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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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9 replies

Well, I think most of you have this feeling that I got...and maybe this was already written here...but isn’t what happened with songs like Real Sugar really strange? I listened to all the songs from TWATG via Pietro’s page, and well, for an album who was released in 1997 it sounds fresh, catchy yet. Much more than every song from Roxette released after WICF. So, RS was a trend-follower or not? ’Cause for me, Real Sugar already sounds jaded. It’s cool, but strangely lost its brightness very’s like if Per is doing songs for the moment. Not like the classics, everlasting and unforgettable ones from Joyride, Tour, CBB and others. It’s like if Per supposed or listened, or asked somebody (like that Shooting Star) what would be the sound of the moment in the event of the album release...and a little bit of electronic makeup here and there and voila - a song with Roxette vocals, electronic beats like Madonna and some drops of Cake...the raising hits in one year ago, aproximately...what d’ya say folks??

i kinda agree, but room service is still a great album, still luv it loads! have a nice day was just brilliant though, wicf is such a cool song, but pay the price is the ultimate rox-song after lies and fireworks and flaf and hdyd....... the list goes on! they just never die.

Electronica (some) is a good idea but it´s a fact that most Roxers wouldn´t like it.
Imagine Marie & Per with vocoder a‘la Madonna/Cher ha ha :)

I don’t think that Real Sugar sounds jaded...I think we have to consider that if you listen to any song too much it will get jaded. I feel like that with IMHBL...I best if you were to listen to TWATG for three months solidly, then it would sound dull and uninspirational. And if you weren’t to listen to Real Sugar for a year or so, then go back to it, you would hear lots of difference in it...


I really agree with Only When I Dream. The more you listen to you song, you get bored with it, and then you start to like it. I was like that with HAND. I played it over and over again, got bored with it, put it away for a couple of years, and then when I heard it again, WOW!!

Give a year break from Real Sugar, and you will love it again!

I go through periods of years without listening to Rox. As its pop music, there is only so much you can take. The only way you can tell that its GOOD pop music is that you can revisit years later and remember why you loved it. Example: It might be 3 years since I listened CBB through, but when the notion arises I know its gonna be enjoyable.

Thats the essential difference between roxette and crap pop.

Regards, on_a_mission.

I agree. Room Service is a good album, but for me it needed more originality; the melodies made me feel a “dèja vu”, I’m pretty sure I already listened to that melodies before (specially “Milk And Toast And Honey”, “Jefferson”, “Looking For Jane”, “Fool” and “My World, My Love, My Life”). It’s a good album, but there’s nothing new in it; it looks like it was “born old”...

I’ve just got this idea. After Roxette had released Have A Nice Day and got quite negative reviews form fans that it was too modern and electronic, Roxette switched to the style that was not so modern.

You’re right, they even said so. RS was meant to be a switch back to classic rox sound. IMHO the album has a nice round overall theme, but not so outstanding songs like HAND which isn’t round overall on the other side.

To me Roxette were a reference when we talk about originality until Crash! Boom! Bang! release. Almost all of the melodies until that album were new; I didn’t listen to that melodies before. But then “Have A Nice Day” and “Room Service” came out and the story changed...

PS: “Have A Nice Day” have some originality, but the melodies of “Wish I Could Fly”, “Anyone”, “It Will Take A Long Long Time”, “I Was So Lucky” - so Simply Red Style!, “Stars”, “Salvation”, “Staring At The Ground” and “Beautiful Things” are not new...


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