you know he prefers to be left in peace (Franziska)

You dream about Roxette every night (Jan Bayer)

You do not sleep a wink the whole night thanx to some exciting Roxette news (Jan Bayer)

You have not enough space on the walls for Rox-posters and you start to stick them on the ceiling (Jan Bayer)

You lend in lending CD´s office only CD´s which Marie and Per like (Kinks, Beethoven, Tom Petty, ...) (Jan Bayer)

You start attending courses of spiritismus. Once you will leave your material body as astral spirit to visit Per and Marie to see their life and how are demos recorded, songs are written, unvaliable concerts are performed... (Jan Bayer)

You must have an original of Rox-album as CD (for playing), LP (for collection), MC (for walkman) (Jan Bayer)

A roxette’s song can make you win all the time. For instance, you need to listen to a Roxette’s song before an important football match (Cresley)

You need to listen to some Roxette song before going to bed(Cresley)

You can’t pass without a Roxette song when there is a party at your house(Cresley)

Your pen friend is a roxer(Cresley)

Your copybooks covers are filled with pictures of Roxette.(Cresley)

You think all the na,na,na you heard are Roxette’s.(Fabian)

Anything counts while their music is playing.(TurboSteffi)

You name your daughter Chantal MARIE & your son Christian PER.(Nicola)

You stop using the regular measuring units to count time and use rox songs instead. For example:
-It’ll take me Real sugar and Joyride to get there.
-I’ll meet you outside the club at room service past 10. (Lefty-x)

You only catch the 7:27 train/bus/plane to work everyday.(rezmad)

You pay more attention listening to The Look when it is played in a strip club than looking at the strippers. (This is from personal experience).(rezmad)

You dont use artificial sweetner in your cofee only Real Sugar.(rezmad)

You always say Have A Nice Day instead of goodbye.(rezmad)

You think someone is Lieing, you break into song.(rezmad)

You sing along loudly with every Roxette-song when you hear one, even when you’re in an overcrowded shopping mall. (cerys)

You don’t have a CD player, you possess a few CDs though, those are Roxette’s, or Marie’s solo, or Per’s solo albums (Natalija)

You devote a website to Roxette :)))(Cathy)

You’re dying to learn Swedish just because Roxette are from Sweden, and are willing to do just about anything for a chance to learn Swedish! (Charlotte Roberts)

Your mom speaks fluent Spanish, and you don’t, and you try to get her to teach you Spanish just so you can understand the Spanish songs.(Charlotte Roberts)

Your classmates make you sing Roxette songs in class, even with the teacher present, and your teacher likes your performance as well! (Charlotte Roberts)

You manage to buy “The World According to Gessle” on a trip to Europe”, and your fellow roxer friend says “I hate you” when you tell him that you managed to buy it! (Charlotte Roberts)

You play the Spanish album, and your roommate asks you “Do you actually understand what she’s singing???” and you say “Well, I learned Spanish because I hoped it would help me understand the lyrics on this album.” (Charlotte Roberts)

You tell Cathy that you have “a couple of new ideas” to add to the list of YKYARFW, but you end up adding 12 ideas, and then have to send another list of ideas to her! (Which I did here!) (Charlotte Roberts)

Yyou love Pretty Woman just because “It Must Have Been Love” is featured in the movie and soundtrack. (Charlotte Roberts)

You sometimes wish that you lived in the States, but then realize that it’s easier to get Roxette accessories in Canada, so then you feel grateful that you’re a Canadian citizen. (Charlotte Roberts)

You’d like to live in Europe because Roxette are better known there than in Canada. (Charlotte Roberts)

You buy a various artist CD just because there’s a Roxette song on it! (Charlotte Roberts)

Tears well up in your eyes at the sentimental Roxette ballads, like “It Must Have Been Love” and “I Was So Lucky.” (Charlotte Roberts)

You know all the lyrics on the Spanish album, even though you don’t understand them all! (Charlotte Roberts)

Your mom loves Roxette just like you do! (Charlotte Roberts)

Your dad asks you to play your Roxette CD on long car trips. (Charlotte Roberts)

Your schoolmates tease you saying “You like Roxette? Man, you live in the 80’s!” and then you vehemently argue with them, saying that Roxette are not just from the 80’s. (Charlotte Roberts)

You’ve sung “Spending My Time”, “It Must Have Been Love”, and “Wish I Could Fly” on karaoke in public places. (Charlotte Roberts)

You buy copies of their Greatest Hits album for Xmas presents for all your friends and relatives. (Charlotte Roberts)

You have internet penpals that frequently send you pictures of Roxette. (Charlotte Roberts)

You frequently have dreams about going to a Roxette concert and/or meeting them! (Charlotte Roberts)

You’ve been searching for Roxette videos which are difficult to find, and when you finally see one in a music store, you overreact by screaming and running around, causing a scene in the music store! (Charlotte Roberts)

You get to read magazines with articles about roxette in your German class, and scream when classmates show you articles about Roxette, which annoys everyone! (Charlotte Roberts)

You want to get your hair cut like Marie’s, but your mom strongly objects! (Charlotte Roberts)

You bring your CD player up to the bathroom to sing along to Roxette music in the shower. (Charlotte Roberts)

You learn Spanish at school just to understand the lyrics on Baladas En Espanol. (Charlotte Roberts)

You write Roxette’s song lyrics in your poetry notebook. (Charlotte Roberts)

You manage to buy a huge poster of Roxette when you travel to Europe, since you can’t get those in Canada (where I live). (Charlotte Roberts)

You believe Marie has the most beautiful singing voice on the planet.(Charlotte Roberts)

You move to Sweden as i did. (Viv)

You find yourself running around, screaming, clapping your hands and making strange noises only because you just found out they are going out on another tour… (Ulrika)

You realize you counts everything in Rox-items, like: Hmm, can I buy another beer, it costs ¼ of a concertticket.. (Ulrika)

You have 52 different versions of all of their albums, singles and bootlegs in your record collection. (Ulrika)

Your record collection is defined to 241 different Roxette-albums and one “Best of the Disneys” which your mother bought when you was 4 years old… (Ulrika)

There are no need for wallpapers in your room because every cm of the walls are covered by pictures of two good-looking Swedes… (Ulrika)

You speak flowing Swedish even though you have lived all your life in Germany.. (Ulrika)

You wake up in the middle of the night scared to death because one of those f***ing posters fell down from the wall with a loud CRASH!! (Ulrika)

All your friends sigh deeply as soon as you mentions Roxette. (Ulrika)

All your pets have Rox-names. (Ulrika)

You finds the Barbiedoll which you tried to cut like Marie when you was 8 years old.. (Ulrika)

You got all the Roxette music notes even though you either can play any instruments or sing a tune… (Ulrika)

You almost starts to cramp when thinking of meeting THEM (Ulrika)

The only reason you went to the English lessons at school was that you wanted to be able to read everything about Roxette in the foreign magazines you bought.. (Ulrika)

You have bought hundreds of expensive imported German pop-magazines even though you don´t speak a word of the language, only because of the Roxette-articles.. (Ulrika)

You can tell all the lines before they are actually told when you watch your old Roxettevideo-recordings (Ulrika)

You have travelled all over the world, slept at strange places and spent thousands of dollars on Roxette, but you can´t see your friends point when saying you´re out of your mind.. (Ulrika)

You have spent hours and hours freezing or sweating to death, sitting on some old magazine, outside the entrance to all the different concert arenas in every thinkable weather. Rain, snow, storm or sunshine, it doesn´t matter because nothing can make you leave. (Ulrika)

And worst of all, you wouldn´t hesitate to do it again. (Ulrika)

You drive to IKEA just to eat Köttbullar (Criz)

You are happier than Non-Roxette-fans (Criz)

You recognize a Roxette song even if it’s played very very very silent (on radio or thru headphones in a CD-shop) (Criz)

Blue-yellow are your fave colours (Criz)

You wake up in the morning and realize that you have talked swedish in your dream (Criz)

You think it’s funny to see a car from Halmstad in your hometown...and you really wish to creep into the trunk (Criz)

You suddenly realise that you have second sight cause you had the feeling that Per was in Barcelona to watch Formula One before you read it on Aftonbladet....(Criz)

You buy the *censored* Greatest Hits albums and Non- B-sided singles (AbbaLe)

You go to Night Of The Proms although you hate the sort of public which comes there every year again and again and again....... (Japeke)

You let your friends put all your CD’s (not at the same time) in your cd-player, except your roxette-cd’s, they have to ask you for that! (Japeke)

You get phoned by 3 people at the same time, that there is a rox-song on the radio (which is very seldom in Netherlands) (Japeke)

Per Gessles calls you up, to ask if he can meet you, because he is fan of his biggest fan! (Japeke)

You keep on mailing and calling EMI Netherlands for more promotion of the new album, while you know they wouldn’t ever do that! (Japeke)

You are wasting time, waiting and thinking about the crush on you remixes and how cool the video of the single would have been! (erweetiran)

- All the Cd’s in your collection gather dust, except the Roxette (and MF/PG/GT-) CD’s

- You are checking out Roxette-websites at late hours, even though you have to get up early the next morning

- everybody at your work knows that you are a roxette-fan and new co-workers know it within a day.

- The Daily Roxette is your most visited website.

- On holidays, you want to go to a cybercafe, just to check out TDR, to see if there is some news (ok, off course you also take the opportunity then to check your mail as well)

- You are about to go to bed, but remember an extra line to add to this topic and do that first.

I wonder if those fans who post those are still fans.

Looking at the profile of the most people in this thread, most of them have recently checked this website, showing they have still interest in Roxette, so I have no reason to believe they suddenly are not fans anymore.

yeah, deffinitely. my friends are a bit fed up with me talking about this and that song, and some live versions which are the ones i love the most, cos they make me wanna b there screaming too!! it’s gripping, really. the fact is that my brother doesn’t like roxette, so i have to wear earphones, what makes my mother shout at me cos maybe she’s been calling me to dinner for 2 hours n i was too deaf to listen to her hahahaha...

Yea... but unfortunatelly the person who started this thread, ulrikalanner, hasn’t been logged in since 2003... It’s a shame really since she is a really nice person. Had some fun together with her back in 2002 so it would be sad if she isn’t a roxfan any more. Ofcourse, you can still be a fan without checking this forums but.. oh well.

This one rings true...

You finds the Barbiedoll which you tried to cut like Marie when you was 8 years old..

Okay so I was not 8 years old.... more like 13 / 14 but still! buy a notebook and write 10.000 times on it: “a vote to Wish I Could Fly”...

I did it once when Roxette needed some votes to be N#1 on the radio chart, I wrote: Vote N#1: Wish I Could Fly by Roxette and so on until 10 000 votes and I sent the notebook to the radio station.

...when you want all your friends listen to them and love them as you do even when they don’t listen to them at all but you insist...

...when you support Sweden’s National Team at FIFA’s worldcup (or other worldcups) just because of Roxette...

...when you want to learn about geography, Swedish geography...

...when you call your children Marie or Per... (I haven’t got any children but I already know their names)...

...when your parents can sing Roxette songs without knowing how or when they learned them...

...when you argue with the guy at a radio programe because he says that Per’s music is rubbish...

... you move into your first apartment and the first thing you put on your living room wall is a Roxette poster!

u marry with other roxette fan :)

... at the end of FLAF you expect to listen to Knockin’ on every door, so much that you can actually hear the intro in your mind. Only to be disappointed when you remember that you are listening to the radio! :)

You know you are a Roxette fan when...

... You have been listening to their music for 15 years and you are 25. And after so much time, you realize that these Swedes have become a part of your life and that you’ll NEVER stop listening to them!

... Everytime a Roxette song comes on the radio, you turn it up and your heart beats with a different rythm.

... You walk along P’s or M’s home street as often as you can just in case he’d be there
... You’ve never been to Halmstad, but it’s nevertheless you’re favourite town.
... You send greetings to M&P on every holiday and their birthdays.
... You can ’listen’ to the albums just by playing the songs in your head.
... You know the birthdays of M&P:s spouses and children...
...and send them greetings as well.
...If you got one wish, you’d rather meet Roxette than get world peace

... you know the exact order of the track lists on every Roxette album, official or otherwise. Hoo boy!

... At the end of Dressed For Success, you clap your hands like Marie does in the video.

... You can predict when a Roxette song is going to come on the radio... and you are RIGHT!

... One of your friends wants to know something about Roxette and they have to ask the expert. That means, YOU!

... You escape from school one hour earlier just because you want to record a Roxette interview on the radio (I did that!!!!!)

... One of your friends wants you to give her a list of Roxette songs to download... and you make a list of 172 items! :D

Well, I haven’t done most of all you have said here. Am I a bad fan? I think I was never so obesessed about Roxette (luckily).

... You are listening to the radio and you can guess that the next song coming is Roxette’s. It happened to me TODAY!

You neatly line your cd’s up so they are the 1st thing you see in the morning

You torment your father when you get lost in London by playing PoP so loud (windows open) you can’t hear your self think, and get funny looks from passers by. Sorry Dad

You debate whether to play with either Pers or Maries hairdos

You scour eBay for the Joyride badge you lost in Hyde Park when you went to Wireless. And, hold a small mourning ceremony for Joyride badge mark 1

People torment you by hiding all your Roxette tapes, cds, vinyl, video, dvd, etc. Evil twin sisters

You do try to recreate the scenes on the plane wing in Joyride using FlightSim (now this wasn’t me, but a friend of mine did try!)

You attempt to convert your friends- this is easier for me cos I go to college, so I can sit next to people and force them to listen. Converts so far- 1- Adam, I love you!

You watch a Roxete video everyday before college.

You have the Roxette theme on your computer

You dream about a musical, and wake up at 3 in the morning screaming about it

And finally, kids-You imagine the videos for all the songs that were never singles

You spend almost a solid week going through old music, videos and photos as a kind of trip down memory lane!


“Your English treacher is telling you some new words to learn and each of them reminds you of a Roxette song you can’t help singing! (Maddalena)

You keep on sticking Roxette clippings over your diary and binder, no matter how good-looking the guys on the cover are! (Maddalena)”

LOL.. oh my god.. that was me.. back in the mid90’s!!

maddy is that you? we used to write in the mid nineties! then i got moved n lost my contacts:( hope ur ok!

TDR is a small place... it’s amazing how many old pals I found again!

Yep, that’s me indeed! :)

I used to have lots of Rox-pals in the 90s but gave up penpalling as soon as I entered university due to lack of time, and I sort of grew tired of Roxette after I didn’t like their HAND and RS albums.

Recently I loved the SOAP album, so I started browsing the Rox-sites again, and it’s really nice to be back ;)

Back on topic, those 2 of mine were also printed on the fanclub magazine, I was so proud at that time!! XD

hey hit me up an email wud be great to catch up! [email protected]

Secretkeeper, I think we had a similar evolution ;)

you like their music

@secretkeeper & miss-misery

You lost the faith and ran away......

But at least you came back!!

“You know what they are singing at the beginning of ’Keep me waiting’ “
What are they singing? I can’t hear...

Apparently it’s the chorus backwards. Read that in an old interview. “It was an Ander’s trick!”

okey, thanks. No wonder I couldn’t hear what they are singing... :)

”...when you support Sweden’s National Team at FIFA’s worldcup (or other worldcups) just because of Roxette...”

LOL! I thought I was the only one :D

when you stand up in a RA(Roxette Annonymous) meeting and admit to everyone there that you have a problem

Pfew, that’s an old one..
Remembers me of the old days, when I was very much into Rox..

Anyway, glad people still like it...
I started it as a ripp off of the X-files fans, who got the ’you know you’re an X-Phile when...’



When you have rox-boyfriends jejeje...


Majdy .... snap!

Additional one-you rejoice when you find Swedish pop compilations in 2nd hand shops that have Rox, The Lonely Boys and Marianne Flynner all on the same disk!

I live near where 2 Nokia offices are, so there are lots of expats who donate stuff to charity when they leave (I’m still waiting for someone to get rid of their vinyl copy of PoP, but so far, no dice). I’m lucky, cos I can clean up!

Your gonna have your 30th birthday when Roxette are 21 and your already planning a Roxette style birthday cake!

Now that is a good one!

You have the address, telephone and email for every venue/ticket company in the country just in case they play

For me, way back till about nine years ago, here were mine.

listening to Roxette 99% of the time, and upset when other music was on from someone else!
Had to listen to them first, and last, thing each day, no matter what.
Wanted to have Roxette by the last group you hear before you die.
Longed to learn everything Swedish - geography, language, customs, etc.
Got obsessed with learning Spanish just cuz of their Spanish album!
Bought all kinds of bootleg stuff...
Would have given the world to meet Marie and Per.
Got mad when people mispronounced their names!

Now, I’m much quieter with my respect for who they are. I took about eight years from the main Roxette fanaticism so I could focus on other things, and grow up a lot. Now I’m slowly admitting that yes I still love them, and yes, it’s okay to enjoy them now and again. I still want to meet them, and though the world doesn’t revolve around them for me like it used to, I deeply respect their gifts, their music, and I think Per is a phenominal songwriter! Their music still outweighs most people’s music when it comes to intricacies! (Try to learn the chord progressions on the keyboard! Not too easy sometimes. :P)

Also, I would have done anything, spent however much, just to get their music! Anything!
I cried whenever a new song came out, and was focused on nothing but getting that song in my possession!

Rox on!


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