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First 'new' album THIS Spring NOT NEXT

8 replies

According to The latest news on, it seems we’ll have the first new album THIS spring, not the next. If it’s true we’ll see it in a couple of month?!? Maybe they’ll release a sort of live album with some new songs, this could explain the short time. in fact Room Service tour recordings could become a sort of greatest hits live...what do you think?

Maybe is some sort of that mix Per said would happen - Rarities X Tourism...what about those BMI’s songs, like “Ghost in the House” “Do you wanna go with me” and else?? Then...

“Today Roxette’s Management confirmed that there are plans to release some kind of compilation albums with some new tracks this spring and this autumn.”

What Per told us in the TV4 Interview is:

”[...]I höst kommer Roxette med balladsamling och i vår kommer en samling med upptempolåtar.[...]”

He said “in autumn” (“i höst”) and “in spring” (i vår), he didn’t say “this” or “next” spring.
That means the translation on is wrong. (thanks to Starrox for this hint :))

He also mentioned the ballads collection before the up-tempo collection, that’s why you could easily think he means the spring after the autumn when the ballas album will be released.

Perhaps the statement of the management (which is written on is correct, but the translation wasn’t exact ;))

I don´t belive that there will be a new compilation CD in this spring.

Damn! Damn! Damn!
What the hell is all this about Compilation albums! I WANT REAL ALBUMS! Are Roxette getting too lazy to make a real album & do some promotion this time!

I’m serious considering just forgetting that I was ever a fan of Roxette if this is the way they treat their non-mainland-european fans!

I’m starting to think we shouldn’t all be blaming EMI for their stupid mis-take’s... Maybe Roxette should take some responsibility for their own actions and finally just admite to the world that they’re too lazy to do some actually work instead of a stupid 4 month tour in places no-one’s ever heard about! ... (if that’s the case, they should stop wasting everyone’s time and retire)

we’ll u’ll see when a rox album or compilation crosses your way in tv, radio, recordshop or internet

if they recorded some songs from the RS tour (and they did), they will release a Live album. It´´s the only thing that is missing in the Roxette Collection. I´m sure it will be a sort of Tourism with a little bit more live songs and 3 or 4 new songs for release.

They would never keep that recorded songs for 3 or 4 years. Nobody would do this


i think we need to get somethign cleared up offcially from roxette since we all know the swedish press goues out of its way to make them look like fools.

Is this a double album the way everclear did one soft album one rock album?

if so why wait after an album barely scraped past the 1 million mark why not have done it last year when the music industry was still strong?


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