Is Roxette a Pop band?
Yashar said on March 28, 2002 08:46:
I don’t know if someone has asked this question on this page or not.
The question is :
In what genre can we categorize Roxette?
3-Pop and Rock
4-All above
5-Something else
I myself think that we can call Roxette a Pop band.
But they have songs which can’t be Pop; for example: Sleeping in my car(One of my favourits).
Can we call it a Pop song?
coyboyusa said on March 28, 2002 11:18:
roxette have always been a pop rock band hand did nothing to change that
animalkingdom said on March 28, 2002 13:25:
Whaat? “My Car” not pop?! Then what the hell is it?
It’s certainly not rock!
cskendras said on March 28, 2002 13:43:
I think a mix between rock and pop, but more rock than pop. but roxette is roxette. They have something special you can’t categorize...:-))
JimPhelps said on March 28, 2002 16:20:
I think Roxette was a pop band. With the release of “Crash Boom Bang” they were a mix of pop and some rock, with HAND a mix between pop and electroonic and now more pop. All in all pop :-)
roxtexanet said on March 28, 2002 17:54:
Yes, power pop... on the upbeat tracks, whether they use crashing guitars or synth beats, the overall effect on the listener is the same: the songs positively RADIATE energy. God, I love their power pop songs!
rouven282 said on March 28, 2002 20:13:
Roxette is definitely a pop band, a lot of guitars which can be found in some songs don’t make them a rock band. They use different ingredients from other genres. Some say “Stars” goes about into the techno-direction, “She doesn’t live here anymore” and “Hotblooded” are a bit like rock-songs, but after all it’s pop. Not to forget that most Roxette-songs are ballads.
Yashar said on March 29, 2002 09:52:
@Cskendras: I absolutely agree with you.
Something between Pop and Rock.
Smurfie said on March 29, 2002 14:08:
If someone should ask me this, my answer would be a pop band.
Also, that is what Per and Marie consider it to be.
Yashar said on March 29, 2002 15:06:
@Smurfie:Do you really know Marie and Per’s exact consideration?
I know you live in Sweden.But,
Have you ever been with them?
xarrrr said on March 29, 2002 20:57:
my friend describes them as cheesy euro-rock, i mean, AS IF!!! they make life worth living, per inspires people with his clever witty lyrics and marie belts out those songs with all her might. they are neither rock or pop,
regn said on March 30, 2002 03:28:
...I remember one thing: PG when they were in Chile(02-04-95) say this:”we’re not into pop, dance or techno stuff ; we are more A traditional band that make music around the melody and lyrics... . so what do u think?
Alienista said on March 30, 2002 06:05:
Why not an alternative rock?
No, they are not a pure pop band...
Yashar said on March 30, 2002 08:07:
I think we can find some signs of hard rock or metal music in some of their songs too.
Who deny?
Ferdan said on March 31, 2002 03:33:
jason.... so for you I remember you and Sleeping in my car, or Hotblooded is pure pop?
if Roxette is pure pop...... what kinda sh1t is BSB?
Mfan28179-Jason said on March 31, 2002 06:33:
LOL. I know. I suppose you are right. It’s too hard to categorize them with a just “pure pop”...but I think if we I were to judge overall, I would say pure pop. I mean several of their songs have that “pure pop” sound - not necessarily cheesy. Their songs are very catchy - and that’s what I mean by “pure pop.” ;) But yeah, I would also say rock (I think CBB is a good example of that) and dance.
Ferdan said on March 31, 2002 07:29:
THey fit 2 definitions... depending the point of view.
THey could be a pop band playing pop/rock music
or rock band play Pop oriented rock :)))
PerAndren said on April 2, 2002 22:03:
There is absoltely no rock in Roxette! What are all you guys talking about? Per Gessle is a pop-nerd ... and has always only played pop... that’s the truth
raisa said on April 3, 2002 06:52:
”...pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-popmusiikkia, yksinkertaisia sanoja rakkaudesta, tämä popmusiikkia, yksinkertaista, mutta totta...”
“...pop pop pop pop pop pop pop music, simple words about love, this is pop music, simple but true...”
thats’s a finnish lovely song and i think that those words fit great in roxette.;)
dan-rox said on April 3, 2002 09:46:
also rock, what will be like if not ” Harleys and Indians ” ? maybe a ballad ? je ! je !
Nefatari said on April 4, 2002 14:14:
Rox is a rockorientated Popband ....
... and about the ballads: a lot of Rockbands released wonderful ballads. Just imagine “Listen to your heart” sung by Eddie Vedder/Pearl Jam! Wow, what a rocky ballad!
Live is Rox more like a Rock- than a pop band!
Alienista said on April 6, 2002 06:12:
Hej, Guys! I’ve been to this forum for 2 years already & I noticed that the easiest way to make Rox-fans quarell is to ask question like that...
What is the reason of asking to what genre Roxette belong?
They are doing wonderful songs, they fill our hearts with happiness. And that is the only truth!
Everybody can have one’s opinion & nobody will persuade me, for instance, that Roxette is pure pop.
Yashar said on April 6, 2002 13:16:
You said:”they fill our hearts with happiness”,
You are right.
This is the most important truth.BUT,IT IS NOT THE ONLY TRUTH.
I think, knowing more about music, can increase the pleasure of listening to it.
I started this discussion because I wanted to read intersting explanations of fans
about Roxette.
==If you underestand everything about guitar,
you will enjoy listening it more than before.==
For example,look at the dan-rox’s reply .He mentioned a song and
he said ” it is a rock song”.
This reply caused that I went and listened to it more carefully and discovered
many points in it.
I think these kinds of discussions are useful not wasting time.
Majdy said on March 28, 2002 08:57:
They used to be a rock band before they released HAND . Room Service was more pop oriented. but they were more a Rock band when they sing live. That’s just my opinion...